I was dealing with insurance all day yesterday and was not home to get online, so I am a day behind and some of my points and things that I agree with or that stand out or I want to questions may have already been discussed and answered. However I am going through the thread since I was last on and point things out still.
First let me do this as it was a RSV.
UNVOTE Krypsyn TwilightBard: I'm more interested in seeing reasoning and votes, getting people to commit their thoughts that can cause scum to slip up.
That even can extend to lists too. A list of names is ok, but explanations allow for greater conversation. Why is this person on your list? What makes them stand out?
I completely agree with this. I think conversation about who we think maybe scum and why will get people talking and this type of discussion can help with getting a feel for a person and maybe an idea of how they are going to be playing the game. I would rather talked and put press on and see reactions then go off anyones play from another game.
dedoporno: Wyrm managed to put himself in a situation where a vote on him may seem like the a very decent step, but that is only so if you don't see why he's almost surely Town.
I am not sure I like this. Jumping in at the end of a back and forth with two players and then voting for one with out a strong explanation. I will vote on who won the mini battle and look like I am contributing with out really having to get my feet wet. I dunno something doesn't feel right to me.
RWarehall: Very very interesting...looks like the game is finally on...
I'll try to post something a bit more substantial later...
Welcome to the game. I feel like I have not seen much of you.
RWarehall: I promised a response. I have all my circles and arrows (large and small, pointing up and down).
I am not sure if this some game hint or not but can you explain. As I have no clue what it means.
Krypsyn: This game needs more voting, because voting is fun.
Voting applies pressure but Im not sure how much when there is no explanation for the vote so not really much of a explanation from the voted party can be had.
HijacK: However, it took me quite a bit to finally realize what a fool I was not to make a case out of this when I was alive. But here's the thing. This is indeed a double edged sword because this case only applies to Sage. If we had lynched everyone else but Sage, we would've been in a delicate spot where we could have lost the game.
I knew my ears where ringing yesterday for a reason. but in all honesty I quoted this post because I need a spot to post so I can get some liter boxes clean before it snows anymore and I can't see to put the trash out. Will be back in a bit to finish catching up with the tread.