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Greetings, Hunters!

<span class="bold">Victor Vran</span>, an action filled next step in aRPG design, is available now for Windows and Mac - complete with GOG Galaxy Achievements, DRM-free, and 10% off for the first week!

In a genre that's seen immense highs and extended lows, it seems that we're always waiting for the secret formula for the perfect action RPG. Some say it's all about an overwhelming amount of loot, upgrades and treats galore. Others choose to experiment with new and innovative ways to connect their players, or to give them new types of control over making their character one of a kind. Victor Vran brings its own answers to the table.

It's a game that places movement and action first, truly putting the "action" in the aRPG, eliminating the boundaries of a traditional class system, and opting for freeform gear-based progression. A combat-oriented approach doesn't mean that Victor Vran is lacking in the other departments either - there's plenty of loot to collect and increasingly awesome weapons to find (including what looks an awful lot like a lightsaber) as well as innovative character progression. All that's there, however, is enhanced by an unprecedented movement system that will have you (and up to 4 of your co-op buddies) leaping, dodging and wallrunning. It's a game where survival is based on so much more than how hard you can hit. Exclusive Bonus
For a little something special, your copy of the game will come with a one-time-use Treasure Key! Just log in to your account, start your single-player game, and redeem it in-game for a fountain of gold and the following drops:

- Med Kit (Legendary) - An endless healing potion.
- Hope Destiny Card (Uncommon) - Provides additional health when equipped. Can be equipped on level 2.
- Diamond Demon Power (Uncommon) - Creates a protective shield. Can be equipped immediately.
- Gift Box - A box that can be opened for random loot.
- Red, Green and Blue dyes - Used to colorize your outfit. Transmutation unlocks at level 16.

Q&A With The Devs
Have questions about the game that only the devs can answer? Join the team behind Victor Vran for a special Q&A session this coming Monday!
Boyan (Lead Designer) and Momchil (Designer) from Haemimont Games will be visiting our forums on Monday (July 27) starting 6pm GMT (8pm CEST / 2pm EST / 11am PST to answer all your questions about the game, the life behind game development, or their favorite type of sandwich. Save the date, stay tuned for the announcement thread, and come hang out with us.

Experience the definition of "a" in aRPG with <span class="bold">Victor Vran</span>, DRM-free on! The launch discount will last for one week, until Friday, July 31, at 9:59 AM GMT.
LiefLayer: The key is a one-time-use deal (and exclusive for you guys) so you do have to be logged in to your account to redeem it.

for me this is clear.If you must be logged, and you can use it only once, it is a serial.
it's a drm, like windows license.
synfresh: I'll wait until either GoG clarifies or someone does a test to see if this is the case. I find it very hard to believe that GoG of all places is going to allow exclusive content that can only be claimed one time and not on subsequent installs. We don't even know if you need to claim it again once you claim it once (meaning it's part of the game files at that point).
if it were as you say they would say that the code you can use whenever you want (clearly starting a new game) ... also with all these messages they would have already clarified.
Ganni1987: All the items you get with the code can be obtained in game, this isn't a sort of one time install DLC with exclusive items. You simply get some items for free as a sort of starter pack.

Everything can be obtained in game without the code (which is why I'm no longer angry at GOG).

IT IS very confusing I admit, I was too until reading further and googling around.
shmerl: I agree that functionally it's not limiting items, but just when they are available in-game. It's a cheat add-on essentially and I don't really care about those anyway. But the whole concept of deploying it in such way is still wrong, regardless of what kind of add-on it is. I'd say GOG should just scrape the whole thing if they can't sort out DRM-free distribution of it.
I'll agree that it's poor PR for the sake of selling the game. That does bring up the question though, if everything here is already in game, why do you have to log in to get them early? Couldn't a simple code done that?
high rated
Usually we have games on GOG with DRM mechanisms removed or deactivated, sometimes we have games where GOG has failed to remove or deactivate the DRM mechanism (completely) and now we have a game with a DRM mechanism exclusively built in for the GOG release?

GOG, are you going to test out small steps to bury your last principle? Remember, it always has started with "optional" ...
avatar Exclusive Bonus
For a little something special, your copy of the game will come with a exclusive DRM-free Treasure Key! Redeem it in-game for a fountain of gold and the following goodies:
Nice one. Does the understanding what DRM means already vanish from GOG?
Dray2k: If people are offended by this business decision I assume that the GOG team will be able to provide the "unexclusive" base version for a small price reduction of a few cent up to a dollar or so, or not at all to reassure that you don't require a internet connection in order to play this game. I don't see any major problem here that can't be fixed within a day.
Coelocanth: There's no need to even do this. You can just play the game and not activate the Tresure Key at all. There would be no difference as far as an 'unexclusive' build goes.
even if you don't use the key - by buying the game you just encourage the developer (and GOG) to keep doing these annoying habits: "exclusive booster pack if you buy here" or "exclusive costume if you pre-order", etc
instead of treating all buyers the same.

but wasn't the whole idea of GOG(apart from the old games) that we get to a more respectful & fair relationship between gamers & publishers & distributor ?
Coelocanth: I'll grant you the point, but it's disingenuous at best to announce 'exclsuve GOG Treasure Key' and then block access to it behind a DRM wall, even if it's content you'll get later on (this does, of course, assume that all of these items will be guaranteed to drop during normal gameplay). This just puts a bad light on GOG's DRM-free core value.
ricki42: I agree, they should have named and explained it better. Specifically, they should have made it clear that there's no exclusive content involved. Or just don't add anything, far simpler.
On the other hand, I appreciate the gesture of getting a little boost, folks on steam had the option to get stuff unlocked when buying Early Access, which wasn't available on GOG. So I guess they wanted to give folks on GOG a similar option, they just chose a poor way of implementing that.
They should have just said it was a promotional online cheat code. It gives you a slight head start but doesn't contain anything exclusive. I doubt there many complainers in that case. GoG disabled a couple DLC for Saints Row the Third and I didn't notice anyone having a problem with that.
low rated
Ganni1987: All the items you get with the code can be obtained in game, this isn't a sort of one time install DLC with exclusive items. You simply get some items for free as a sort of starter pack.

Everything can be obtained in game without the code (which is why I'm no longer angry at GOG).

IT IS very confusing I admit, I was too until reading further and googling around.
shmerl: I agree that functionally it's not limiting items, but just when they are available in-game. It's a cheat add-on essentially and I don't really care about those anyway. But the whole concept of deploying it in such way is still wrong, regardless of what kind of add-on it is. I'd say GOG should just scrape the whole thing if they can't sort out DRM-free distribution of it.
and I disagree and refuse to buy inferior version of the game from gog. the add-on in no way is required to play the game and is an optional time limited present from the dev.

furthermore this is comical that the same community which is completely fine with gog selling games that require using serial codes including one-time third party serial code linked with 3rd party account for something as huge as ingame multiplayer, cannot swallow an idea of using similar system to obtain a cheat code for the game.
Post edited July 24, 2015 by d2t
low rated
CarrionCrow: Pass that over.
Sure, I got both butthurt and neckbeard-rage ones.
CarrionCrow: Pass that over.
j0ekerr: Sure, I got both butthurt and neckbeard-rage ones.
Good thing I brought the powder in that case.
Vainamoinen: Would that, by any chance, be the Great Green Arkleseazure, god of the Jatravartids of Viltvoldle VI?
I'm not sure, but I hear cultists are terrified of white handkerchiefs and consider them a sign of great calamity.

They don't have a dental plan, but they offer unlimited deodorant.
Post edited July 24, 2015 by j0ekerr
shmerl: I agree that functionally it's not limiting items, but just when they are available in-game. It's a cheat add-on essentially and I don't really care about those anyway. But the whole concept of deploying it in such way is still wrong, regardless of what kind of add-on it is. I'd say GOG should just scrape the whole thing if they can't sort out DRM-free distribution of it.
synfresh: I'll agree that it's poor PR for the sake of selling the game. That does bring up the question though, if everything here is already in game, why do you have to log in to get them early? Couldn't a simple code done that?
Yes, cheat code could do that. But may be it wasn't implemented, and they just figured an external way of patching the game (like your initial inventory and so on).
Vainamoinen: Would that, by any chance, be the Great Green Arkleseazure, god of the Jatravartids of Viltvoldle VI?
j0ekerr: I'm not sure, but I hear cultists are terrified of white handkerchiefs and consider them a sign of great calamity.

They don't have a dental plan, but they offer unlimited deodorant.
Keep the guy with 700 armpits away from the popcorn.
At least until they put a shirt on.
mrkgnao: Reading through the OP and the posts here, I understand that if I:
1) Install the game from the GOG installer as usual
2) Begin a single-player campaign
3) Log in to Haemimont (or GOG) from inside the game to get the DLC content (of course, I will not do this, but let's assume)
4) Uninstall the game without saving anything
5) Reinstall the game from the GOG installer as usual
6) Begin another single-player campaign

Please correct me if I am wrong.
I'd disagree with (3) (partially because 'downloadable content content' :p ) It's not really downloadable content if it doesn't contain additional content. I guess you could argue that an edit to some config/save file is also content since information is transmitted, but I think that's really stretching the definition.
d2t: furthermore this is comical that the same community which is completely fine with gog selling games that require using serial codes including one-time third party serial code linked with 3rd party account for something as huge as ingame multiplayer, cannot swallow an idea of using similar system to obtain a cheat code for the game.
Multiplayer (if it's over WAN to some server which you can't control) requires authentication with their server either way. Requiring any codes for LAN gameplay or for games which let you run your own server is something I oppose as well.
Post edited July 24, 2015 by shmerl
Rubs me the wrong way that I'm supposed to enter my GOG-Login details in some third-party software, so it can call -somewhere- to authenticate. Why not just post my password on the forums, seems legit.
Regional priced, with drm and exclusive content (an anticonsumer practice). Wow, what a combo. GOG is on fire. If they add a no refund clause they would have broken all their principles at the same time (will a demon be summoned when that happens?).

About the drm. The first concern is the availability of the contents. When in a couple of year GOG will close and the devs go bankrupt, will the game with all its content still be playable?
Post edited July 24, 2015 by MIK0