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gunsynd: I have a prediction as Gog DL is not updated or cared about,that Galaxy will become
Navagon: GOG downloader's already dead. But hopefully they'll keep website downloads. Plus you can download backup copies through the client anyway, which is something it does well enough now for it to at least be able to replace GOG downloader.

It's just a question of when we'll be able to trust it to do more than that.
I don't use many apps,so I just use my browser to DL from Gog.
Martek: Was going to try a direct-browser DL after the Season 2 DL finished. Looks about 3/4 done. But, I'll assume the direct DL will work - I was mainly chiming in about my own experience with the Downloader when Navagon noted it wasn't working for this title..

[Edit]: Yep the direct DL works (well, is working -3.5GB and still in progress). So what Navagon said is correct - at least in regards to Season 1. Season 2 did DL just fine via the Downloader.
really odd results and odd behaviour.

But seems nothing to do with the size, so just specific things.

And as it is only with the downloader, me thinks GOG will not do anything :(
Wolfszorn: I like the GOG client and I know it's beta, I expect bugs. But this isn't a bug its a coding mistake. You can reproduce it at any time. And it's not something that happens in special circumstance, that's what frustrates me.
Exactly. You actually have to specifically write the installer in such a way that it removes everything in a particular directory. Else it just removes the files that it installed.
Wolfszorn: I like the GOG client and I know it's beta, I expect bugs. But this isn't a bug its a coding mistake. You can reproduce it at any time. And it's not something that happens in special circumstance, that's what frustrates me.
Elenarie: Exactly. You actually have to specifically write the installer in such a way that it removes everything in a particular directory. Else it just removes the files that it installed.
Except if this was true it would do it every time, and I have confirmed and well as GOG staff that this doesn't happen. So either he is using an old version or it's simply a weird bug he has encountered.
BKGaming: Except if this was true it would do it every time, and I have confirmed and well as GOG staff that this doesn't happen. So either he is using an old version or it's simply a weird bug he has encountered.
Since the client autoupdates, it could very well be just a specific version that does this. I haven't encountered this, but, by default such behaviour is not possible, so it must have been coded in. Basic uninstallation safeguard, really.
Smannesman: Me too, but I did have one installer (that I know of) that was corrupt so file verification doesn't seem to be great.
Is there like a command line option to run the integrity check on installers?
Blaze72: I can't seem to find anything in the settings for that sort of thing.
I have found something that looks like it might work BTW, you probably aren't particularly interested but I figured I might as well post this somewhere. The Inno Setup Unpacker has an integrity check option so you can write a simple batch script to identify broken downloads.