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PookaMustard: The next sentence after the bit you quoted expands further on what I've read of Maxleod, but it's not included for some reason. Is it really not worth considering? That the response I've got from him hasn't been helpful? Better yet, that I barely see him posting to begin with?
No. It's not relevant to the point I'm making.
Cadaver747: Hmm, the words of the wiser nonetheless.

I say wouldn't it be nice to have a outdoors tea party, you know, tents, cucumber sandwiches, camp fire, like in the old times. We could talk politics if you are so fond of it, perhaps we could even play (our) cards, right?
I love cucumbers!
- Micro, 2022

(also, a bump if anyone needs it)
Microfish_1: I love cucumbers!
That's what she said.
low rated
PookaMustard: I'd also pick from GR or Cadaver but they're so far away, so it's best suited for someone closer. If nothing changes, I'll make my nomination much earlier if I don't forget about the game (again) once I get home.
Question: you are like the second or so person to suggest me being picked(I think the first was Lift, though I might be misremembering)......may I ask your reasons for this?

(I ask in part, also, because I am usually highly suspected in these games, and then to see people trust me to any noticeable degree makes my radar ping a bit)
low rated
joppo: It is definitely a joke. There is no scumchat in SH games, you know.
I know there isn't. That bit of scene's comment just seemed a bit odd and stood out(and left me scratching my head for a bit) is all. Oh well, back to the old grind.....
The building where I live will be cut off power for several hours. Just my luck!
low rated
Cadaver747: The building where I live will be cut off power for several hours. Just my luck!
Load shedding by any chance? At any rate, that sucks. :\

When ya get back(or before it happens), wanted to say: liked your posting in post 443 about some players....would like to see your thoughts in similar fahsion about the rest of the player lineup when/if ya have time.

Also re Post 448: were ya calling ME wise, then? If so, that's a shock(don't hear it often in these games)......also I feel honored. *bows*
GamezRanker: Load shedding by any chance? At any rate, that sucks. :\
It's finished already, and good riddance!

GamezRanker: When ya get back(or before it happens), wanted to say: liked your posting in post 443 about some players....would like to see your thoughts in similar fahsion about the rest of the player lineup when/if ya have time.
In due time, my good man, that's a promise.

GamezRanker: Also re Post 448: were ya calling ME wise, then? If so, that's a shock(don't hear it often in these games)......also I feel honored. *bows*
Perhaps it's time to finally embrace yourself for whatever you are, my friend? If you allow me to call you that way.
low rated
Cadaver747: It's finished already, and good riddance!

Cadaver747: In due time, my good man, that's a promise.
Sounds good. I will await your further "reports" with antici...........pation.

Cadaver747: Perhaps it's time to finally embrace yourself for whatever you are, my friend? If you allow me to call you that way.
You can call me nearly anything ya want.....just don't call me shirley :)

As for the rest, if we're talking about IRL....well it depends on what day it is: on some days I know full well who I am and what I am, while others I struggle to puzzle it all out. Ever have one of those days?
Hi all, sorry I missed a day yesterday.

My training got cancelled today because of the storm (which so far I can't see anything of, hope it's the same for everyone else round here) which means I have time to do this:

What I reckon of all the people at the table.

01. Joppo
Joppo is the most interesting one for me. My brain began to Brain 111% when he argued against me saying maxleod was sort of tested beginning post 376:

Now Joppo's been saying he gets vaguely uncertain feeling about me for most of the game now, and there might be an element of OMGUS that started all this off. I'm not fully convinced by it myself, but it's compelling.

(not too important but useful context)

- If Joppo sent FF Maxleod is untested.
- If Joppo sent FL Maxleod is tested.
- Joppo claimed to send FF.
-: Only FJoppo could have tested Maxleod. And then only in certain circumstances. EITHER:
FJoppo receives LLF, passes LF and FMaxleod picks F.
FJoppo receives LFF, passes LF hoping FMaxleod will enact L, but FMaxleod picks F; Joppo has the option to conflict with his buddy, but chooses not to (I referred to this as 'covering for him' in post 375.

CONCLUSION: Maxleod may have been tested but only Joppo knows for sure. IE 'Sort-Of-Tested'
NB: If Maxleod was tested, Joppo must be F.

When Joppo argued against calling Maxleod sort-of-tested I got to thinking 'why?'
I could think of two reasons, and a third boring reason.
1 - Joppo wants Maxleod to have credibilty
2 - Joppo wants to look so L that he can't conceive an theory that relies on him being F.
3 - Joppo genuinely didn't get what I meant and was just pointing out because it seemed wrong (boring, but not unlikely)

SO: I had the notion that joppo was FAKING his not-understanding, so in post 387 I asked him to double check my post and try to understand, hoping to gauge something from the response. (Thinking along the lines that it might not occur immediately to LJoppo, but LJoppo shouldn't be incapable of seeing the logic. FJoppo might be tempted to insist he can't understand, or might pretend to cotton on and do a poor job of it something like along those lines, I mean I wasn't thinking of it in such terms at the time I was just prodding really but this is vaguely what I was hoping to achieve. ANYWAY)

The results of the test were: UNDRAMATIC.
Joppo never responded. FJoppo not wanting to step into a trap? AnyJoppo missing the question? AnyJoppo feeling that I was being kind of a dick for telling him to do that (yeah fair)?

Back to my 3 options.

1 - Joppo wanting Maxleod to have credibility is undermined by Joppo not making any attempt to give Maxleod credibility. I asked Joppo if his point was to note Maxleod's government potential and he denied it in post 425.
(possibly joppo was trying to be more subtle about the credibility and when asked directly it was too much to directly support a scum buddy. Possibly... not very compelling though.)

3 - Joppo genuinely didn't understand. SOMEWHAT undermined in post 384.

JoeSapphire: DO you not get why I say he's "sort-of-tested"?
joppo: I don't, unless I was supposed to get you're implying a " -except-not-tested-at-all". There was no test of him at all because he did not have any choice.
I was hoping to intrigue with my question - I tried to imply with the stress on the 'DO' that I thought he might be faking. Which suggests that I have a good reason to stand by my assertion, and I might expect a genuinely-not-understandingJoppo to show an interest in what that reason is. Joppo didn't, he just shut down the logic. (Possibly he didn't bother asking because he knew full well I'd go ahead and say it anyway. Possibly...)

2 - Joppo pretended not to understand to look more L.

And doth not Herlock Sholmes oft repeat "Once you've discredited the impossible, by means of vague word traps with ambiguous results even you aren't sure of the purpose of to begin with, whatever's left NO MATTER HOW IMPORBORBLE must be the truth.

So that's why I think Joppo's F.

Already I'm losing faith in my logic but still. It was fun existing in my brain. Why does putting things into words always ruin them?

02. Dedoporno - tested by F-leaning Joppo, which doesn't necessarily mean LDedo. Then again Joppo claimed to be suspicious of me but chose to investigate dedo in the end, if I recall correctly... which might suggest a Fdedo... Dedo approves my chancellorship, which to everyone else should look scummy but I know I'm L so that's in dedo's favour.
In terms of contribution nothing has jumped out as being particularly alignment indicative. I suppose his getting tested and going into government and reaction to his government's result seemed genuine, but not too hard to fake.

03. Pooka - approves my chancellorship. Insisting on not rushing things despite pressure to rush, and suggestion his government would be voted down anyway.
Possible scum-pooka suggested me for chancellor, hoping to seemingly organically move to an F candidate, but seeing the suggestion to skip the government and the favour for Joe decided sticking with Joe would be the best chance of getting elected? Not impossible.

04. ZFR - approves me for chancellor. Fairly feisty reactions to scene and pooka recently. Doesn't seem cautious as I would expect from H, and hard to see as L.

05. Maxleod - The zfr's-maths thing was not very logical, but not-being-logical isn't necessarily alignment indicative. Other than that would like to hear more from this player.

Maxleod - What is your experience of the game so far?

06. JoeSapphire - that thing where he went on about joppo for ages was weird, but pretty sound otherwise.

07. SupplementScene - I'm inclined to see scene/lift as NAI. They had a similar thing in the last SH game iirc, and lift was F and scene was L? I believe Scene's trying to get the liberals to work together and discuss liberal strategy, and his early concern for his win record. His suspicion of all the Joe love that's getting thrown around is in his favour too, because I would find it suspect if I didn't know I was L.

08. Cadaver - amusing but not much to go on. Saying he thinks scene is liberal but wouldn't vote for his government on principle seems like a naive L thing to say.

09. Lifthrasil - as I say lift/scene I see as NAI. He's supporting my chancellorship but also pointing out that I could be H. ((Do I pass an F policy to prove I'm not H?))

10. GR - I think F!GR was more driven, last game? Maybe I'm just making up stuff in my memory, but this GR seems more like a go-with-the-flow kind of GR I associate with L. It might be a result of him being at the bottom of the table I spose.

Okay looking at my list it looks like I think the Fs are Joppo, Lift and Dedo, with Maxleod H??
That seems wrong but not impossible. I will return to this conundrum later.

Sorry-not-sorry for wall of text xxx
GamezRanker: Ever have one of those days?
Yes, more often than I'd ought to have I'm afraid. But since it's not killing me there is a hope for achieving the complete immunity against the inner *weakness of heart*.
JoeSapphire: Okay looking at my list it looks like I think the Fs are Joppo, Lift and Dedo, with Maxleod H??
That seems wrong but not impossible.
You're right that it's wrong. But I'm going to make it more fun for you by putting more weight to your theory (at least from your own perspective) and say that I also had no idea what you meant with the whole "not properly tested" thing. To be honest I still don't think I get it entirely. I read your long post and I don't even remember the explanation right now but I don't feel like rereading it once more. I did like your train of thought, though. I did feel very Joe and I have been missing that so far in the game. Anyway, back to the untested Maxleod - I don't see how he can be seen as anything else than "completely untested". L!Joppo wouldn't know. F!Joppo would know but we don't care - he'll always spin it as L!Joppo anyway. No of the other Ls including myself would know. How can Maxleod's untestedness be anything other than solid?
dedoporno: and say that I also had no idea what you meant with the whole "not properly tested" thing.
Ah! but you didn't make a point of not knowing it (until just now)

It's not just the fact that Joppo didn't understand that is interesting, it's how he argued it.

But I'll try to explain anyway.

Pooka said Maxleod was part of a F passing government so wasn't considering him for chancellor.

I thought that's a bit unfair, as Maxleod is untested having-certainly-been-passed FF by Joppo's confirmation, and Joppo would have no reason to lie.

and THEN I thought well what if joppo drew LLF, then joppo would have passed LF and they would both be lying?
and THEN I thought well what if joppo drew LFF and passed LF hoping to pass L, but Maxleod did F anyway?

In these two scenarios, the chancellor has agency, and therefore has been submitted to a test, and failed.

Are they particularly likely scenarios? No.
If Pooka was nominating Maxleod would I be describing these situations up as reason Maxleod is F? No.

But yet nevertheless I think they give reason to describe Maxleod as 'sort-of-tested'
JoeSapphire: Ah! but you didn't make a point of not knowing it (until just now)
I made a conscious effort to not intervene because I figured out you were leading him into something and I didn't want to get in the way. Now that you explained yourself I felt it's finally safe to chime in.

I think I now get what you mean better now but I still find it somewhat confusing so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't understand what you meant. Keep in mind I don't advocate for him not being a fascist. He's just as untested as Maxleod to me and for me both of them aren't welcome in governments until further verification.

Which brings me to your point about it being unfair to shun away Maxleod because he hasn't been properly test so he's just as good. It may suck for him if it was in fact bad draw but I wouldn't say it's unfair. I still consider him fully untested and even a notch down from that (both him and Joppo, really). Let me share a small story to make my point a bit more colorful.

Long ago I took part in some course for tourist guides as some extracurricular activates just before graduating school. I walked away with a certificate for a tourist guide in Spanish (which isn't my native language). For a good while I've been neglecting and downplaying that as something small and stupid I would never have use of as I'm a tech person and work in IT. It's just not my thing so I always considered it a waste of time and effort. Anyway, some years ago when I went to an interview for the company I work at I was having a conversation with my dad and we talked about how I might end up competing with someone else who has the same professional accreditation as me in terms of IT skills and experience. My dad looked at me and "OK but is he a certified tour guide?"

Since then I've always tried to consider even the smallest bits when making a choice between stuff that appear similar if not the same. In this case Maxleod (and Joppo) in comparison with someone else who is also untested, for instance you, are the only ones who passed an F so far. Sure, they may have not had the choice but that doesn't change the fact that they produced an F. On top of that Maxleod has shown a couple of times lack of attention which I also don't appreciate. That in itself make them less preferable candidates to me.
dedoporno: Sure, they may have not had the choice but that doesn't change the fact that they produced an F.
So.... you might then describe them as 'sort-of-tested'?