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Banned for being ailurophilic.
Categorically banned, for initiating a catastrophic cataclysm in the cat catacombs with your catapult
Stop with the Cate- and the Cata-! STOP! BANNED!
Banned because dogs are better anyways.
Banned because despite the irritated tone that my previous ban might have implied, cats are still better than dogs.
Banned because you're right! Dogs are too much like children.
Banned because I'd rather pet a cat than a dog... then again a dog does wag that tail back and forth...
Banned because (some) cats do that too (mine do).
Yes! Another cat lover! Sorry, but I have to ban you, so that you won't have to worry about getting banned by a dog lover right after expressing that opinion of yours. As a fellow cat lover, it is my utmost duty to protect those who also love cats!

(I hope I don't get ninja'ed, or all this would be for nothing)

Post edited July 02, 2020 by Verlam
Banned because I wonder what The Prestige would be like if it were directed by Christopher Nolan.
Banned despite being a cat lover.
I mean, banned for being a ninja.
Post edited July 02, 2020 by teceem
Banned because cats are ninjas. That's why we need guard police those thieves, intruders, spies, vandals, noise-makers, etc.
low rated
Banned for reminding me of poor Paw Patrol's possible pitiful plight
Banned for mentioning paw patrol
Post edited July 03, 2020 by Hooyaah
Banned for being jealous. Opposable thumbs can do more than paws!