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Fairfox: bought a 7" mint-flavored cake
will it collapse as soon as you spoon it
Spooning with a cake ... hmm ... kinky, I approve!
Took Mom out for dinner last night, early Mom's Day treat. Had a good time.

Got on the topic of our pending solar PV installation, and she's curious about getting it done at her house. The rep is coming down to our place Tuesday so I'm going to have him swing by and take a look at her property, see what works. Not sure she'll like the numbers, but it doesn't hurt to have the info on hand.

Aaaand, our own installation will finally be getting off the ground week after next. Tentatively. Mother Nature and Old Man Winter had other plans, thwarting the efforts of the landscape guys and moving back their schedule about four weeks, which in turn moved back the solar installation since one is doing prep work for the other. Really chomping at the bit to see our meter turn backward. As a bonus, it's about 95% domestic-made equipment. That bumped the package price only about 5%, so why not go that route?
What made you happy today?

I went to clothes shops and bought nothing :) (more money for games :D)
Gamersgate's customer support.
Post edited May 12, 2018 by Telika
Finally, i 've just finished collecting all of Symphony achievements! That, and playing that game again, was the perfect excuse to locate hot soundtracks and enrich my already vast collection... Of music!
jm.maksiu: I went to clothes shops and bought nothing
Did it fit?
jm.maksiu: I went to clothes shops and bought nothing
dtgreene: Did it fit?
YOU are giving me fits........of laughter :-D
jm.maksiu: I went to clothes shops and bought nothing
dtgreene: Did it fit?
For me, prefectly :)
I arrived at the last point of my European journey. A few more days and I'll be heading back home. Tomorrow I have a day-long tour of the city, so I'm taking today to lounge about, relax, and sample the local food without having to rush anywhere. To be honest I kinda miss work already. It'll be nice to return to the office.
Trevor Noah's stand-up.
Watching the suck ups,collecting a freebie.
President T... Whoops, nevermind!
KiNgBrAdLeY7: President T... Whoops, nevermind!
Go on say it,don't be scared.