Stilton: -laughs-
That sums him up well :-)
Quiet days are good days. Get in content mode, fire up a game and relax. Budgetary control is also an essential. There have been a couple of big sales where I've been all eyes and salivating hunger, only to count the pennies afterwards and see that I've left a considerably bigger mark than I thought. It goes back to that control thing and asking that inner voice if the twenty games I'm about to pay for are really going to make my life better.
Yes, they are. Might start up Stasis in a bit. Even if I don't right now, still glad that I could finally get Postal 1 and the second Amnesia off my list. They'd both been bugging me for a while.
Very, very true. I keep track of every purchase down to the penny as I spend it. Only had that go wrong once, thanks to a combo of bank screwups and extreme sleeplessness. Under normal circumstances, it's pretty much foolproof.
EndreWhiteMane: My goodness, 75000 posts, ElT has 3 stars, all this talk about
playing these games things.
I've missed a lot. :-)
Buena noches all, hope you're all enjoying a nice evening.
Good evening. =)
Don't worry, the game discussion is a total fluke. Everyone will be back to just collecting them in no time, I'm sure.