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^ I come back to dispose of that dangerous pickle jar and to throw the second edition of my book because I missed the purpose of this thread in my previous post.
^I also come back because I got mixed up by the previous post.

I come to give a plushie of a pickle jar and throw the second edition of the book away into a lava pit where is quickly disintegrates.
^ I throw a gift for you to give your mother this Sunday (Because you forgot, didn't you!?)
^ Throws some leftover cake my mother made on Sunday, it's still delicious.
Throws crown.

"You dropped this, king."
"Why thank you Darvallas" throws the crown on the next user's head to take my position
Post edited May 11, 2021 by JocktheLock1
Throws someone with last name "King" to receive the crown.
"Why thank you, but like I said in my post above, the crown goes to a new king that will be randomly chosen" Throws crown away to some next user
Throws a throne for the king to sit on.
Throws a whoopee cushion on the throne.
I hope the queen will sit on it.
^throws a red carpet that contains lots of fart bombs underneath the red carpet.

(Hopefully it will not smell as bad as I hope)
throws a wet waterballoon!
i wet my t-shirt.

throws a detachable cyberpenis.
Throws a smoking pipe shaped like a dick.
Throws a flaming hot pizza in the shape of a bunny.