Posted May 25, 2015

What's interesting to note about this too though is that a large portion of people who buy from the shady sites that end up having their games invalidated end up pissed off at Valve or EA or whoever invalidates their codes instead of being pissed off with the scam artist that sold the game to them or being pissed off at themselves who are ultimately to blame for buying from a shady site either knowing full well it could be invalidated or being naive about it. :) Misdirected anger when it happens IMHO. If that happened to me ever I'd be pissed at myself, not Valve/EA because that's much more self-empowering to learn from. :)
But some people like to roll the dice knowingly or unknowingly and there's nothing really wrong with that either I suppose. I sort of do that a little bit myself buying games from (instead of sometimes using a fake US address. Never had a problem yet, although some people have reported that they are cracking down on that so I'd probably do my research before each purchase from here on out to be safe. :)