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high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Patch is now live

Hello everyone!

Patch is now live. We have fixed a few more crash issues and you'll be happy to hear, Traders will no longer be stuck!

• Made the "+" button more visible when selecting an extremity control point when editing a wall.
• Fix the Military manager (Book) becoming locked when the Castle undergoes construction / changes
• Fix Traders getting stuck in some games. Will also unstick all previously stuck Traders
• Fix mineral icons still visible if reloading a game while Village Map is open
• Fix crash on spamming left-click & right-click on scaler gizmo
• Fix crash when changing a Company order then clicking on the Company entry
• Fix occasional crash when changing recipe of a workplace - Weaponsmith
high rated
art of rally

Updated to 1.5.8 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog posted by the developer in the game forum:


+ performance optimizations (that could result in less dropped frames and improve microstutter)


+ fixed white halos around hashtag text under cars and paint and wash gate titles in MacOS
+ driving over bridges in Karura and embankments in Franzenheim no longer causes damage
+ driving over distance markers (10, 20, etc.) in Lammpi no longer damages the car
high rated
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok:
Received a Mac version.
Post edited 17 hours ago by BreOl72
high rated

2025.1 Patch 9
Dear captains,

There is a new patch available for version 2025.1.

- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.

- Added new orders that allow to carry a wounded sailor to specific bunks. These orders appear after clicking with a right mouse button on a wounded sailor. They’re useful for situations such as unblocking a torpedo tube when a wounded sailor’s bunk is preventing its operation.

- Added a sound effect in the UI after refuelling the U-Boat.
- In FPP mode, activator icons now disappear at a closer range to reduce clutter. They also fade in and out smoothly instead of appearing or vanishing instantly.
- Transactions with a cost of zero no longer appear in the budget summary tooltip.
- Fix: A lengthy report was appearing on a send report button after completing the mine-laying assignment, rather than a short summary as in all other cases.

- Fix: Ping effect on the U-Boat's hull was sometimes audible, when there was no possibility to be pinged by ASDIC of the nearby ships, for example due to angle constraints. This issue affected only the associated sound effect; AI wasn't able to actually detect U-Boat with ASDIC in these cases.

- Ships temporarily stop to perform torpedo avoidance maneuvers, while avoiding a collision with another ship to do a better job at avoiding the collision.
- Fix: Ships now consistently steer clear of partially sunk wrecks; previously, they sometimes ignored them.
- Fix: Ships were performing torpedo avoidance maneuvers less effectively when the game was running for a long time without quitting and time compression was in heavy use.

- Fix: Resolved an issue where rain particles could sometimes fall all at once instead of uniformly.
- Fix (regression of 2025.1 Patch 8): Issue with transparency or purple texture appearing on sailors since Patch 8.

- Added more detailed colliders to battery room no. 2 on Type VII U-Boats.
- Increased the threshold above which bunks are considered to be unusable due to water in a compartment for the officer bunks on Type VII U-Boats.
- Fix: Toilet doors could close back without a reason, when player was opening them in FPP.

- Adjusted the order of campaigns available for selection when starting a new game, to keep the campaigns appropriate for new players near the top.
- Fix: Visual indirect contacts sometimes didn't had a visualization displayed on the map and it wasn't clear where they were spotted.
- Fix: Visual indirect contacts in dark weather are now being referred to as "movement in the dark". Other contact names usually weren't fitting the situation.
- Fix: The icon for the port warehouse worker was misplaced on the floor in FPP mode.
- Fix: If a reputation upgrade that increases a number of missions for selection was purchased, and the campaign was started with 2 or 3 mission selections, and all campaign objectives in the current port were completed, it was possible to get 3 mission selections rather than the expected number (4 or 5).

high rated
The underrated gem Colt Canyon has received once again another update (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

• Increased amount of light ammo dropped slightly
• Tweaked movement stats of weapons to make default movement slightly faster when using light ammo, arrow or throwable weapons
• Tweaked active reload values, buffing light weapons, slightly nerfing rifles and shotguns
• Improved gamepad input, camera and aim lock and reduced aim assist default back to 100%
• Reduced area 2 boss health, increased sprint speed and made him insta-kill horses, also made bear traps deal less damage but increased stun time, overall the boss was nerfed
• When on a horse and getting hit by melee the horse will be hit instead of the player
• No longer allowing scorpion elites in regular runs
• Slowed enemy bullets down some more with slower enemy bullets upgrade
• Changed vfx when deactivating mines
• Elite scorpions and snakes can now show up when looping, but have less health than before
• Adjusted melee range while on horse, making traps harder to hit while riding
• Fixed merchant not commenting on horse stealing when loaded from save
• Companions can no longer be commanded while in cutscenes
• Companions can no longer enter final boss camp until he is defeated, just like the player
• Improved argument interpretation for 'unlockloadout' command
• Fixed dynamite sometimes getting stuck in solid obstacles when placing it to open prisoner coffins
• Fixed companion indicators not disappearing during cutscenes
• Fixed some issues with snake rendering
• Fixed sometimes teleporting or getting stuck in cliffs when getting on a horse
• Fixed companion training upgrade not increasing accuracy cap if applied too early
• Fixed companions moving before being fully revived
• Known issue: PS5 DualSense controller on PC is not working correctly. Unfortunately this cannot be fixed. Please use Steam Input instead.

Another small S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl update has been released today (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Patch 1.2.1 (February 14, 2025)
• Fixed one of the crashes on loading save files related to AI logic.
• Fixed one of the crashes on loading save files that were recorded when player had effects applied.
• Fixed a few crashes related to lightning ball anomaly interaction with artifacts.
• Fixed crash mostly occurred when moving away from hubs and during the Emission.
high rated
Two more hotfixes for No Man's Sky:


Worlds Part II - 5.56
February 13, 2025.

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone playing No Man’s Sky – Worlds Part II, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting.

We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 5.56, which is now live on Steam and will be coming to other platforms as soon as possible.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could caused the Pillar of Titan reward to appear as already claimed after transferring back to the main save after completing the Titan Expedition.
Fixed an issue that prevented packaged technology from being deployed into the Colossus.
Fixed an issue in the Titan Expedition where building the floating variant of the Nautilon Chamber would not allow missions to progress.
Fixed an issue that could cause missions in the Titan Expedition to fail to detect waterworlds correctly.
Fixed a crash affecting players playing the PlayStation4 version of No Man's Sky on PlayStation 5.

We will continue to release patches as issues are identified and resolved. If you experience any issues, let us know by submitting a bug report.

Thank you,
Hello Games


Worlds Part II - 5.57
February 14, 2025.

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone playing No Man’s Sky – Worlds Part II, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting.

We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 5.57, which is now live on Steam and will be coming to other platforms as soon as possible.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with the Hazard Pay milestone in the Titan expedition that could cause notification messages to flicker.
Fixed an issue that prevented an underwater crashed freighter from spawning at the second rendezvous point in the Titan expedition.
Implemented a recovery for players who have lost their hyperdrive in the Titan expedition.
Fixed a number of issues that could prevent Exocraft scanners from locating buildings.

Fixed an issue that could cause Specialist Polo to repeat some dialogue in the In Stellar Multitudes mission.
Fixed an issue that prevented the In Stellar Multitudes mission from detecting nearby dissonant planets while aboard the Space Anomaly.
Fixed a rare issue which could prevent the In Stellar Multitudes mission from restoring the first purple star system.

Fixed an issue that caused ships to lose their custom name when brought back from an expedition.
Fixed an issue that caused Multi-Tools to lose their custom name when brought back from an expedition.
Fixed a UI issue that could cause inconsistencies in the hold-to-confirm time for popups if the popup button overlapped a button beneath the popup.
Fixed an issue that could cause a mismatch between the colour of a dialogue box title and the race of the speaker.
Fixed an issue that could cause a significant dip in framerate when practising alien language.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Surge Battery recipe from being learnt in Abandoned Mode.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to hang when changing graphics options in PCVR.

We will continue to release patches as issues are identified and resolved. If you experience any issues, let us know by submitting a bug report.

Thank you,
Hello Games
Post edited 9 hours ago by MarS666

Updated to for Windows and Linux.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Hotfix - Changelog


• Restored the Steam Cloud support.
• Added an auto-sort button to the Caravan Storage.
• The Caravan Travel hover will now display the Pack-Up Time.


• Fixed the crash caused by moving Fodder to bags.
• Fixed the crash caused by applying knockback in certain situations.
• Fixed the carpet-related crash.
• Fixed the rare crash caused by closing one of the dialogues in the Prologue.
• Fixed the crash caused in certain situations by Sentinel Inn's maid on the second floor.


• Enemies should now correctly perceive Campfires as obstacles and destroy them if they’re in the way. Reduced Campfires’ durability.
• Fixed the bug causing enemies to sometimes become Hostile from overly large distances.
• Fixed the bug causing multiple enemies to sometimes occupy the same tile. In particular, this should solve the issue with enemies being able to walk into one another when swapping places.
• Fixed the inconsistencies with Bears’ aggro when damaged by an attacker outside of their Vision range.
• Fixed the bug causing enemy AI to switch back and forth between Hostility and Idling when engaged in combat with both the player character and some other faction.
• Fixed the bug preventing Fleeing enemies from opening double doors.
• Fixed the bug causing enemies to wander into their own traps while Idle or Suspicious.


• Removed the exploit allowing Pot duplication.
• The Mercenary rescued from the Order’s Prison will no longer provide a hint about a Distant Dungeon if the player character is already aware of its location.
• Fixed the “Take All” button not working correctly at lower resolutions.
• Fixed enemies’ “Spot Weakness” triggering twice per turn.
• Petrified enemies will now receive bonus Pure Damage not only from physical attacks but also from magic.
• Fixed “Rune of Cycle” not dealing Arcane Damage if the summoned Boulder knocks the target back.
• Using “Leg Sweep” now grants the user Knockback Immunity during its first stage to prevent the ability from breaking after getting knocked back by a counter.
• Fixed “Last Stand” ignoring the degree of received Injuries when calculating its current Cooldown.
• Fixed the issue with Fodder stacking when dragging and dropping it into closed bags.
• Fixed Runic Boulders damaging and confusing the caster when used to cast Geomancy spells after taking damage from an enemy.
• Fixed “Push the Falling” replenishing Energy twice when using “Mighty Kick”.
• Fixed the bug in the Prologue’s Corrupted Chapel that overwrote the autosave after each reload.
• Fixed “Tactical Advantage” granting its bonuses on the next turn rather than when switching Tactics.
• Fixed “Cut Through” applying its penalties after the strike, not before.
• Fixed the Well of Souls being able to change its AI state.
• Fixed the rare bug preventing the dialogue with the Prologue’s Proselyte Guard from starting.
• Fixed “Shieldbreaker” debuffs persisting one turn longer than intended.
• Fixed the bug preventing critical staff strikes from replenishing Energy in certain situations.
• Fixed the bug causing Follower-initiated dialogues (such as the dialogues connected to some perks) to sometimes erase their queued Camp events.
• Fixed the stacking issue with items in the Caravan Storage.
• Fixed the bug preventing the player character from being transported to Denbrie’s Jail when arrested on its outskirts.
• Fixed the bug causing some Dungeon Situations’ to apply their buffs to any enemy brought inside.
• Fixed “Determination” attacking neutral NPCs.
• Fixed the issues caused by throwing consumable items at closed doors. Said items will now land on the tile in front of hit doors and then produce relevant effects.
• Fixed the interaction between Smoke Bombs and closed double doors.
• Fixed the rare softlock during the “Fate of the Brewery” quest.
• Fixed the collision issues with Runic Boulders after saving and loading the game.
• The Watchtower Tavern’s player chest can no longer be interacted with through walls.
• Fixed the incorrect formula for the “Damage Dealt” entry in the Statistics menu.
• Fixed the bug allowing to swap Camp banners from any distance.
• Fixed potions losing the name of their effects after dropping them on the ground, then saving and loading the game.


• Added a sound effect to the Stoneshard in the Prologue.
• Fixed “Overflowing Power” and “Stone Spikes” critical damage pop ups being displayed as basic damage.
• Fixed the layering and sound effect issues with the basement door in the Rotten Willow.
• Fixed the list of ingredients sometimes failing to fit within its recipe hover.
• Fixed the collision issues with boards from broken doors.
• Fixed one of the stages of the “Hiring the Ranger” quest missing a description.
• Fixed Fodder being assigned an incorrect sprite after dropping it on the ground, then saving and loading the game.