It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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high rated

Updated to 1.0.2798

(Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Discord (Login required)
--Changelog 24/6/20--

- Fixed z-fighting glass
- Fixed inconsistency on pair-archway 2
- Fixed Wrapping pillars not opening the door correctly if you wrapped too many times
- Fixed Wrapping puzzles letting the robot get stuck in the door
- Fixed UI showing interact prompt for anchors on the other side of walls
- Fixed a blocker where dialogue in the escape pods wouldn't trigger if dialogue was already playing
- Fixed inconsistency on pad 3_04
- Fixed inconsistency on regular 1_02
- Fixed localisation sometimes being the wrong language
- Fixed softlock after finishing the impossible puzzle
- Fixed a bug that let you solve the impossible puzzle more than once

- Minor hotfix with some missing localisation

Endzone - A World Apart (In Development)

The Technology Update 0.7.7480.28603 (24 June 2020)

(Galaxy & Offline Installler)
Important Notes

- Gameplay: We made profound changes to settler behavior and specially the Builder profession. Builders will now exclusively deliver resources to constructions sites. Please see the Tweaked section for in-depth-info.


- Buildings: Added a small and medium version of the warehouse that can be upgraded into a large warehouse. Each upgrade has more capacity.
- Buildings: Added a Hemp Weaving Mill that produces Cloth from Hemp.
- Buildings: Added a Wind Turbine that constantly produces power but can only supply a small number of buildings. The Wind Turbine is also the first building that uses building animations.
- Buildings: Added A Scrap Catcher that is able to catch scrap whirling around during sandstorms.
- Buildings: Added a Research Station that enables the player to research new buildings, formulas or other technologies. Accumulate Knowledge by performing expeditions, solving certain Side Missions or by assigning Researchers. New buildings can be unlocked in the Technology Tree.
- Buildings: The Shelter can now be upgraded into an upgraded Shelter.
- Feature: Added a Technology Tree Window that the player can use to perform research. The technology tree is only a first version and will be enhanced in future updates.
- Content: 6 new Expeditions were added.
- Content: 2 new Scenarios were added.
- Content: 6 new Side Missions were added.
- User Interface: Added color schemes for radiation and water levels that can be selected in the Game Options Menu to assist with color blindness (let us know other color combinations, so we can add them as an option)
- User Interface: Added Glossary Entries to all new buildings
- User Interface: Added descriptions to Scenario Medals that roughly describe what to do to reach a medal.
- Achievements: Added 2 new Achievements for both new scenarios.
- Game Options: Added new Game Options for Research and Rain Contamination Director. The Research Game Options include a “Legacy” option that unlocks all buildings that were available to the player before this update from the start.


- Performance: Opening the Survival Handbook will no longer result in freezing the game for a few seconds.
- Audio: Typewriter sound effect in settler dialog is now stopped when the window is closed before it finished.
- Audio: Fixed volume spike at the start of the game
- Audio: Click sound spamming of buildings and dialoges is now prevented.
- Graphics: Fixed object clipping/popping when zooming in/out for the first time.
- User Interface: Fixed Minimap Position Markers on minimap resizing.
- User Interface: Fixed wrongly colorized building grid and highlighting of streets.
- Save Games: Fixed housing logic for old save games
- Save Games: Fixed circular tasks for old savegames
- Expeditions: Story Dialog now shows correct titles for already solved options
- Side Missions: Effects when declining a Side Mission are now correctly triggered
- Buildings: Fixed settlers standing in front of the medical facility when they are ill.
- Buildings: Fixed zoomed out textures for potatoes.
- Buildings: Irrigation Plant no longer stores infinite amounts of water when irrigation is set to “None”.
- Gameplay: Several fixes to the task system.
- Pathfinding: Fixed error when upgrading buildings.
- Effects: Effects are now correctly rotated on rotated buildings/ruins.


- Gameplay: Improved the overall settler behaviour, primarily focussing on the profession “Builder”, as they were causing most of the trouble in your settlements. Builders should now work more efficiently regarding the construction of buildings. They will no longer change home with other settlers living near a construction site, which should boost the overall efficiency of your settlement. Builders will now also be responsible to deliver all resources needed for the construction of a building themselves, without the help of normal Settlers. Normal Settlers will only help to clear the construction site from trees or scrap and to dig up the ground in order to remove radiation.
- Gameplay: If Game Options have droughts to be Always enabled, the game will start with zero ground humidity
- Audio: Death sound now only plays on unnatural deaths. When a settler dies of natural causes (old age), the death sound is not played anymore.
- Camera: Added small camera effect to main menu.
- Performance: Optimized rendering performance for all objects rendered by the camera.
- User Interface: Reworked parts of the main menu (e.g. the scenario menu) to give a better overall user experience and to work better with different display aspect ratios.
- User Interface: Added a UI element to show the fill level of all water specific buildings, including Irrigation Plants, Cisterns, Water Towers, Wells and Rain Collectors.
- User Interface: Added better tooltips regarding disease spawning
- User Interface: New save games will now also create a screenshot that is saved and displayed in the load menu.
- User Interface: The intro can now be played at any time from the ‘Extras’ section in the Main Menu.
- User Interface: The intro will only play on the first start of the game, instead of every time the game boots up.
- User Interface: Toggling between buildings of the same type using the arrows in the building’s inspector now shows the index of the current building as well as the number of buildings of this type.
- User Interface: Added camera movement that reacts to the mouse cursor in the main menu.
- Balancing: A sturdy house now has space for up to 6 adults and 4 children.
- Gameplay: Some buildings from former versions of the game are now part of the new technology tree.
- Buildings: Added spot lights that illuminate buildings and their surroundings, when they are connected to electricity.
- Buildings: Added light to well that will be activated when it is connected to electricity.
- Buildings: Iterated over all buildings and added smoke effect to all chimneys
- Buildings: Changed visuals for the Wheat Seed
- Buildings: Changed visuals for the Cultivated Field
- Buildings: Changed visuals for the Dirt Road
- Buildings: Fields will now always be harvested 100% once harvesting starts. This fixes cases where fields might have 1-2 seeds left that will never grow and therefore block the whole field.
- Bug Overlay: The “Oopsie” error window now has a button that directly opens an explorer window, so you can find the relevant files more easily.
- Settlers: Settlers now have a random max age.
- Gamedata: Migrated global progress save data from Config folder to the Save Game folder so it can be saved by any Cloud providers.

Known Issues

- World Tasks: World Tasks that collect more than one resource type are currently ignoring max caps at the moment. When using a World Task like gathering forest plants, which can be berries, mushrooms and herbs for example, the maximum cap for two of these resource types is ignored.
- Share Codes: Map Share Codes currently don’t affect the new game options “Research” and “Rain Contamination Director”.
- Scrap Catcher: The point where Salvagers pickup scrap from the Scrap Catcher is currently wrongfully offset.
- Fields & Plantations: Fields and plantations are already in a working state even if there are trees or contamination that needs to be cleared first.
high rated
Age of Wonders: Planetfall

V1.302 - Diplodocus Hotfix 3 (24 June 2020)

Fixed a issue in HotSeat which would cause the game to lock up due to incorrect player handling in the turn manager. Saves made during combat will still exhibit this behavior upon finishing, players need to load a Regular/End Turn save.
Fixed a issue in Tactical Combat which would cause the game to lock up if a player Retreated/Surrendered in a 3-way combat.
Fixed an crash that would occur if the Invasion Foreshadowing event would attempt to spawn near a player when they have no structures but are still alive.
Fixed an issue that meant units sometimes became immune to stagger after being hit by an operation.
Fixed a crash during Campaign caused by improper handling inventories changing when a Commander/Hero is dead.
Fixed an issue where the Invasion Title music would play regardless of product ownership.
Added a workaround for when the Launcher files are unable to parse resulting in settings not being pushed to the game.


Fixed the Therian Ally Insignia not providing the Primal Pheromones: Bioregeneration


The 'Lost Stray' Pickup no longer spawns in RMG if the player does not have the Invasions Expansion


Fixed the Voidbringer Naga 'Thralled Tendrils' not correctly receving the Arc Damage swap

Praetorians - HD Remaster

Patch 1.04 (24 June 2020)
General fixes and improvements

Fixed a number of text and localization issues
Added performance optimization for larger-scale battles
Fixed issue where UI options would highlight for non-applicable troop types
Added focus border around text input field when using a controller
Fixed a few crash-causing bugs
Fixed bug where left/right arrow key would adjust sequence playback speed
Fixed Barbarian War Chariot t-posing in 'Fear the Eagles‘ mission

Multiplayer fixes and improvements

Improved flow when exiting multiplayer sessions
Made change so that if host leaves game after gameplay is complete, client now maintains end game result instead of displaying 'undefeated'
Fixed issue transitioning to multiplayer if 'Join Game‘ option fails
Added scrolling function to chat box on lobby screen
Fixed unnecessary client connection error pop-up after creating a saved sequence
high rated
Driftland: The Magic Revival

Updated to 2.0.29 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog, but should be for upcoming free DLC
The good news is that the add-on will be free! In return, we only ask for a little patience because we plan to release Nomads on June 25.
Edit: The update includes the DLC.
Changelog from Steam available now:
The promise to restore civilization to its former shape and return to the times of splendor overcame sadness and filled the hearts of Driftland's inhabitants with new hope and energy. Determination for action diverted attention from the numerous conflicts between quarrelsome mage-rulers and various injuries sustained by those who did not give in to their will.
Outlaw rebels called Nomads by the mage-rulers are exterminated and treated as barbarians. They believe that the new order is an attempt to restore balance in shape that has once destroyed the planet.
Now, the nomads must fight to defend their values and survive.

Dear players!

We are pleased to present to you the latest and also the largest Driftland update so far. Thanks to the great Driftland fan community, we've had the opportunity to develop the game together during early access and after the release.
We hope that you will like the effect of the last few months of our work and that we will be able to further expand the magical world of Driftland.

What's new in version 2.0:

Nomads - new game mode

- Nomads do not have a ruler and do not carry out orders like other races. Units are managed directly, like in classic RTS games. New unit types/classes affect strategy on the battlefield. Path of Progress tree The Nomad economy is not based on resources as much as in other races.

Free Game - extended game mode replacing Skirmish

- A game mode that allows you to generate a random game just like before Skirmish, with the difference that we've added a lot of options that will allow you to create a game on your own inventory and more varied maps.

Cross-Play and new multiplayer engine

- With this update, Steam and GOG players will be able to play a multiplayer game together. By the way, we changed the multiplayer game engine, which should improve the stability of the game in this mode.


- We've had two tutorials so far - one in Skirmish mode and the other in Campaign mode. Unfortunately, each of them contained a different part of the knowledge needed to play Driftland. Some of you played only one of them and did not look into the other, which sometimes could cause frustration. We decided to sort it out. We have created an independent game mode - Tutorial, which quickly teaches how to navigate the world of Driftland and introduces the basic mechanics. We also got rid of the tutorial mission in the human campaign, which you just didn't like :-)
The nomads got their own tutorial mission because they use a completely different game mechanics.

Other improvements

- different modes of operation of the improved defense towers depending on the race
- new nested UI windows
- improving the operation of some (units) skills that were not felt well enough
and many more
- key bindings have been extended and improved
- optimizations for larger numbers of units on the screen
- fixed Ritual flag
- fixed tutorial achievement
Post edited June 25, 2020 by Hustlefan
high rated
karnak1: Tales of Monkey Island got an update flag
But it doesn't show any apparent changes on the offline installer. It's probably related to the fact that the game's back on the store.
My old backup was setup_tales_of_monkey_island_2.0.0.12.exe.
The new one is setup_tales_of_monkey_island_1.0_(39254).exe.
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam

General features:

- 10 new achievements now available for new special zones

General bugfixes:

- [Fix] Special characters are now allowed in save titles
- [Fix] Carved Stones can be placed in the same zone than Circles Stones
- [Fix] Scorched Earth visual effect
- [Fix] Naströnd fields now disappear smoothly when cleared
Info: I removed the map editor patch notes. Map editor isn't available in the GOG version.

Edit: Removed the whole mod and map editor related stuff.
Post edited June 26, 2020 by Hustlefan
high rated
Godhood [InDev]
Update 0.18.13 Tenets & Traditions (24 June 2020)

We're happy to present our sixth update: Tenets & Traditions! This is a Milestone update with massive game-changing features. We're still in Early Access, so if you find any bugs or major imbalances, please let us know!

New Features
- Tenets: Removed the old Development trees. You can now more freely adopt tenets that boost your whole religion and changes the behavior of your followers.
- Traditions: Unlock Traditions through adopting Tenets. Traditions are game changers that give you new options and influence your society for generations!
- Happiness: Replaces the Crystal Skull mechanic. Keep your people happy, and good things will happen. Make them angry, and sin will spread!
- Consequences: Little stories will trigger in the Holy City based on your Tenets and Happiness.
- Crowds: Sacrament crowds now react to your Disciples' actions.
- Rituals: Disciples will perform upgradeable Rituals every day. Do a Ritual enough, and your Disciple becomes stronger. Miracles increase the effectiveness of Rituals.
- God Actions: Burn Offerings to do specific powers in your Holy City, like granting XP, boosting a Ritual, or something Tradition related, like arranging a Holy Marriage.
- Stat Ranking: Achieve stat thresholds with a Disciple to gain a powerful boost, giving you short term development goals.
- Blessings: Give out small blessings to improve your favorite disciple ever turn.
- Relic Choice: Instead of getting a random relic, you can now pick from a pool.
- Side Bosses: Optional Bosses that give a nice reward, but are hard to convert.
- Tribute Chests: Victory gives you Tribute Chests now, which you can influence and upgrade.
- New Temples: A new visual for Base Temples.
- Corruption: Disciple Power is now a strain on their faith.

New Content
- 40+ Tenets
- 20+ Traditions
- 90+ Consequence Happenings
- 30+ God Powers.
- 10+ Challenges
- 10+ Relics

Improvements & Balance
- A few tutorials have been added and improved.
- UI shows context for a lot of actions.
- Changed how Dreams work, flow wise. You can now assign all your dreams right before Sacrament.
- Changes some abilities of the lust priest to make some more sense.
- Passives that increase base damage (like the Weaver and Executioner) have been toned down a bit.
- All challenges have been adapted to the new balance
- Classes are now cheaper to unlock, but get more expensive the more you unlock.
- All old upgrades that targeted the whole religion have been removed in favor of standard unlocks or one of the new systems.
- Martyrdom now gives Tribute Chests, and goes up to 2. This is to avoid very wild gambles and snowball effects.
- Hp no longer scales of Devotion and Health. This was the main culprit of some pretty wack late game problems.

- Too many! We also changed so much that we probably introduced more than we fixed! Help us with the next update by reporting any bugs you find on one of our forums!
Standalone installers updated (0.17.5 ⇒ 0.18.13): 25 June 2020.


Depth of Extinction
Update 52.11.3 (24 June 2020)

Patch notes posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers updated (52.11.2 ⇒ 52.11.3): 25 June 2020.


Good Company [InDev]
Version 0.7.0 (24 June 2020)

Introduction and link to detailed patch notes posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installer updated (0.6.5b ⇒ 0.7.0b2): 25 June 2020.


Help Will Come Tomorrow
Patch 1.1.0 (24 June 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone isntallers updated (1.6 ⇒ 1.7 ⇒ 1.8): 25 June 2020.
high rated
Noita [InDev]
UPDATE - June 24 2020

- FEATURE: Reset. We're pioneering a new frontier in the art of computing. New game works without having to restart the whole program.
- FEATURE: New perk: Levitation Trail
- FEATURE: New perk: No Wand Editing
- FEATURE: New perk: Trick Blood Money
- FEATURE: New perk: Wand Experimenter
- FEATURE: New perk: Gold is Forever
- FEATURE: New perk: Living on the Edge
- FEATURE: New perk: Telekinetic kick
- FEATURE: New physical wires and hazardous objects
- FEATURE: New rope bridges
- FEATURE: New enemy: Jättilaser-lennokki
- FEATURE: New enemy: Märkiäinen
- FEATURE: New spell: Bomb Cart
- FEATURE: Proper worm ragdolls
- FEATURE: Proper lukki ragdolls
- FEATURE: New secrets..

- UPDATE: Backgrounds blend together in a less edgy way
- UPDATE: Kolmisilmä has a custom shield. Increased base HP. Ceiling collapse works more reliably.
- UPDATE: Improved some common wood textures
- UPDATE: New Orbroom graphics
- UPDATE: Tubelights hang on wires and they can give electric shocks when broken
- UPDATE: New background structures in Coal Pits
- UPDATE: New background in Fungal Caverns
- UPDATE: New background in Underground Jungle
- UPDATE: Improved lukki leg animation
- UPDATE: Improved audio reverbs
- UPDATE: Improved liquid audio
- UPDATE: Improved audio mixing
- UPDATE: Kuu's gravity now attracts all physics bodies
- UPDATE: Black holes have gravity
- UPDATE: Improved physics and destruction of Hiisi Base furniture
- UPDATE: New materials with ingestion effects
- UPDATE: New rare material: Healium
- UPDATE: Memory use optimization - reduced baseline memory use by 10-15%
- UPDATE: File access optimization - less redundant copies
- UPDATE: Particle system optimization - parallel update and rendering

- BUGFIX: Ragdoll joints weren't retained over a save-load cycle
- BUGFIX: Lanterns and other props drifted spatially over a save-load cycle (fixed in some biomes)
- BUGFIX: Mine cart sometimes had invisible forces holding it together when split in multiple parts
- BUGFIX: Fixed some physical props losing their transform, destruction and other properties on a save-load cycle
- BUGFIX: Intense Concentrated Light caused some spell combinations to stay perpetually alive
- BUGFIX: Autoaim targeted the shooter if stained with Berserkium
- BUGFIX: Fixed gamepad drinking and item drop binding conflict (now for reals)
- BUGFIX: No More Shuffle perk should work a bit better
- BUGFIX: Necromanced enemies drop wands when dying
- BUGFIX: Chest drops are now deterministic

- MODDING: Lua - added ModTextFileGetContent(), ModTextFileSetContent() and ModTextFileWhoSetContent() - for modifying text-based assets in memory
- MODDING: Lua - added ModGetActiveModIDs()
- MODDING: Lua - added GameSetPostFxParameter(), GameUnsetPostFxParameter()
- MODDING: Lua - added EntityAddComponent2()
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBody2InitFromComponents()
- MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsApplyForceOnArea()
- MODDING: Lua - added DoesWorldExistAt()
- MODDING: Lua - added ProceduralRandomi()
- MODDING: Lua - added BiomeSetValue(), BiomeGetValue()
- MODDING: Lua - added EntityApplyTransform()
- MODDING: Lua - ComponentGet/SetValue2 API supports access to some internals of VerletPhysicsComponent. (For example masses, positions)
- MODDING: Lua - utilities.lua - added component_read/write() helpers
- MODDING: Lua - right click state can be read via ControlsComponent
- MODDING: Added PhysicsBody2Component, PhysicsJoint2Component and Physics2JointMutatorComponent, an improved API for creating physics-based objects
- MODDING: Added OnMagicNumbersAndWorldSeedInitialized hook (Accessible via init.lua. Use this when init needs world seed!)
Standalone installer updated (20200520-1821 ⇒ 20200624-1902): 25 June 2020.


Patch 8 - version 597168fb (24 June 2020)

Patch notes posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers updated 25 June 2020:
- Windows: Patch 7 (1a21a22c) ⇒ Patch 8 (597168fb);
- Linux: Patch 7 (1a21a22c) ⇒ Patch 8.1 (597168fb);
- Mac not updated yet.


The Shattering
Update 1.0.7 - More Tweaks and Fixes (24 June 2020)

- We just pushed 1.0.7 live and this brings mostly small aesthetic fixes and tweaks, with a couple of odd spots someone could get stuck in.
- You can also draw now on the chalkboard in Act 2 in John's Room using the action button rather than it always drawing.
- Also, there should be some small tweaks to achievements handling and potentially fixing some issues with people playing offline.
Standalone installer updated (1.0.4 ⇒ 1.0.7): 25 June 2020.
high rated
Stellar Tactics [InDev]
Patch 0.499 (23 June 2020)

Patch notes posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone isntaller updated (0.498 ⇒ 0.499): 24 June 2020.


Standalone installers updated 24-25 June 2020 with no changelog:
- BASEBALL STARS 2 [removed]: gog-3 ⇒ gog-3.0.1; some funny business with Linux & Mac installers being removed, then added back with no version change.
- Besiege: v1.05-12422 ⇒ v1.05-12536.
- Caves of Qud [InDev]: ⇒
- Gary Grigsby's War in the West, and its DLC: 1.02.56 ⇒ 1.02.59.
- House Flipper, and its DLC: 1.20147 (3d7f8) ⇒ 1.20173 (e87af) (not-on-GOG changelog posted here).
- Minoria: 1.083 ⇒ 1.084b.
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - Italian Extras [DLC]: 80.8193.9 ⇒ 80.8193.13.
- Outward, and its DLC: 1.2.0c ⇒ 1.2.0d.
- Prison Architect, and its DLC: Mac: the_rock_3458 ⇒ the_rock_1.01_3510; Windows & Linux not updated yet.
- Sigma Theory: Global Cold War, and its DLC: Windows & Mac: ⇒; Linux not updated yet.
- Signs of the Sojourner: 2 ⇒ 3.
- Tainted Grail [InDev]: 1.07 ⇒ 1.08.
- UBOAT [InDev]: B127 (Hotfix 3) ⇒ B127 (Hotfix 4).
- Yes, Your Grace: V1.0.13 ⇒ V1.0.14.

Also, from updates/changelogs posted earlier:
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall, and its DLC: ⇒
- Art of Fighting 2: Windows & Mac: gog-1 ⇒ gog-1.0.2; Linux: gog-1 ⇒ gog-2.
- Driftland: The Magic Revival: 1.3.6 ⇒ 2.0.29.
- Endzone - A World Apart [InDev]: 0.7.7458.17368 ⇒ 0.7.7480.28603.
- Filament: 1.0.2789 ⇒ 1.0.2798.
- Northgard, and its DLC: ⇒
- Praetorians - HD Remaster: 1.03 ⇒ 1.04.
- Reventure: 1.8.5 ⇒ 1.8.7.

@GOG, the ART OF FIGHTING 2 forum link points to the General Discussion board; please fix.
high rated
Tropico 6

Updated to 115121_Shipping (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Linux version added
Mac version not yet updated

Changelog posted by the developer in the game forum
Fellow Tropicans,

A new update for Tropico 6 is now available for free!
This adds many quality-of-life improvements plus. It also fixes many bugs in both the main game and DLC. Check below for further details:

- [Multiplayer] Palace customization now visible in multiplayer.

Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where guerrilla attacks could lead to performance drops.
- Fixed an issue where discarding an ultimatum would lead to a lost game event though an alliance with another superpower existed.
- Fixed an issue where tourist planes could sometimes fly vertically or upside-down.
- Fixed an issue where Tropicans walked on roads instead of using the sidewalk.
- Fixed an issue where Tropicans could get stuck at bridges.
- Fixed an issue where firefighters would stay at a building even after extinguishing the fire.
- Fixed several crashes.
- Fixed several graphical glitches.
- Fixed translation and text issues.
- Fixed Achievements for MacOS on GoG.

Spitter DLC
- Fixed an issue which prevented the new music tracks from being played.


Update v2.0.11 (26 June 2020)

(Galaxy & Offline Installer)
This patch fixes an issue in the Chinese version of the game, where the cashflow window did not appear correctly.

I have a more substantial update coming soon with some nice (much requested) improvements to the staff behaviour when they don't have a job, plus some optimisation improvements which will hopefully smooth out some of the frame spikes that occur when you are operating a large aquarium.
Post edited June 26, 2020 by Hustlefan
high rated
Transport Fever 2
Standalone installers updated (Windows + Linux) (28271 => 29433)
(I'm assuming Galaxy as well, but have no way to check.)

Complete changelog from all the intermediate builds combined:
- Fixed error messages without file name in certain cases
- [Modding] Fixed scripting interface details
- [Campaign] Fixed crash in mission 14
- [Campaign] Fixed crash in mission 18
- [Modding] Improved scripting interface: added functions in "api.gui"
- [Modding] Improved scripting interface: added functions "getBuild##### Patch" and "getBuildPrefix"
- [Modding] Improved console auto-completion (now case-insensitive)
- [Modding] Improved error message when certain files are corrupted
- Fixed crash in module mode
- [Modding] Fixed "debugPrint" function sometimes not working properly
- [Campaign] Fixed crash in missions 11 and 17 (when industry upgrades)
- Fixed module mode bulldozer crash
- [Campaign] Fixed mission 9 crash when configuring pre-built stations
- [Campaign] Fixed mission 2 signals not detected bug
- Added suspension bridge type
- Added mod info to load game dialog
- Added in-game language selection
- Added difficulty selection to load game dialog
- Added save game progress bar when saving manually
- Added vehicle lifetime warning behavior to settings
- [Modding] Added reworked scripting interface
- [Modding] Added new gui interface
- [Modding] Added in-game console for Lua scripting: press "`" to open (keyboard top left corner key)
- [Modding] Added vehicle custom cargo models: example[]
- [Modding] Added support for dynamic game resources
- [Modding] Added per savegame mod settings: example[]
- [Modding] Added possibility to mod localizations into new languages
- [Modding] Added new stage for mod loading (see postRunFn in base_mod.lua)
- [Modding] Added feature to add/remove other modules when a module is built
- [Modding] Added user-definable maximum slope and minimum radius to track type
- [Modding] Added customizable factors for train acceleration/deceleration
- [Modding] Added factors to control calculated costs and maintenance
- [Modding] Added user-definable probability of recomputation of person destinations (experimental)
- [Model editor] Added mesh highlighting feature
- [Model editor] Added label preview feature
- [Model editor] Added markers for seats, cargo bays, particle systems, labels, ship water lines and cargo slots
- [Model editor] Added light rotation feature
- [Model editor] Added import support for bounding info and labels
- [Model editor] Added transform editing
- [Model editor] Added marker for current file in open dialog and show in window title
- [Model editor] Added slider for vehicle age
- [Model editor] Added triangle count label
- Improved simulation performance
- Improved game speed throttling to prevent excessive stuttering
- Improved error handling: show a message box for all types of crashes
- Improved error handling: generally display as much information as possible
- Improved error handling: display mod and file name when possible
- Improved keyboard shortcuts: now possible to use Shift/Ctrl/Alt
- Improved keyboard shortcuts: show key bindings in tool tips
- Improved keyboard shortcuts: added more commands (construction menu)
- Improved settings menu: show warning in case of duplicate key bindings
- Improved settings menu: added button pointing to "userdata" folder
- Improved vehicle store: show whether reversible or not
- Improved airport: landing lights module now automatically removes opposite lights
- Improved vehicle replace and edit window: handling of selection change
- Improved railway crossing barriers animation: open earlier
- Improved quality of French, Spanish and Polish translation
- [Modding] Improved modular rail station: support for modded tracks
- [Modding] Improved error handling: show complete file name on error
- [Modding] Improved error handling while building a construction (don't crash)
- [Modding] Improved missing resource handling: generally better error message
- [Modding] Improved missing resource handling: for constructions and modules
- [Modding] Improved missing resource handling: for removed ground textures
- [Modding] Improved missing resource handling: check for corrupted meshes
- [Modding] Improved module construction menu when having a lot of categories
- [Modding] Improved railroad crossing list scrollbar
- [Model editor] Improved error handling
- [Model editor] Improved metadata editor stability
- [Model editor] Improved windows usability
- [Model editor] Improved initial values of materials
- [Model editor] (Re-)Added gui/website screenshot buttons
- Fixed tree highlighting in module mode
- Fixed asset builder rotation not reset
- Fixed airport landing lights hover selection
- Fixed rare crash with charts
- Fixed keyboard shortcut for street modifier
- Fixed cargo train station and cargo harbor sound sets
- Fixed random crash in module mode
- Fixed random crash caused by pathfinder
- Fixed crash with bulldozer refund when building streets
- Fixed crash with missing station or depot name
- Fixed rare crash in main menu when adding or removing mods
- Fixed rare crash with disappearing construction in module build mode
- Fixed train axles and rods not animated anymore after some distance
- Fixed industry displays transported -100% value bug
- Fixed shipping value could exceed production limit bug
- Fixed straight and curved buttons showing up in track menu bug
- Fixed module builder tree highlighting artifacts
- Fixed vehicle store window layout problems such as label centering
- Fixed a bug which caused the names of industries to be reset after upgrade
- Fixed vehicles driving with open doors bug
- Fixed a bug where vehicles leave stations too early without picking up all cargo
- Fixed aircraft jumping on airports which are built below zero altitude
- Fixed water texture not being placed at the correct height when level was changed
- Fixed rendering timers bug resulting in incorrect values for average timings
- Fixed street build mode invalidate when clicking parameter list
- Fixed module builder mode shows line and vehicle statistics buttons
- Fixed burnt pixels problem on certain AMD Radeon cards (e.g. RX 5700)
- Fixed reversible configuration of multiple trains
- Fixed Dunara Castle ship having two drivers
- Fixed ES1 Lastochka tail lights
- Fixed Zuhai GTQ diesel sound
- Fixed Bombardier DHC-8-402PF animation details
- [Modding] Fixed asset categories case-sensitivity issue
- [Modding] Fixed crash with compartments without load configurations
- [Modding] Fixed vehicle label not being shown when vehicle had no seats bug
- [Model editor] Fixed tangents/normals display for skinned materials
- [Model editor] Fixed fbx importer (wrong tangents for skinned materials)
- [Model editor] Fixed track ballast material
- [Model editor] Fixed crash when opening model with no bounding info
- [Model editor] Fixed animation loop button when closing file
- [Model editor] Fixed screenshot feature: reactivated 3D screenshots
- [Model editor] Fixed metadata merging: particle system overwritten
- [Model editor] Fixed crew appearing as passengers
- [Model editor] Fixed refresh issues with passengers and cargo preview

(First time I'm posting in this thread; let me know if I'm breaking any unwritten rules or have missed useful information.)
high rated
Driftland: The Magic Revival

Updated to 2.0.29b (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog.
high rated
Colt Canyon updated to version today. Here's the changelog:

• Added 3 new bandit enemy types
• Made B Levels more intense
• Leather suit upgrade now also protects you from toxic/thorn plants (but not cholla or spear traps!)
• You only get damaged by toxic/thorn plants when moving
• You can no longer be hurt while the screen is blacked out or fading over
• Fixed game not rendering correctly when minimized
• Fixed the rare random crash that didn't throw any error
• Fire deals less damage to enemies
• You can now shoot the arrow traps to disable them permanently, melee works too
• Final boss shield is easier to penetrate
• Final boss level now always has some stone walls in the center to act as basic cover
• Final boss second phase rapid beam follows you slower
• No longer spawning explosive barrels in final boss level
• Bear Boss has a shorter dash now and bear traps can hit him even while dashing, but he got slightly more health
• Bear Boss also keeps dealing only one damage per melee hit in second phase, unless in a looped run
• Bear Boss also got a significantly longer dash anticipation time giving you time to back of
• Bear traps in boss level being drawn over other objects is fixed and also added some more
• Bear Boss is now also easier to damage with melee (still not a good idea tho!)
• Renamed Alice Angel to Alice Anger to longer clash with the nickname of a different character
• Buffed some bandits, increasing the speed, attention, reaction speed, accuracy and/or view distance, especially after rescue
• Rebalanced some stuff in the elite system making elite bandits harder, preventing elite snakes and buffing some other second stage elites
• Reduced endgame enemy ammo drops and adjusting enemy ammo drop chance slightly based on how much the players have
• Companions can no longer get hurt by traps
• First two bosses can no longer drop shields
• Made ambushes in loops more difficult, mostly by letting bandits defuse your tnt
• Added subtitle to game won screen
• Framerate command no longer counts as cheating
• When picking up new shield with damaged shield equipped the popup will now say "shield repaired"
• You can no longer finish off your partner when they are downed
• There should be no more arrow traps at the border of levels
• Player will now stop when moving into level and about to collide with something like a trap
• Added Reload Reminder toggle to game settings that also toggles the 'reloading...' and 'interrupted...' pop-ups
• Tweaked trap colors a bit and increased shine to make them stand out more, even when in a pool of blood
• Adjusted colorblindness modes a bit
• Added option to enable a detailed HUD, very useful for streamers that always want to show the viewers the current situation without having to open the pause menu or explain it
• Removed wolves, snakes and bison from ambushes because they were not balanced at all
• Increased ammo found from enemies in loops
• Decreased elite enemy count in loop runs slightly
• Increased weapon crates in loop runs
• The second and third boss don't get their health increased as much when playing in coop
• Merchants now sometimes specialize in certain goods
• There are more merchants when looping, mostly specialized in ammo trading
• Merchants will now try to spread out the price over more ammo types to not exceed the max ammo you can carry
• New way of drawing the interact button, allowing the game to draw the actual button and not just generic button with text, also improved interpolation and slightly different button text font
• HUD Drawing performance improvements on consoles and low graphics quality settings
• Fixed a minor memory leak
• Added gamepad vibration to companion command
• Tweaked gamepad aim sensitivity for small crosshair movements
• Increased health of some later game enemies
• Decreased the number of crates throughout levels even more, but the adjusted enemy drops should make up for it
• Fixed Alice's shield loadout (this fix didnt make it to the console version sorry)
• Adjusted final boss fight in looped runs a bit
• Bountyhunter (2nd stage) now uses small crossbow instead of normal crossbow unless looping
• Gave cannons and tnt launcher an extra shot
• Semi-auto rifles got smaller magazines now
• Bow weapons have increased damage and some slightly different reload times
• Increased reload times of slug gun and shotgun slightly
• Decreased Magazine Size of Improved varmint rifle, but increased damage slightly
• Rebalanced pistol and revolver reload/cooldown stats a tiny bit
• Maybe also changed some other stats a bit of some other weapons that are not listed here
• A bunch of other minor bug fixes, tweaks and adjustments
Post edited June 26, 2020 by Berzerk2002
high rated
Colt Canyon again. GOG Galaxy updated the game to version just now. No changelog so far available for this one.

EDIT: The game was updated through GOG Galaxy a third itme to version now and here is the changelog for both updates:

• Added some immunity to player when getting hit with final boss bullet beam allowing you to move out of the beam even after getting hit
• Added some more small crate sprite variations
• Final Boss weapon spray adjusted
• Final Boss made bullet beam last longer and fly and follow you faster
• Prisoner doesnt run away anymore if you chose an impossible upgrade (If you cant interact make sure to clear out the area of enemies first, prisoners dont like talking when they are about to get shot)
• Enemies now reaim more often before pulling the trigger making it less likely to shoot multiple times at the player with the same aim offset, but they reaim less randomly
• Prisoners can drop more health if killed without choosing upgrade (even more if didnt even free them)
• Nerfed Hollow Point upgrade a bit to no longer always give you double the damage even with already strong rifles with little penetration power loss
• Now making sure final progress value is 100% when rescued partner
• Tweaked some bullet penetration values
• Improved game over progress percentage value display


• Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when loading a B level
• Fixed a bunch of small issues or bugs, many of which havent even been reported yet
• Nerfed looped ambushes a bit
• Added damage indicators to dash through destructible
Post edited June 27, 2020 by Berzerk2002
high rated
The Colonists
V1.5.0 (26 June 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers updated 26 June 2020:
- Windows: ⇒ 1.5.0;
- Mac: ⇒ 1.5.0;
- Linux not updated yet.


Godhood [InDev]
Update 0.18.16 Tenets & Traditions HOTFIX1 (25 June 2020)

- Fixed old fashioned Skull rewards in the fourth island.
- Fixed that unlocking a class did not pay the cost.
- Fixed Skull rewards in high level Miracles.
- Fixed Sneaky Dream unlocks happening.
- Fixed the spaces in the Challenge Heresy tooltip
- Fixed the spaces in the Carnival
- Fixed nothing happening at a marriage
- Added some missing icons
- Happenings at temples no longer spawn people at the wrong places
- Miracle choices are now grayed out when unavailable
- People will not build their districts on top of natural features, like the small pond
- Fixed a bug where selection outlines were not shown for certain districts
- Fixed a crash when inspecting 'Your Religions' with old records present.
- Fixed a crash when disciples evaluated abilities with no possible targets present.
- Fixed a crash when using the Holy Trial god action.
- Fixed a crash when inspecting slotted disciples during a follow-up Sacrament within the same trial.
- Fixed a crash when a Hermit returned from their pilgrimage.

- Songsmith Base ability now has no Bonus scaler. Ambassador's "Peace for All" passive now also implies the AoE Hit penalty.

- Added 4 new dreams; Extra initiative, Extra Crit, Extra Hit Chance and Extra Smarts.
Standalone installers updated (0.18.13 ⇒ 0.18.16): 26 June 2020.


Iratus: Lord of the Dead
Update 176.12 (25 June 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers, and those of its DLC, updated 26 June 2020:
- Windows: 176.02.00 ⇒ 176.12.00;
- Linux: linux 176.02.00 ⇒ linux 176.12.00;
- Mac: mac 176.02.00 ⇒ mac 176.11.00 ⇒ mac 176.12.00.


Standalone installers updated 26-27 June 2020 with no changelog:
- Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, and its DLC -- Linux: 1.3.1 ⇒ 1.3.1b.
- Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes: 1.11 ⇒ 1.12.
- Monster Prom, and its DLC: 5.0 ⇒ 5.1.
- Not For Broadcast [InDev]: 2020.3.4a ⇒ 2020.6.25a.
- Pine -- Mac: Patch 7 (1a21a22c) ⇒ Patch 8.1 (597168fb).
- Waking: 1.0.6 ⇒ 1.1.
- Wintermoor Tactics Club: Ship Jun12 v2 ⇒ Ship Jun23.

Also, from updates/changelogs posted earlier:
- Colt Canyon: ⇒
- Driftland: The Magic Revival: 2.0.29 ⇒ 2.0.29b.
- Megaquarium: v2.0.10g ⇒ v2.0.11g.
- Tropico 6, and its DLC -- Windows: 114242_Shipping ⇒ 115121_Shipping; Linux added; Mac not updated yet.
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam
- Fixed achievements ‘Let me borrow this…’ and ‘Mimirsbruh’