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^ is a super-kind individual.

Side note: I certainly appreciate to hearing something said like that to and about me. Thanks, Wizard Hooyaah.
^ He has Windows Copilot disabled in Registry Editor.
^ Will enable Windows Recall (Snapshot) when Microsoft adds it to Windows 11
^ The post above was his subpar attempt at humor.
^Thinks a monkey in a business suit is the height of humor--and I agree!
^ Has an irrational hate for monkeys and wants to force them to abide by a dress code.
^ He is not only the Monkey King, but a renowned primatologist who can communicate with all species of hominids.
^ He has a habit of making poignant remarks about the trade deficit.
^ He has a habit of making poignant remarks about whatever he just picked out of his ear.

MysterD: ^ Didn't realize these are the actual spellings of songs and artists from the actual albums and whatnot, spelled how they are on there purposely...and references to them.
Well I'm sure all those songs are terrible, but is "so he make sure that..." a song title?
^ The term, "More fun than a barrel of monkeys," came about after witnesses reported a number of his pet simians which had become lodged in a keg of lager they had imbibed, but from which were unable to extricate themselves.
^ Told this joke to Peter Jackson, which inspired the barrel-riding scene in Desolation of Smaug.
^ He just has an uncanny way of knowing these things.

^ He likes to point at a dot from both directions.
^ He loves to state the obvious.
He loves to explain extremely complex concepts in simple terms so everybody can gain profound knowledge by listening to him.