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Banned, because Isengard was a force for progress in Middle Earth through industrialization, the Orc proletarians there were the real heroes and would have created socialism, if the forces of feudal reaction hadn't prevented it.
Banned for discussing the politics of Middle Earth in a public forum
Banned for being a reactionary wizard. You're just sore that your silly magic will be surpassed by the marvels of technology which will empower the masses and make them laugh at your cheap fireworks.
[crazy comment was here] to crazy
Post edited November 29, 2020 by user deleted
Banned for going crazy.
Banned for not institutionalizing him (in a clinic where they do lobotomies).
Banned for performing lobotomies on forum members...
Banned for trying to reverse lobotomize GOG members and not doing well at it, at all!
Seb7 is banned for spamming my activity feed so much that I de-friended them just to make it stop.

Dr Addder is banned for having a pixel-art shield for an avatar.
Banned, for adding an extra "d" to Dr_Adder's username
Banned for not finding that letter d a good home.
Banned for running an orphanage for alphabets.
Banned because my grandma is looking into becoming a foster-mom, despite her home being the Chernobyl of animal-waste.
Banned, because this could be a path to your grandmother's learning the value of and practicing sanitary practices and a way of fulfilling a child's dream of having a home
Banned for not realizing that what he meant is that she would be drinking Foster's (Australian for beer).