It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

madth3: As a software developer, I disagree.

Software companies have been trying to push the line of how unstable a beta
They haven't been trying to push anything, that's how it's always been. Google, on the other hand, slaps "beta" on everything and lets it stay there nearly perpetually, even when it's perfectly stable and working for millions of people. Giving people the false sense that "beta" means "stable and near release"

Also, tying it to the release of The Witcher 3 helped in creating false expectations.
They did no such thing. It was in closed beta for several months starting in 2014, mostly testing the multiplayer component with The Witcher Adventure Game beta, then AvP Classic 2000, then the full client for a couple months, and finally it came to open/public beta almost a month before The Witcher 3 launched.

BadDecissions: without mentioning that it's in beta.
Really? Download button says "Download Beta (Windows)" seems pretty clearly labeled to me. It doesn't matter that the rest of the page doesn't mention it. There is no "Download (Windows)" button to accompany it, indicating there's a version in a final release state. The download button, the only one that you can click to get the client and you have to go back to it even if you read through the whole page, tells you it's a beta. Caveat emptor.
Post edited July 19, 2015 by darkwolf777
low rated
I don't know, frankly, if the people complaining are able to read:

It says right away on the MAIN page:

TRY GOG Galaxy.........whatever....

try by its own definition, try means a test, nothing else....

So why are all those (sorry) f*cking English speakers, or wannabees, so annoyed about it?????

If you don't understand English, educate yourself !!!!!

(sorry pissed off with this whole discussion and having a few beers ;) )

And being fed up with seeing all the times threads like Galaxy not working.......AAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggg

PS: I am NOT a GOG person....just somebody who READS what is there ;)

PPS: I do admit, a few things could have been better communicated ;) but again, search function and similar.......aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg
Destro: The other option would be that somehow your Galaxy installation were not updated (although this would be tough as Client updates are not optional).
Same results I had. Thanks for confirming...

Perhaps he was in the alpha and has the really old version that didn't auto update and had to be re-installed from your account. Only thing I can think of.
Goodaltgamer: I don't know, frankly, if the people complaining are able to read:

It says right away on the MAIN page:

TRY GOG Galaxy.........whatever....

try by its own definition, try means a test, nothing else....

So why are all those (sorry) f*cking English speakers, or wannabees, so annoyed about it?????

If you don't understand English, educate yourself !!!!!

(sorry pissed off with this whole discussion and having a few beers ;) )

And being fed up with seeing all the times threads like Galaxy not working.......AAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggg

PS: I am NOT a GOG person....just somebody who READS what is there ;)

PPS: I do admit, a few things could have been better communicated ;) but again, search function and similar.......aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg
Because most of the time when you're asked to try something it's already ready for use and we're only trying to see if it's a good fit for us inparticular.

That being said, I'm surprised that anybody here doesn't know that Galaxy is beta software. And frankly, even calling it beta software is being rather generous. Galaxy is alpha software.
Wolfszorn: Then I uninstalled the client and guess what.. it deleted the WHOLE Galaxy folder INCLUDING all installed games?!?!?!
While this is an oversight, why did you install the games in the Galaxy folder? This isn't Steam, the games are independent of Galaxy!
snowkatt: quite frankly this piece of crap shouldnt have been released untill that cyberpunk game of theirs
trying to ride the wave of publicity is great and all
but as it is the unreliable and deplorable state of the client is just hurting gog's image not improving it
Same with the website that was reworked to work with Galaxy. "We're going to fix these things, but we don't have time before we roll out the new website, so we'll do it later"

2.5 months later the account section still isn't sorted properly by default (series are broken up due to shitty naming conventions, etc) and they seem to have no intention of getting us the intended features in the list at release. They sounded great until you realize you were never getting about 1/3rd of the features, and the ones you DID get would be BROKEN as all hell.
Wolfszorn: Then I uninstalled the client and guess what.. it deleted the WHOLE Galaxy folder INCLUDING all installed games?!?!?!
SirPrimalform: While this is an oversight, why did you install the games in the Galaxy folder? This isn't Steam, the games are independent of Galaxy!
Not anymore, by default they install in the Galaxy folder on new Galaxy installations same as Steam. But yea there still independent of Galaxy if you want them to be. Besides this issues was fixed already.
Post edited July 19, 2015 by BKGaming
As for above, I only wanted to point out the hypocrisy of saying that Beta is nowhere seen even though it's obvious when you try to download it. As to what "Beta" means, entails, etc. there's no way to know, because GOG is seemingly not more transparent than the big evil brothers.

Download 50 gigabytes and find out! Good luck! Good news! No thanks.
This thread has helped me decide to stay away from the client for now. And perhaps to stay away from some of you. ;)
Treehugger: This thread has helped me decide to stay away from the client for now. And perhaps to stay away from some of you. ;)
Being responsible and ensuring others don't get a communicable disease is the right thing to do. Bravo!
Elenarie: What double standards? No idea how you managed to have that happen, but Steam usually leaves everything that is not installed/uninstalled with it alone. Thus you get to keep saved files, screenshots, movies, and all that random stuff. At least, that has always been my experience.
Have you ever actually uninstalled the Steam client itself? Not only individual Steam games, which is not what we are talking about here?

Steps to reproduce (on a Windows 7/64bit PC without Steam installed), I just executed these while writing:

1. Download SteamSetup.exe from

2. Run SteamSetup.exe and install it. I installed it under C:\Test\Steam\.

3. Run Steam (it probably updates itself at this point), log in (you'll need to provide the authentication code from your email), and download/install some game. I installed "Cogs", and let Steam create a Start Menu entry and a desktop shortcut for the game.

4. Run and play the game, and exit the game.

5. Exit the Steam client.

6. Create a new subfolder and/or file under the Steam folder. I created a text file named "This_is_a_test.txt" under C:\Test\Steam\test\ (first creating that test subfolder under the Steam folder), containing the text "This is a test."

7. Uninstall Steam from the Control Panel/Programs and Features. Boom! Everything gone under C:\Test\Steam\, including the game Cogs and the subfolder and text file I created myself under the Steam folder. Even the uninstall log says at the end "Remove folder: C:\Test\Steam\", which it did, so obviously anything under that was wiped out too.

Ps. I also noticed a bug that when you uninstall Steam, it doesn't remove the Steam folder, nor the Steam game shortcuts, from under the Start Menu. Nor does it remove the individial Steam games' uninstallation entries from the Control Panel/Programs and Features, but leaves orphaned shortcuts everywhere. The only shortcuts it seems to remove correctly are the desktop shortcuts (both for the Steam client itself, and Steam games, if any).

On top of that, if you uninstall Steam, and later install it to another folder, the Steam shortcut in your Start Menu is pointing to the old Steam location, ie. Steam won't run from there. The desktop shortcut for Steam is re-created correctly though, so at least that works.

Tsk tsk, and then people have gal to act as if Galaxy programmers and testers have anything to be ashamed of compared to Steam programmers...
Post edited July 19, 2015 by timppu
mike_cesara: I wonder what the F stands for..
For "future", obviously. :)
Goodaltgamer: (sorry pissed off with this whole discussion and having a few beers ;) )
Then don't post on an internet forum. You could also try the drunk thread.

Since you're such an expert let me explain something to you:
Words generally have many meanings depending on the context and speech register etc.

The verb "try" in formal speech and in a context in which you are encouraged to use a product for example does not mean that the product is not safe for normal use and you should thus just "try" it instead of risking data loss etc. Instead "try" is used in such a context to sound especially friendly and thus make customers more willing to use your product.
timppu: 6. Create a new subfolder and/or file under the Steam folder. I created a text file named "This_is_a_test.txt" under C:\Test\Steam\test\ (first creating that test subfolder under the Steam folder), containing the text "This is a test."

7. Uninstall Steam from the Control Panel/Programs and Features. Boom! Everything gone under C:\Test\Steam\, including the game Cogs and the subfolder and text file I created myself under the Steam folder. Even the uninstall log says at the end "Remove folder: C:\Test\Steam\", which it did, so obviously anything under that was wiped out too.
Wow, that's interesting.
Post edited July 19, 2015 by 0Grapher
Goodaltgamer: (sorry pissed off with this whole discussion and having a few beers ;) )
0Grapher: Then don't post on an internet forum.

Since you're such an expert let me explain something to you:
Words generally have many meanings depending on the context and speech register etc.

The verb "try" in formal speech and in a context in which you are encouraged to use a product for example does not mean that the product is not safe for normal use and you should thus just "try" it instead of risking data loss etc. Instead "try" is used in such a context to sound especially friendly and thus make customers more willing to use your product.

And you did not follow up:

a : to put to test or trial <try one's luck> —often used with out <try out a new method>

yup, that is the one and the rest does fit as well.

Your definition would fit more in the drunken thread. But nice try

Sorry, case dismissed.....

And by the way, I did have the link included in my original post:

"try by its own definition, <span class="bold">right here try</span> means a test, nothing else..."

So again, if people don't understand English do not blame others!

Plus: We are talking about a Computer-program, when was the last time, even with bought SW, that the SW worked all the way from day one?

Further: Before you try or buy something, everyone checks the internet or whatever source. But here those people complaining in a destructive manner ONLY, act like they never heard about the internet or similar.

As they have already proven:

a.) They were able too post
b.) proved they have access to internet
c.) hence they know how to use a browser, as they did post
d.) hence they know how to search


Nobody else to blame but themselves.

and if d does not fit: They do not know how too search, again not GOG's problem. If you don't know how to drive and you drive, whom do you blame? That is what they are trying to do, trying to blame others.

second hit with search terms galaxy gog:
The GOG Galaxy client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test, enjoy (and break) at your leisure.

So again, your post was a nice try.
Goodaltgamer: Sorry, case dismissed.....
You obviously haven't got a single clue about any aspect of linguistics.
If your dictionary gave you an overview over all meanings of a word even if they are restricted to very specific contexts or metaphorical use you would have far more entries for every word.

In a business context the verb "try" can be used synonymously to "start to use on a voluntary basis" and is employed to market any fully functional product in a way that emphasizes the free decision of the customer.
Post edited July 19, 2015 by 0Grapher