Posted May 16, 2015

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

gone (but still playing his games)
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted May 16, 2015

*big hug*
Therefore I need to run my simulation to generate some graphics. I am using a free circuit simulation software which has been developed by another university two years ago and which is quite good.
Since of course the software was not installed on my laptop, I went to the website to download it again.
Yeah but it is not free anymore.. which they are not telling you directly on the website... so I downloaded, installed and tried to use it... but you can not run simulations, they tell you to get a licence. After finally finding out what that is all about, I find a very hidden price list... They now charge over 1000 Euros for a licence o.O
So I tried to find an old version... but the internet did not want to help me... finally I remembered that I might have copied the old installer on my usb stick since I regularly backup files from work there... so lucky me, the installer was there...
Installed and tried to run my simulation... but no, tons of errors... after a while I found out, that the Java I have on this laptop is too new... so I needed to deinstall and get an old version... so finally it is working now.... But I just wasted 1,5h because of this shit -.-
Post edited May 16, 2015 by moonshineshadow

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015

Good day, Agent! How are you today?
*bug hug*
Doing quite well today. It's quite beautiful outside today (after snowing yesterday! o__o). A perfect day for a run through the canyon, I think... I think I'll do that soon.
*big bug-free hug* [/smartass]
Yeah, quite a bit. I think I'll pour a jug of ice-water on my head and run topless down the street in a minute :-)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2015

Therefore I need to run my simulation to generate some graphics. I am using a free circuit simulation software which has been developed by another university two years ago and which is quite good.
Since of course the software was not installed on my laptop, I went to the website to download it again.
Yeah but it is not free anymore.. which they are not telling you directly on the website... so I downloaded, installed and tried to use it... but you can not run simulations, they tell you to get a licence. After finally finding out what that is all about, I find a very hidden price list... They now charge over 1000 Euros for a licence o.O
So I tried to find an old version... but the internet did not want to help me... finally I remembered that I might have copied the old installer on my usb stick since I regularly backup files from work there... so lucky me, the installer was there...
Installed and tried to run my simulation... but no, tons of errors... after a while I found out, that the Java I have on this laptop is too new... so I needed to deinstall and get an old version... so finally it is working now.... But I just wasted 1,5h because of this shit -.-
*big mega epic hug*

Doing quite well today. It's quite beautiful outside today (after snowing yesterday! o__o). A perfect day for a run through the canyon, I think... I think I'll do that soon.
*big bug-free hug* [/smartass]
*big bug-free return hug*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015

*big bug-free return hug*
Nothing big planned today... I might play a game or two with my friend later, unless we are both tired as pluck, then I might just go to sleep early instead... and of course, I'll pop in here throughout the day, which is always fun :-)
Post edited May 16, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2015

Nothing big planned today... I might play a game or two with my friend later, unless we are both tired as pluck, then I might just go to sleep early instead... and of course, I'll pop in here throughout the day, which is always fun :-)
Any games in mind that you might play?

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015

Any games in mind that you might play?
No games planned... but my friend and I are both slightly addicted to FTL at the moment. We might play two games at once, and try to "race" each other or something :-)
Post edited May 16, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted May 16, 2015

Therefore I need to run my simulation to generate some graphics. I am using a free circuit simulation software which has been developed by another university two years ago and which is quite good.
Since of course the software was not installed on my laptop, I went to the website to download it again.
Yeah but it is not free anymore.. which they are not telling you directly on the website... so I downloaded, installed and tried to use it... but you can not run simulations, they tell you to get a licence. After finally finding out what that is all about, I find a very hidden price list... They now charge over 1000 Euros for a licence o.O
So I tried to find an old version... but the internet did not want to help me... finally I remembered that I might have copied the old installer on my usb stick since I regularly backup files from work there... so lucky me, the installer was there...
Installed and tried to run my simulation... but no, tons of errors... after a while I found out, that the Java I have on this laptop is too new... so I needed to deinstall and get an old version... so finally it is working now.... But I just wasted 1,5h because of this shit -.-

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted May 16, 2015
Yep.. they should have just printed that clearly on their page... and I really this sudden change and the price... and taking all the old versions offline. Made the whole feel greedy.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015
Silly blob! There are three things that you never ask a lady! 1) Her age... 2) Her weight... and most importantly 3) NEVER ask if they are pregnant. My brother found that last one out the hard way, which ended in the poor woman getting a box of chocolates from him as an apology :-D
Post edited May 16, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2015

No games planned... but my friend and I are both slightly addicted to FTL at the moment. We might play two games at once, and try to "race" each other or something :-)
That sounds like fun, I hope you and your friend have a nice time.
Come now, everyone knows you never ask a lady her age. But I will give you a clue: I am as old as my eyes, and nearly as old as my teeth. :-)

2. A very healthy weight that I am perfectly happy with.
3. Pretty much impossible, unless it is an immaculate conception, combined with some super human healing. :-)
Now where is my box of chocolates? :-)