BlackThorny: Thanks for letting us know, seems cool :)
Now I'll see If there are some more games I'm interested in - one more will make it 0.5$ so it's probably worth it, 2 will make 0.33$ which will be the cut off point for me, 3 will make it a sure thing ;) So I'm waiting for more info from the rest of you folks in order to decide
My wife and I played 4PM last night for about 40 minutes. It's a student art project, but well done for such. It's what you would probably call a "walking simulator" with a short story you live as you play. A couple of walking challenges (if you play it, you'll understand why walking is a challenge for the main character) that were easy, and choices to make along the way. In 40 minutes we found three different endings. Crap, Way Crap, and I'm Not Sure if That was Crap. I'd probably need to fool with it some more to try and find more endings, as the story doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
At the end, we agreed it wasn't great, but for 12½ cents we got our money's worth.