Posted July 04, 2016
high rated
This is the thread where we all bother JudasIscariot, haz de games, by asking does GOG GAME run in Wine? Alternatively, if you own the game and have tried yourself (Judas™) feel free to post the Wine version, any needed winetricks, GPU drivers, etc.
Goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Windows installers run in Wine are unsupported by GOG and quite unofficial no matter who has it working.
Post #2 for list of games that run in Wine
When reporting a game always include system info (distro, kernel, GPU info), wine version and any winetricks/workarounds needed to install & run the game. For example Judas's system info ($ inxi -SG):
JudasIscariot: Antergos Linux
Kernel: 4.4.3-1-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit)
Card: NVIDIA GF110 [GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores]
GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 361.28 *** Work in Progress (likely some breakage)***
Mini Git Wine tutorial to compile/run multiple, independent 32-bit Wine under 64-bit Mint 17.3
First, install the distro packaged Wine to have any needed runtime dependencies:
#*NOTE* Left out some libs for digital cameras, scanners, etc. Any thoughts on including them?
To build Wine run <i>~/code/</i>. You did look at it first, yes? Run nproc to find number of cores and adjust the number in line 9 to number of cores +1.
The other script is a helper script to setup the Wine environment for that specific Wine version. Example use:
Elminage Gothic.
Thanks to dtgreene and a certain someone^^^, this has an updated AppDB entry. We'll begin with creating a clean prefix to install the game. Nearly always a good idea and the first step if you do run into any trouble.
Goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Windows installers run in Wine are unsupported by GOG and quite unofficial no matter who has it working.
Post #2 for list of games that run in Wine
When reporting a game always include system info (distro, kernel, GPU info), wine version and any winetricks/workarounds needed to install & run the game. For example Judas's system info ($ inxi -SG):

Kernel: 4.4.3-1-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit)
Card: NVIDIA GF110 [GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores]
GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 361.28
Mini Git Wine tutorial to compile/run multiple, independent 32-bit Wine under 64-bit Mint 17.3
First, install the distro packaged Wine to have any needed runtime dependencies:
apt-get install wine
Next, run these commands (create dirs, install prerequisites, build script, clone Wine source) once to prepare your computer to build Wine. #*NOTE* Left out some libs for digital cameras, scanners, etc. Any thoughts on including them?
To build Wine run <i>~/code/</i>. You did look at it first, yes? Run nproc to find number of cores and adjust the number in line 9 to number of cores +1.
The other script is a helper script to setup the Wine environment for that specific Wine version. Example use:
PREFIXINSTALL="$HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1" PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig ~/code/
Now let's use our latest git compiled version of Wine to install a game. Elminage Gothic.
Thanks to dtgreene and a certain someone^^^, this has an updated AppDB entry. We'll begin with creating a clean prefix to install the game. Nearly always a good idea and the first step if you do run into any trouble.
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV winecfg
This will use & create the custom prefix specified in WINEPREFIX, instead of ~/.wine, and run our git Wine launching the winecfg utility. Cancel the Mono & Gecko installs. We don't need them for this game. Here we can change our Windows version as reported by Wine, add/remove drives, emulate a virtual desktop, etc. Hit cancel for now. Let's install the game to "C:\GOG\ElminageGothic": MD5 (setup_elminage_gothic_2.0.0.1.exe) = 652c888d3278a657e3c942fa08bc0ebe
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine start 'C:\setup_elminage_gothic_2.0.0.1.exe'
You will get some errors near the end of the install. Click through them. There are four winetricks we need to install, but first we need winetricks itself. WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine start 'C:\setup_elminage_gothic_2.0.0.1.exe'
cd ~/code
chmod +x winetricks
Now to install our winetricks, specifying both our prefix & Wine environment to have winetricks use our compiled Wine: wget
chmod +x winetricks
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV ~/code/winetricks d3dx9 quartz devenum wmp9
You can also run winetricks interactively by not passing any arguments to it. Finally, we can launch our game: cd "$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic/drive_c/GOG/ElminageGothic/"
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine Elminage.exe
# Or the more convient start parameter, but may cause crashes with some games:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine start /unix "$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic/drive_c/GOG/ElminageGothic/Elminage.exe"
You can also use Git to build a specific release: WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine Elminage.exe
# Or the more convient start parameter, but may cause crashes with some games:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic" $HOME/sommelier/2016-01-20-wine-1.9.1/wineStartENV wine start /unix "$HOME/sommelier/prefixes/elminageGothic/drive_c/GOG/ElminageGothic/Elminage.exe"
$ cd ~/code/wine
# View tagged releases
$ git tag | less
#or via your browser:
Then checkout which version you wish to compile.
$ git checkout wine-1.7.54
#or via the commit:
$ git checkout cbaab82d086e36dacaa22c6adf80f9114bb820fb
# Compile to separate prefix.
$ PREFIXINSTALL="$HOME/sommelier/wine-1.7.54" ~/code/
#To return to master simply run git checkout master. Remember git status will always tell you where you are.
# View tagged releases
$ git tag | less
#or via your browser:
Then checkout which version you wish to compile.
$ git checkout wine-1.7.54
#or via the commit:
$ git checkout cbaab82d086e36dacaa22c6adf80f9114bb820fb
# Compile to separate prefix.
$ PREFIXINSTALL="$HOME/sommelier/wine-1.7.54" ~/code/
#To return to master simply run git checkout master. Remember git status will always tell you where you are.
Post edited March 13, 2017 by Gydion