Posted July 01, 2021

Baldrick!, do we have any milk ?...
Registered: Apr 2014
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted July 01, 2021
I must've triggered a Queue-Bot or two. That makes me smile.

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 07, 2021
Everyone over here are holding their collective breaths: the police have 70min to arrest our previous president of 9 years, after being sentenced 15 months by the nation's highest court. All kinds of dramas are unfolding: his supporters are out past covid curfew and have blockaded the entrance to his homestead (famously built with tax payer money), and an ambulance has just been called to the homestead, supposedly by his personal doctor, but his supporters are refusing it entrance.
This is a sort of litmus test for the rule of law, and by midnight we'll know if the country passed.
This is a sort of litmus test for the rule of law, and by midnight we'll know if the country passed.

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom

Is in the middle of nowhere.
Registered: Apr 2012
From Sweden
Posted July 08, 2021
I hate to say this but i have a new pet peeve and that is....electric scooters ! sigh city life sucks, i'm happy to live outside the city but has to travel through often because of work and other obligations and to say people drive them like lunatics is an understatement, people also love the throw them away after their time with them and you can find them litter the streets, grass, parks and even dumped in the ocean on occasion. Unbelievable.
Luckily since the city rent them out to anyone, they also track them down for cleaning up the mess other people created mostly young.
Luckily since the city rent them out to anyone, they also track them down for cleaning up the mess other people created mostly young.

Registered: Oct 2014
From Canada
Posted July 08, 2021
Mosquitos have been relentlessly feasting on me lately. It looks like I've caught the chicken pox! Perhaps a reaction to their "bites".

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 08, 2021
About to go to the driver license testing center to apply for a new license - dear god please give me strength.
At least Zuma was arrested last night after he surrendered to police, so that's a huge sigh of relief.
At least Zuma was arrested last night after he surrendered to police, so that's a huge sigh of relief.

Thanks for everything, and goodbye for now
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia
Posted July 08, 2021
I absolutely despise the fact that Whatsapp have become THE primary means of communication in my country.

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 08, 2021
I know it isn't the role of the typical naming office, but why hasn't Atari been dead and buried?
Kids born in 2000 are turning 21, who among them are going to care of either the company that made Yar's Revenge or the Atari 400?
If I were the type of pencil pushing bureaucrat in a place to deny the names of companies, I'd have Atari sealed in a vault.
Kids born in 2000 are turning 21, who among them are going to care of either the company that made Yar's Revenge or the Atari 400?
If I were the type of pencil pushing bureaucrat in a place to deny the names of companies, I'd have Atari sealed in a vault.

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted July 08, 2021

Me too as it is the same here. Microsoft goofed as they somehow totally lost out and everyone migrated to Whatsapp.
Post edited July 08, 2021 by Themken

Registered: Oct 2014
From Canada
Posted July 09, 2021
I ended up rubbing a mixture of baking soda and water all over my skin right before bedtime to prevent me from scratching the bites while I sleep. It helped a bit. Did not know about vitamin B complex helping to repel mosquitos. I'll give that a try! Thx! :)

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland
Posted July 12, 2021
Satan's finest. The scourge is less bad in my city than it used to be, but they are still a menace. To be fair, it's not always because of user error (a considerate attempt at parking can be easily undone by a stiff breeze), but a scooter on a cycle lane is an obstacle irrespective of how it got there.

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 13, 2021
Some sort of powder keg has gone off in the east of the country, following the arrest of the previous president, and it appears to be spreading. Over 200 malls ransacked, at least one burned down, and several factories and warehouses looted & torched. Soldiers have been mobilized to try and curtail the madness. There's been serious protests and looting before, but nothing even close to the scale we're seeing now. Starting to get a bit worried.

Registered: Aug 2013
From Clipperton Island

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 14, 2021
Thank you, luckily the closest hotspot to me is several kilometers away so I don't really expect any safety concerns. The suburbs will organize into militias before they allow the looters to enter the general area, as has happened already in a few places. The ripple effects on fuel&food supply, the vaccine rollout interruption, and the extreme economic damage is what I'm worried about. Many thousands of people have lost their jobs and livelihoods overnight.