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^ banned for spitting prune pits at passersby
Banned for winning the Booty Island spitting contest on the first try.
Banned for banning someone for this insane accomplishment.
Banned for getting a Medal of Honor on the Battlefield in Call of Duty.
Banned for letting Terror Billy get away in Wolfstone 3d
^ banned for calling the game, "No Man's Guy," instead of, No Man's Sky"
Banned for getting the nickname "Sky Guy" while studying aerodynamics.
Banned for getting the nickname "Bill Rizer" because of his extremely violent outbursts and mass shootings.
Banned for not having had cool nickname as a kid.
Banned for making sure you never had a nickname by hiding the truth.
Banned for being called "Michael" as a kid.
^ banned for "dropping the 'Mike'"
Banned because of that thing you did in Dec 2014.
Banned for not learning from others' mistakes.
Banned for implying i am not perfect by default.