It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Goodaltgamer: Back to your point ;)

IF Windows would be a proper OS, that would not be needed. THEY made the restrictions without having a proper solution included....
*IF* people gave Windows 10 a chance and tried it (instead of playing Sam I Am), it might be a decent OS, whether or not it was 'proper' probably depends on the user. I certainly wouldn't limit my kids to the use of the OS unless they figured out how to find your hidden files. :)
bvguthrie: Steam, ever since it was released, deletes all your games if you uninstall it. Every so often a user will complain about this on the forum, only to be told they should pay better attention. Now you can argue that a DRM-free client should not imitate this behavior (and I would agree with that view), but it's the standard established by Steam, the only client most people use. So I understand why it was programmed that way.
What standard established by Steam? Steam is just one of billions and billions of installable software packages. Also what Pheace said.
Goodaltgamer: You remember in the old days: You installed the program in ONE directory and it contained all data. You wanted to get rid off, you deleted it and ALL was gone ;)
Good. The old days. That is the only good thing about those sentences.

Keeping data at the same place as the executable files is NOT how you do it.
Goodaltgamer: IF Windows would be a proper OS, that would not be needed. THEY made the restrictions without having a proper solution included....
Are you joking?
Post edited July 18, 2015 by Elenarie
because of TW3 1.07 patch our servers are overwhelmed right now, please be patient, all issues will be fixed as soon as possible.
wlodar_gog: because of TW3 1.07 patch our servers are overwhelmed right now, please be patient, all issues will be fixed as soon as possible.
Damn all those Witchers that can't take a joke.
high rated
I want to say, that GOG is doing everything they can to try to get everyone to use Galaxy. They have a banner in the front page, telling everyone to come use Galaxy, without mentioning that it's in beta. The Galaxy download page, in all its gushing, never talks about how Galaxy is still in beta, or potential problems; there is one acknowledgment that it's a beta project, the download button itself. GOG hid their downloader, so that new users who didn't know where to look would have to use Galaxy or their browser's downloader. The Witcher 3 patching process is seemingly so Galaxy-dependent that at least some people don't realize it's possible to do it without Galaxy. They had an announcement where they bragged about how wonderful it was that so many people were using their client.

And what I think is, that you don't get to do all that and then play the "Well it's in beta, so you can''t expect it to work right" card.
I'm sure the patch isn't helping, but I've seen at least three "Galaxy can't connect" topics in the past two weeks.
issues solved, can you confirm that ?
BadDecissions: And what I think is, that you don't get to do all that and then play the "Well it's in beta, so you can''t expect it to work right" card.
Damned well said.

To be fair, though, it is only users that I see playing that card, not GOG. I may easily have missed it, though.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by grimwerk
wlodar_gog: issues solved, can you confirm that ?
The patch is downloading, so probably yes.

grimwerk: To be fair, though, it is only users that I see playing that card, not GOG. I may easily have missed it, though.
I think you're right, I think it's only the Cult of GOG that keeps saying that.
Wolfszorn: I launched it and it told me files are missing I should reinstall it. Then I launched the installer but it says "galaxy is already installed. the installation will now close". Wonderful, no option to repair.

Then I uninstalled the client and guess what.. it deleted the WHOLE Galaxy folder INCLUDING all installed games?!?!?!
Jesus, who is testing this client?! Either give us an repair option when it claims for a reinstall OR stop deleting the whole folder when there are fiels that dont belong to the client, makes sense doesn't it?!

Now I have to download over hundred of GB and find and install all mods I had installed and some games also lost the savegames because they are stored in the installation folder of the game which got deleted by the Galaxy client.

We already found out this issue and it's been fixed a while ago, can you put here version of your client ? Maybe it's not up to date.
Usual hyperbole and over reaction to the bugs in GOG Galaxy,but it DOES need a lot of work.The constant disconnections and generally instability are the big problems,but they will be fixed in tiem. The reason that GOG is putting it out is to hunt out the bugs..which is why you release Beta programs.
Anybody with any brains knows to expect an awful lot of bugs in any Beta program.
And it's not like you HAVE to use Galaxy to access GOG.
Wolfszorn: I like the GOG client and I know it's beta, I expect bugs. But this isn't a bug its a coding mistake. You can reproduce it at any time. And it's not something that happens in special circumstance, that's what frustrates me.
Wolfszorn, I'm very sorry to hear about your problem, however I cannot reproduce this issue as you explain it. To be more precise, here are the steps I've just taken seconds ago:

1. Installed the Client to the default path of C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient. It updated to
2. Installed multiple games using the Client to C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games (as you can see the folder is located within the Client installation folder)
3. Uninstalled the Client using default uninstaller available via Control Panel

The result was that every single installed game remained untouched in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games.

Do you maybe have any cleaning software that assists app uninstallations that could have caused this? The other option would be that somehow your Galaxy installation were not updated (although this would be tough as Client updates are not optional).
This topic has been up for 14 hours and nobody's edited the title to remove the curseword. I don't really care, I'm just a tad surprised. In the past it would've been edited rather expeditiously to remove the curseword.
hedwards: This topic has been up for 14 hours and nobody's edited the title to remove the curseword. I don't really care, I'm just a tad surprised. In the past it would've been edited rather expeditiously to remove the curseword.
I thought that earlier today when I saw it, we never used to get away with that. Or maybe someone felt until its resolved it might be less provoking to leave it.
hedwards: This topic has been up for 14 hours and nobody's edited the title to remove the curseword. I don't really care, I'm just a tad surprised. In the past it would've been edited rather expeditiously to remove the curseword.
reaver894: I thought that earlier today when I saw it, we never used to get away with that. Or maybe someone felt until its resolved it might be less provoking to leave it.
Whenever I've seen a title like this they edited it pretty quickly. I remember at least one time the change was subtle though. Somewhere on the forum is a "shifty" title.