Emperor of the Fading Suns Enhanced - Complete 1.51 changelog ..continued Full List of Changes: Bug Fixes:
• Game crashes in the Load Dialog if the player clicks something in the Folder Pane (Right Pane) and then OK
• The Tyranny Trait now works similar to the positive loyalty traits and is permanent throughout the game in the -10% Loyalty Reduction to Cities and Units
• Corrupted Save Games can now be reloaded and continued
• Engineers, Symbiot Nesters, and Vau Workers are no longer disbanded at the start of the game by the AI
• Only the current player’s production is seen when right clicking on a city (other player’s production could be seen before regardless of treaty)
• Jump and Space Units that are cargo can now be unloaded in a city
• Right clicking on an empty city controlled by another player no longer jumps back to the current / next unit
• All orbiting stacks of other players can now be selected (this dealt with the League, Church, Symbiot, Vau, and Ministries)
• Firebird purchase message when trying to build a unit with insufficient credits no longer appears
• May fix errors with EnumDisplayMode - Failed on some portable systems including OneXPlayer
• Ruin Gift rewards due to shared data structures are now given correctly
• When deducting credits for building a unit, the correct player’s treasury is now used (was only Li Halan’s before)
• Environmental Techs now correctly show their bonus during the Combat Screen
• The Empty Lab Tech button could interfere with the city’s text - the button has been moved so this no longer happens
• Overwriting Save Game files are now written to the correct folder (and actually overwrite the existing Save Game file)
• Fixes unit list issues that could cause corrupted games / save games
• Prevents crash if a unit’s spotting in UNIT.DAT is set too high by a MODder (max value allowed is 80)
• Issues with city building and not showing “Missing Required Tech” (the Cathedral was one city where this didn’t work correctly)
• Game no longer crashes if units that cannot move onto a specific terrain type are automatically unloaded if a Jump or Space transport is attacked
• The Church failed to send Inquisitors to Labs researching proscribed tech
• The Historical Galaxy is now MOD-aware and will be loaded if the player selects Historical when playing a MOD
• Randomly-generated Galaxies now use a MOD’s Historical Galaxy (GALAXY.GAL in the MOD\YourMod\GAL folder) when creating new Galaxies
• The House AutoSave files now use the correct month / date
• When giving the player with the lowest score Technologies, their score is updated immediately so that they may not necessarily be the player with the lowest score
• Any space move-type unit can now be unloaded in space if aboard a transport
• Alt-TABbing away from the game should now crash less frequently if at all
• The game’s in-game videos are enabled by default
• The game used the incorrect treasury when trying to build cities with Engineers, causing the Engineer to be consumed, but the city to not be built
• Incorrect Weapon Bonuses were shown in the Unit Dialog
• The Church & League now give votes based on how much they like a player and properly cast promised votes
• Space Units (Gate, Jump, Lander, Mech, & Space) now obey TARGET.DAT rules
• Relics now properly transfer ownership when captured
• Relics (accuracy bonus and others) now work correctly
• When razing a city a sound is now played
• Symbiot Butchers are now longer immune to Direct & Close Space Weaponry
• For Random Galaxies, Shields on Vau-Controlled planets are now properly controlled by the Vau
• When changing a contract, money is properly returned to the player
• Structure damage is now correctly shown during combat when no units are targeted
• Ground units should no longer appear in space without a transpor
• Difficulty Level modifiers are now calculated more accurately (no more truncated values)
• Control of a structure’s ability to build units is now via STRBUILD.DAT so that Rebels will no longer build units from resource markers (unless explicitly specified)
• Turns til the next patriarch is now properly reset even if no patriarch has been found
• Game should no longer crash if bombarding an empty city
• Tech Research & Unit Build specific owner requirements should now work correctly
Enhancements: • Added 10 new Relics
• The Advisor now has updated / corrected information when the Tutorial is ON
• Game Folder Structure Re-Organization: The SCENARIO folder has been moved to be under the GAL Folder
• All Terrain and Scenarios for the Historical (GALAXY.GAL), Dark Ages, and Lost Worlds Galaxies are now in the GAL\SCENARIO\GalName folder for that Galaxy File
• Improves game robustness, reducing the number of crashes, and allowing games with issues to potentially be reloaded from the latest save and continue
• Adds new option (disabled by default) that allows the unit’s movement rate value when being reset to be affected by the unit’s current health (this allows units to suffer reduced movement penalties if they have been badly damaged - note that there is a floor based on percentage that can be set so that units cannot have less than 25% of the original movement, for example)
• Combat has been changed when unspotted units are involved - units only reveal themselves if they were actually targeted during combat although Ranged Space attackers always reveal themselves
• A new column in UNIT.DAT has been used to assign a Unit’s Functionality for MODders - this removes the unit’s function defined by its unit slot. For legacy purposes, the unit slot / kind are still used for Nobles, Officers, etc. and the Cargo Pod unit slot is still specific for Cargo Pods
• The DAT files have been updated to improve overall gameplay - the previous V1.4 DAT files have now become the Legacy MOD and are in the MOD\Legacy folder. Players can still play the original V1.4 game files by enabling MODs in MOD.INI and setting the Mod Folder to the Legacy Folder. Note that it is recommended to do this if continuing a save game from V1.5.
• All “hard-coded” techs have had their numbers moved to EFS.INI to allow MODders to change those values for expanded Tech Trees in their MODs
• A new owner delineation has been added so that House Humans can be distinguished from House AI to allow MODders to allow only the AI or Human House players to build certain units
• New functionality: Air Units that don’t die when running out of fuel
• Clergy now have the following functionality:
• When a unit or city is considering changing to a new Sect, their chance to change is affected by the following:
• Their chance is lowered by 10% (specified via EFS.INI) if the Cathedral on the planet is their Sect
• Their chance is increased by 10% (specified via EFS.INI) if the Cathedral on the planet is the Sect they are changing to
• Their chance is lowered by 1% (specified via EFS.INI) for each Clergy of their Sect on the planet
• Their chance is increased by 1% (specified via EFS.INI) for each Clergy of the Sect they are changing to on the planet
• For Religious Rebellions - the chance to rebel is reduced by the square of the number of Clergy on their planet that is their Sect (1% for 1, 2% for 4, 3% for 9, etc.)
• For the Tithe Skim - the skim is increased by 1% (specified via EFS.INI) per Clergy on the planet
• The generation of units for Random Galaxies has been updated to reduce the frequency of Plague Bombs
• PTS units defending against attacking Ranged Space or landing units are now added to the Player’s Combat Report if it is turned ON
• The Church can now Unproscribe Tech if they don’t find a Tech to Proscribe
• Players can now request for the Church to Unproscribe a Tech
• The Historical Galaxy (GALAXY.GAL) has been updated to balance the House Sects, remove Alien Ruins appearing in water, and fixing Vau structures on Vau planets to be properly controlled by the Vau (instead of Neutral)
• Updates the Galaxy File INI override system to be more robust and fault tolerant for MODders
• The following agility bonuses are now MODable (in EFS.INI)
• Bonus if unit is hidden
• All 3 individual Tech Bonuses
• The random camouflage modifiers are now MODable (in EFS.INI)
• When Space & Jump units land outside of cities, the amount of damage is MODable (in EFS.INI)
• Complete MODding of the Combat Mechanics for the To Hit System (via EFS.INI)
Other Changes: • Update Credits for those who playtested the close beta - thanks!
Map Editor: • Units that can be placed on water no longer have to be in a city or within 1 hex of a city - as long as the hex contains water the unit can be placed there.
• Air units can be placed on any hex - just be sure to place a structure or naval carrier of the same owner nearby so they don't die after the first turn (no need to worry if they are set not to run out of fuel).
• Random Galaxy generation now works correctly
• Structures that cost money can now be placed
• Random Galaxies no longer delete Reserved Cities / Units
• Can now add units up to the maximum tLvl of 12 if they exist in UNIT.DAT
• Able to correctly load .GAL, .SEN, & *.TER files from different folders