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Currently playing the great space RTS, Homeworld Remastered.
Post edited March 10, 2018 by cloaked
Takes care of that problem, NWN 2 won't run. :P

wait...i think I got it
Post edited March 09, 2018 by tinyE
tinyE: Takes care of that problem, NWN 2 won't run. :P

wait...i think I got it
Thanks, you reminded me I never have played the Westgate add-on for NWN2, and obtaining Westgate was the main reason I re-bought it digital in the first place. Maybe that's what I'll start tonight instead of Earthlock.
Magic Carpet Plus.

Hard to start from tutorial level, still pretty terrible at maneuvering around in game vs AI mages.
On 5th world, secondary spell-slot is dedicated to possess or accelerate depending on whether an AI mage is lurking around.
Niche, Tangledeep and Meridian: Squad 22, the last free games from my backlog :)
In the zeus and poseidon game i just beaten all of the zeus adventures except one special custom adventure i didn't play yet, gonna try the poseidon part of the game now.
Magic Carpet Plus update:

Bumping up the memsize & allocated CPU cycles settings in the dosboxMC.conf file for Magic Carpet Plus makes a ton of difference.
Maneuvering around is roughly 150% better, now my main complaint with the game is bees & restarting maps because I didn't find all the spells on a map on the 1st attempt.

Here's the modifiied dosbosMC.conf settings if anyone cares:

Dungeon Keeper 2
Great game but I don't have much hope that I finish it.
I'm bad at strategies and all missions past 5th have nasty twists in it.
Starting Dragon Age Origins.

Anyone here I can pester the shit out of for the next month about it as I play? :P
Persona 4 Golden on the PS Vita and World of Warcraft on PC.

I'm also playing Fate/Grand Order on my phone.
Still playing Age of Empires 3, now in the second (and last) expansion pack Asian Dynasties.

The second mission (Uprising!) in the expansion pack felt quite damn hard at first. In the beginning of the mission you are supposed to rush with your starting party to destroy as many enemy town centres as you can, hopefully all three. The more you can destroy them, the smaller the enemy army will be that you'll be fighting at the end of the mission.

I just couldn't do it in the Hard level. There's only like 9 minutes to destroy the town centers, and I'd usually just lose all my troops at the second town center.

Anyway, then I noticed two things in the beginning of the mission:

1. The timer won't start until you free the first prisoners in the starting city (you need to free them to reclaim that city).

2. Small amount of "experience" trickles in even if you are not doing anything.

So it didn't take me long to figure out that I could really turn tables in my favor by simply waiting for a looooooong time before I free the first prisoners. The experience points that you slowly get will allow you to "buy" some more troops and also get some resources, slowly but surely. Also, there is a certain "card" that you can also use with the experience points, which will also give you a small trickle of all resources (food, wood, gold).

So what did I do? I kill the first enemies in the starting town, then put my starting troops to a corner to wait (not freeing the first prisoners), and then just let the game idle for hours. I went to sleep and got back like after 8 hours to see how it looked, and yep, I had received 33 "experience card unlocks" and lots of resources by merely waiting.

So where this guy destroys the first "prison" at around 3:40 in this Youtube video:

I stopped right before that and waited 8 hours, before proceeding. :)

This made the mission to destroy three town centers considerably easier, but still not a cakewalk. I could get more troops and advance rapidly to higher technology ages at the beginning of the mission, and had enough troops to destroy the town centers, even receiving some artillery.

I just love it when I am able to fool the game engine, even if it feels a bit like cheating.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by timppu
Deus Ex.

As for stealth game it's weird that it lacks possibility to kill/knock someone you've snuck up on from behind. Or am I missing something?
Bayonetta / Bayonetta 2 / Skyrim / Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Nintendo Switch

Final Fantasy XV / Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 - PC
ciemnogrodzianin: Deus Ex.

As for stealth game it's weird that it lacks possibility to kill/knock someone you've snuck up on from behind. Or am I missing something?
I've been recently playing it (with the GMDX mod as the vanilla GOG version didn't work for me at all), and I've certainly done lots of clubbing from behind to patrolling guards. I do it whenever I can, mainly to conserve ammo. To me that part of gameplay did feel a lot like Thief Gold (and Thief 2) where I'd often go through the whole damn level, sneaking up on them from behind and clubbing then down, until all enemies were knocked out and I could concentrate on the actual mission objectives.

What kind of problems are you having with it then? I just do this:

1. Equip the baton. Have you used baton or tried to use some other kind of weapon?

2. Go to kneeling posture with X.

3. Approach the standing or patrolling lone guard from behind (I think there are skills or augmentations that make you faster in the kneeling posture so that it is easier to reach patrolling guards without having to run up on them and being detected).

4. Hit the guard to the head from behind. I think you can even stay in the lower posture when you hit the guard at the back of the head, just target generally upwards towards his head when behind him. Sometimes it feels like I am hitting him only at the back with my baton, but they always go down with one hit, unless they detect me. And in fact even if they detect me, I can still knock them out with one hit as long as I am able to get behind them fast and hit them with the baton, but that can be quite hard if you're already detected, unless they start running away from you.

I never had any problems with this, not sure if the GMDX mod somehow affects that? I recall someone else also complaining before how hard it is to knock down enemies from behind.
Post edited March 12, 2018 by timppu
timppu: ...
Perhaps the baton is a solution, indeed. I was quite sure it has lower base damage, so I stayed with crowbar :) It's not enough professional, I know.

It takes a few hits to knock enemy down. I've never faced such problems using crowbar in real life (: Since they're starting to run and make a lot of noise, a situation quickly escalates into something totally different then usual stealth gameplay ;)

Will try that baton.