Posted September 02, 2021

I'm tired of people being so hateful, greedy, and selfish towards each other. Guess we're still products of the planet. We are animals. That won't ever change or we wouldn't be human anymore. This is something we've struggled w/ since man walked upright and hit each other w/ sticks.
And suffering still after all this time from a workplace injury. Was at my old job since I was 17. After the injury it's been hard to be on my feet for a long period of time. Oh no, you're not disabled. So what if you can't stand on your feet or walk for more than 15 minutes at a time? Here, we'll send you to doctor after doctor, treatment after treatment. Can't even get unemployment until I'm 'ready to work' and even then the waiting list is so long it's just silly. Supposed to get treated for my injury later this month. All I can hope is for some sort of relief so I can work. If this doesn't help, who knows what will happen.
Now there's this 'bug' going around that isn't the Black Death. It's serious but not THAT serious. People are blowing this 'covid' thing so out of proportion that it's just plain sad to watch. Entire nations putting their people under lock and key because a few people fell ill. Not tens or hundreds of thousands, a few. Coming soon near you: More lockdowns! Over a virus w/ a death rate under that of the flu! Not trying to change anyone's mind. Everyone has pretty much made up their mind by now, but for me, it's just too much for an issue so small.
This helped to blow off some steam but I can still feel massive heaps of rage inside. Don't worry. I'm doing just fine. Making plans to move on and live the life that I want to. If you made it this far thank you for reading.
A lot of people have negative traits but there are also nice ones around. The difficult part is to find those people and connect with them. Also, selfishness can be contructed, so that everything you do is selfish. Like, a friend is poor (streak of bad luck or whatever) and hungry and comes across some food with you. Naturally, you buy him some food too and you eat together. Now, you obviously did that for selfish reasons. After all, you wanted to show your superiority and also wanted to look like a good person to your friend and society. See what I mean? As I wrote, one did it "naturally", nothing to think about because that's just the natural thing to do...for some people. It's always best to not overthink things when it's not necessary.
(I would also like to say that I'm definitely not an animal. Things like instincts can be reduced or even nullified. For me, the mind controls the body, not the other way around. People are all different, however, and on that scale, some are more left, some more middle and some more right (pretty sure you have seen some that indulge in every "pleasure of life").
From United States
Well, you healthcare system (or lack thereof) sucks, so it's not too surprising.
That's just general lack of precise information and people being irrational. Of course, this is due to 1.) The government, 2.) The media and 3.) People on social platforms. The government's interest don't really align with the people's interests. Issues are created where there are none of they are blown out of proportion to cover up/distract other issues. Apart from that, inside the government, there are also a lot of individual interests at play due to corruption. The media always likes to blow things up, go either against or with the government, depending, and change their tune whenever convenient. Why that? Because they want to sell newspapers, magazines or they want clicks on the internet. Gotta make money. The damage they do to society doesn't interest them. People on social media platforms might actually be the worst. What used to come out of government and media was usually at least filtered. What comes out of people on social media is unfiltered garbage. No time taken to reflect on things, just brain turned off and out with it. Obviously, this leads to a lot of problem, especially for people who are young and aren't fully formed yet and the typical gullible people. What used to stay between drunken people in some establishment (or home) is now out for the world to see. Now, some people advocate for unfiltered, uncensored content...and it's an understandable position to have. However, people are generally dumb and don't know what they are talking about, so letting them have a pedestal is dangerous due to the aforementioned groups. They are also motivated by what you said earlier (greed, hate, narcissism etc). And that's beside the ones that have more heavy psychological issues. So, it gets spread around the world, to the detriment of everyone. What's always interesting: If you look away from the internet and the media and talk to people in real life, it paints a completely different picture (at least where I live). The dissonance between internet/media (also government to some extent) and people on the street is staggering. The question is whether it will eventually boil over. So far, there are only "smaller" protests, nothing super large-scale (after all, normal people are also busy with work and don't give a damn about all that bs - they work and come home to their family and that's it). Also, what's scary.
There are also other participants playing (the "industry") and other factors matter (control is a very big one) but that would go too far. I don't want to write forever after all.
In the end, the best advice is to dig yourself a space where you can be happy in this current world of ours.