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gunsynd: Well,people that wan't to use beta had beta be ready for the bugs.
Wolfszorn: This is NOT a bug. Its the OFFICIAL uninstaller. It's hardcoded, 100% reproduceable, happens in every circumstance. You can call it "early access, pre-alpha, 123 awesome" it doesn't matter if you CODE it exactly like this to wipe the ENTIRE folder, no matter whats inside.

A bug is a bug and a lazy coding style without proper testing is a lazy coding style without proper testing.
And a beta program is put out to the public to find the bugs for the dev's.
And you found a doozy.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by gunsynd
Kardwill: They already hid the downloader since they put the "beta" galaxy. It's still here, but new users don't know it exists, so for them it's either "optional" galaxy or those direct links :/
(Unless they come to this forum and get it explained to them, but how many people will come ask questions about a service they aren't aware of?)
snowkatt: very few hence my sarcastic totally "optional" galaxy client which is totally not a pre alpha train wreck
phaolo: I agree with you being pissed off but.. THIS is the testing phase: the client is beta.
Also, please always backup your savegames.
snowkatt: and why should we be the testers ?
galaxy just wiped his complete library twice
not his save games his library and mods

that shoule have been caught before it was let out on to the users its inexcusable its just poor coding
just because its a beta doesnt excuse it for being piss poor
its half baked
beta means its nearly done with rought edges

these arent rough edges it has razors all over it waiting to cut you up

probably while it giggles
I think *we* should be the testers for only two reasons: a) money; or b) fame; think about those who volunteered in the space program. In all seriousness though, how many avid games do they have to choose from a pool that are actually active GOG participants?

As far as poor coding goes, I've seen it run rampant. Start outsourcing it and you end up with one piece of Frankens*it. There are coders who take pride in their work and then there are people who do a really crappy job just to pass visual inspection undercutting everyone in the market.

I worked for a company that had 'Alpha' releases and even then, they were 'optional', just as Beta releases are; you're not really allowed to bitch about things if you joined the beta program just to get a copy of free software and didn't provide some feedback to the developers.

If the Galaxy client doesn't get enough feedback through the Beta channels, it will end up like most other projects --in the eyes of those who created it to determine a "yes or no" for its go-ahead. If you don't try it, you don't know whether or not you'll like it.

No skin off your nose, just the person who sold them that concept and the person who ran with it.
It's more like fucked by galaxy client.
Also zero fucks given by GOG.
Wolfszorn: I like the GOG client and I know it's beta, I expect bugs. But this isn't a bug its a coding mistake. You can reproduce it at any time. And it's not something that happens in special circumstance, that's what frustrates me.

Its one of the first things you gonna test when developing a software and many installers are prebuilt like that. That they don't touch any file that doesn't come with the installation because it might be something that shouldn't be deleted.

Just because a software puts a single DLL file into system32 folder it isn't a good idea to delete the whole directory and there is no excuse even if the software has the word "beta" in the caption.

Not only all the downloaded games but also all the savegames and mods I had... gone. Just by using the official uninstaller. Grrr... really frustrating.
Not true. I'm not saying this didn't happen to you but I just tested this. Using client version the latest version. Galaxy was installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient and Games in: C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games, which is Galaxy's new default settings.

Uninstalled and games were left in the Games folder while all Galaxy files were wiped. So it worked exactly as intended.

I suggest you post your logs to mantis...
BKGaming: Uninstalled and games were left in the Games folder while all Galaxy files were wiped. So it worked exactly as intended.

I suggest you post your logs to mantis...
I assume, he might have had everything in the same directory (so similar to steam), and that would be user mistake ;)

OP, could you please confirm or decline my assumption?

Where did you install Galaxy and what path did you use too install your games?
It's funny how it's a year overdue and it still doesn't have even half the functionality it was promised.
keeveek: It's funny how it's a year overdue and it still doesn't have even half the functionality it was promised.
Corrected that for you. :)
BKGaming: Uninstalled and games were left in the Games folder while all Galaxy files were wiped. So it worked exactly as intended.

I suggest you post your logs to mantis...
Goodaltgamer: I assume, he might have had everything in the same directory (so similar to steam), and that would be user mistake ;)

OP, could you please confirm or decline my assumption?

Where did you install Galaxy and what path did you use too install your games?
Galaxy by default is setup like Steam now after the last update and that's how I had it. Where Steam has a SteamApps folder for games under the Steam folder, I had GOG games installed in Games folder which is inside of the GalaxyClient folder.

So unless he had it like Galaxy Client Folder -> Galaxy Client Files, Game 1, Game 2... without them having their own sub-directory in the Galaxy Client Folder I'm not sure how that happen. Might check that next to see if that might reproduce the issue.
Just stick to Steam.
BKGaming: Was the client up to date, pretty sure this issue was suppose to be fixed now.
Pretty sure the website was supposed to be fixed in 2009, but it still has stupid random problems.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by Elenarie
low rated
Elenarie: Pretty sure the website was supposed to be fixed in 2009, but it still has stupid random problems.
It left BETA in 2010. Since then they were working hard to introduce at least one new bug every month. When they missed this goal for two months in a row, they did the relaunch and a bit later the Galaxy implementation to make up for it ;)
LingLangLong: Blee

Post edited July 18, 2015 by real.geizterfahr
BKGaming: Galaxy by default is setup like Steam now after the last update and that's how I had it. Where Steam has a SteamApps folder for games under the Steam folder, I had GOG games installed in Games folder which is inside of the GalaxyClient folder.

So unless he had it like Galaxy Client Folder -> Galaxy Client Files, Game 1, Game 2... without them having their own sub-directory in the Galaxy Client Folder I'm not sure how that happen. Might check that next to see if that might reproduce the issue.
okaaay.... I only upgraded and they are outside of Galaxy for me.

Be warned, somewhere I read that too many subfolders can cause a problem, max 2 (IIRC) recommended. So default setup of Galaxy isn't working all the time anyway....(game then not working...)


If it is in the Galaxy sub-folder, that sounds more of a Windows-problem for me....depending on the uninstall-information, the problem might be the windows-uninstaller and not Galaxy....I know there was a way to check this in the uninstaller, but too long ago :(
BKGaming: Galaxy by default is setup like Steam now after the last update and that's how I had it. Where Steam has a SteamApps folder for games under the Steam folder, I had GOG games installed in Games folder which is inside of the GalaxyClient folder.

So unless he had it like Galaxy Client Folder -> Galaxy Client Files, Game 1, Game 2... without them having their own sub-directory in the Galaxy Client Folder I'm not sure how that happen. Might check that next to see if that might reproduce the issue.
Goodaltgamer: okaaay.... I only upgraded and they are outside of Galaxy for me.

Be warned, somewhere I read that too many subfolders can cause a problem, max 2 (IIRC) recommended. So default setup of Galaxy isn't working all the time anyway....(game then not working...)


If it is in the Galaxy sub-folder, that sounds more of a Windows-problem for me....depending on the uninstall-information, the problem might be the windows-uninstaller and not Galaxy....I know there was a way to check this in the uninstaller, but too long ago :(
Yea the change is only default for new installations of Galaxy and it worked without issue for me. Granted I used CCleaner to uninstall not the default Windows uninstaller. But my games were left intact without issue.
You aren't supposed to cuss in thread titles, am I correct? :P