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Banned for being Neo from The Matrix for a second there.
Banned for the second opium war.
Banned for playing violent games in Germany. All violent games are forbidden in Germany and thus you play illegal games.
Banned for going along with such a ridiculous rule. Violent games are how we get out our aggression, so that we don't have to be violent IRL.
Banned because he is secretly from GERMany.
^ banned for not disinfecting this thread
Banned for wearing a face mask online.
Banned, or should i say "B4NN3D"?
^ banned, for not knowing already that you should have said B4NN3D"
Banned for possessing forbidden knowledge.
banned, for not knowing that such knowledge is not forbidden to one such as myself
Banned for thinking you're so special.
^ banned, for not admitting that I am so special as to be cleared for classified (and arcane) information
Banned because you only got promoted because your boss turned evil and created a job opening.
Banned for being more evil than the prior poster's now evil boss.