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Banned because this subject completely defies any manner of understanding, comprehension, translation or estimation even and is the ultimate locked secret against the ages; nothing on this plane of existence, seems to befit the role of "key" in that case.
Post edited March 03, 2021 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Banned for not having a keyless entry.
Banned because you offer your account, but without the key (password) to it!
Banned for not asking the user HeresMyPassword
Banned, both of you, for not knowing that his password is: HeresMyPassword
Banned because my GoG password is Fourtwenty_69. You should try it.
Banned for including "You should try it." sentence as part of your password.
Banned because "password" is the word of today. I need help coming up with tomorrow's word.
^ Banned, for neglecting the duty of coming up with a new word of the day tomorrow.
Banned for planning for tomorrow today.
Banned for not planning for yesterday today.
Banned, for intending to plan for yesterday later next week
Banned for planning for what you'll do a billion years ago once you get your time machine working.
^ Banned, for eating your cake and having it too.
Banned for not planning ahead at all.