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As desirable as it might be, it shouldn't come as a surprise that it isn't a feasible thing to do.

Like fellow users explained above, it would require a titanic investment from GOG to re-distribute licenses for the games acquired on another platform, when said licenses state that their function extends only to said platform. There's nothing to gain for them: A lot for us, of course, but not for them, and being a company drowning in already too many issues of their own, it would be very hard to justify such a move without any revenue...

Ironicaly, this benefits specialy to consumers that "play both sides" and purchase on both platforms and doesn't provide anything to... how should I put it... "loyalists"? to GOG that, for different reasons and motives, only purchase games here, and it could easily be perceived as a kick in the groin for the later, which would pose yet another obstacle: considering how pouty and complaining the average user gets when someone else get free stuff but not themselves, how to balance said situation to avoid further revolts from the userbase would add another mountain to climb.

Even taking only into account drm-free titles available on both sites, think of the amount of time and workforce required to perform such a move for so many users and so many titles... and if the request extended to the WHOLE library... including drm-free games that are not available here (War of the Human Tanks, Valkyria Chronicles...).

I think such requests* are bordering on being out of touch with reality.

*edit: poor choice of word.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by Buttspikes
low rated
Buttspikes: As desirable as it might be, it shouldn't come as a surprise that it isn't a feasible thing to do.

Like fellow users explained above, it would require a titanic investment from GOG to re-distribute licenses for the games acquired on another platform, when said licenses state that their function extends only to said platform. There's nothing to gain for them: A lot for us, of course, but not for them, and being a company drowning in already too many issues of their own, it would be very hard to justify such a move without any revenue...

Ironicaly, this benefits specialy to consumers that "play both sides" and purchase on both platforms and doesn't provide anything to... how should I put it... "loyalists"? to GOG that, for different reasons and motives, only purchase games here, and it could easily be perceived as a kick in the groin for the later, which would pose yet another obstacle: considering how pouty and complaining the average user gets when someone else get free stuff but not themselves, how to balance said situation to avoid further revolts from the userbase would add another mountain to climb.

Even taking only into account drm-free titles available on both sites, think of the amount of time and workforce required to perform such a move for so many users and so many titles... and if the request extended to the WHOLE library... including drm-free games that are not available here (War of the Human Tanks, Valkyria Chronicles...).

I think such demands are bordering on being out of touch with reality.
Loyalty as you put it is earned. Or built on quality. Also to many condescending remarks here that are a put off.

GOG already offers the pathway in small increments. Its not a new idea or something they refuse to do. Only in how much, or the economical part of which the last poster and maybe a few others have noted. That's why the arseweasels making snarky comments sound ridiculous. It's something they want to do, yet users here seem to think its out of place or out of touch.

I am trying to think of a way it could be done on a broader scale without GOG footing all the costs ofc. The only reason its not done more is because of costs, which is limited by ideas or emphasis. Steam has more like 70% of the DD market. That also allows them to dictate more how they want without caring about their users.

I am also not demanding anything and it wouldn't matter if someone did. But asking please is not demanding something.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: I am trying to think of a way it could be done on a broader scale without GOG footing all the costs ofc.
It couldn't. What you are asking is simply not possible, nor will it ever be. GOG does not and never will have enough money to do what you are asking for. And even if they did, then they'd go bankrupt within a month of their decision to offer what you are asking for.
mastro_akq: Also to many condescending remarks here that are a put off.


I am also not demanding anything and it wouldn't matter if someone did. But asking please is not demanding something.
If said condescending remarks are mine, apologies: I did not want to sound like that. Also, sorry for the poor choice of words: request, not demand, editing it right away.

Simply put, this isn't the first thread asking for the very same thing, and previous ones also tried to come up with a practical way to implement this, but so far it's been widely discussed without any significant breakthrough. Be my guest to keep up trying to think a way it could be done, as it would indeed benefit me as well as you and many others, but always being mindful of the aforementioned points that are, as of right now, the biggest and most obvious obstacles to such an idea.
low rated
mastro_akq: Also to many condescending remarks here that are a put off.


I am also not demanding anything and it wouldn't matter if someone did. But asking please is not demanding something.
Buttspikes: If said condescending remarks are mine, apologies: I did not want to sound like that. Also, sorry for the poor choice of words: request, not demand, editing it right away.

Simply put, this isn't the first thread asking for the very same thing, and previous ones also tried to come up with a practical way to implement this, but so far it's been widely discussed without any significant breakthrough. Be my guest to keep up trying to think a way it could be done, as it would indeed benefit me as well as you and many others, but always being mindful of the aforementioned points that are, as of right now, the biggest and most obvious obstacles to such an idea.
Got it. And those parts are appreciated. That allows people to try to understand why and if it can be possible to do. Thanks for the more technical explanation of it and aforementioned edit.

I am going to try to come up with ideas for it to be more practical though and not put out GOG.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
As several users said above it's absolutely impossible for Gog to do what you asked on several levels, mainly economical and legal.

What you can do however is stop putting your money in steam and direct it to the stores that offer DRM-free alternatives and make yourself at home in this forum. Many are of the opinion that the community isn't as enjoyable as it once was, but at least it's definitely better than steam's.

If you don't mind keeping the Steam client installed you can use Gog Galaxy 2.0 to manage your steam and Gog's libraries together. (I'm assuming you don't mind installing Gog Galaxy, since as someone who has been with steam for a long time you are obviously used to having a client in your setup. Sorry if I'm wrong about it.)

Lastly, you can at least de-steam-ify some of your games. Look for details in this thread.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by joppo
low rated
joppo: As several users said above it's absolutely impossible for Gog to do what you asked on several levels, mainly economical and legal.

What you can do however is stop putting your money in steam and direct it to the stores that offer DRM-free alternatives and make yourself at home in this forum. Many are of the opinion that the community isn't as enjoyable as it once was, but at least it's definitely better than steam's.

If you don't mind keeping the Steam client installed you can use Gog Galaxy 2.0 to manage your steam and Gog's libraries together. (I'm assuming you don't mind installing Gog Galaxy, since as someone who has been with steam for a long time you are obviously used to having a client in your setup. Sorry if I'm wrong about it.)

Lastly, you can at least de-steam-ify some of your games. Look for details in this thread.
I understand GOG could not foot the bill for it. They would gain customers and loyalty, but its not feasible money wise. I am trying to think of rebates, donating, even counting losses on Steam games in order to cover costs for the most important games to be transferred. Something where GOG isn't paying for all of it ofc. Humble can offer huge discounts based on charity. Get partners involved and GOG wouldn't have to foot the bill.

The only reason I wasn't on GOG before was because of purchase issues with credit cards being in the USA. Which is still the primary issue buying games on GOG for US based customers. I had GOG Galaxy installed to try it out and uninstalled it due to not having my game son GOG. I did transfer one game to GOG awhile back. But I realized it was just a less common thing and not for most games.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: I know that. Its the principle. I cant support that kind of platform morally. I dont want to be bothered with that kind of moderation or have gamers threatened over unnecessary things like that when they've invested so much into their games and that API. I wasn't born yesterday.

Also its kind of stupid to ask a question like why should a gaming distribution site care about DRM free. Because they are a gaming site for gamers who play games and may want to play offline without needing to log in? Or have their catalogue feel threatened by overzealous double standard modding on a whim?

Even seeing my new thread first post is called low rated is quite bottom of the barrel. This doesn't promote any open discussion about bad policies or legitimate questions. I can feel the herd gathering up and snorting. I really dont give a rats arse about opinion as far as that goes. I just ant my games on a legit API, my harddrive, and unlimited access. Not stored in some cloud and having access revoked over a illegitimate forum policy moderation. Its not really opinion based to me.
But Steam has been like this for the better part of a decade. Why are you just now morally outraged? Because it directly affected you? That's not moral outrage. That's personal vendetta. Steam and VALVe have been the same company largely for at least 4 to 5 years with anti-consumerism and a hands off approach to curation and moderation ("Just let the crowds mod themselves. That'll work!"). So this sudden turn after they banned you is... too serendipitous for me to accept as isolated events.
mastro_akq: The only reason I wasn't on GOG before was because of purchase issues with credit cards being in the USA. Which is still the primary issue buying games on GOG for US based customers. I had GOG Galaxy installed to try it out and uninstalled it due to not having my game son GOG. I did transfer one game to GOG awhile back. But I realized it was just a less common thing and not for most games.
Get Paypal. Never worry about your card again. Never have your bank stop payment for a suspicious purchase that isn't actually suspicious.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by paladin181
low rated
mastro_akq: I know that. Its the principle. I cant support that kind of platform morally. I dont want to be bothered with that kind of moderation or have gamers threatened over unnecessary things like that when they've invested so much into their games and that API. I wasn't born yesterday.

Also its kind of stupid to ask a question like why should a gaming distribution site care about DRM free. Because they are a gaming site for gamers who play games and may want to play offline without needing to log in? Or have their catalogue feel threatened by overzealous double standard modding on a whim?

Even seeing my new thread first post is called low rated is quite bottom of the barrel. This doesn't promote any open discussion about bad policies or legitimate questions. I can feel the herd gathering up and snorting. I really dont give a rats arse about opinion as far as that goes. I just ant my games on a legit API, my harddrive, and unlimited access. Not stored in some cloud and having access revoked over a illegitimate forum policy moderation. Its not really opinion based to me.
paladin181: But Steam has been like this for the better part of a decade. Why are you just now morally outraged? Because it directly affected you? That's not moral outrage. That's personal vendetta. Steam and VALVe have been the same company largely for at least 4 to 5 years with anti-consumerism and a hands off approach to curation and moderation ("Just let the crowds mod themselves. That'll work!"). So this sudden turn after they banned you is... too serendipitous for me to accept as isolated events.
mastro_akq: The only reason I wasn't on GOG before was because of purchase issues with credit cards being in the USA. Which is still the primary issue buying games on GOG for US based customers. I had GOG Galaxy installed to try it out and uninstalled it due to not having my game son GOG. I did transfer one game to GOG awhile back. But I realized it was just a less common thing and not for most games.
paladin181: Get Paypal. Never worry about your card again. Never have your bank stop payment for a suspicious purchase that isn't actually suspicious.
I have paypal and it still wouldn't process it with a card linked. I gave up on trying to buy games when I tried different cards and paypal and still could not order from here. Maybe that was in the past and it has changed some. I tried again a year ago or so though.

I am also not just now morally outraged. I am defensive because my account was banned for one day for something so petty, which puts my games library at risk and its not something I can ignore anymore. With the other practices making it add up to the a sum I cannot accept anymore.

I gave Steam the benefit of the doubt and did not have much choice for awhile. I also had to come around to digital distribution itself, and come back to the DRM free thing after forgetting about it for a long time. It's not a sudden vendetta as much as a defensive reaction to it actually happening as Steam gets worse. Its taken time to understand how important DRM free is now, and realizing I was to lax about it for all that time.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: I have paypal and it still wouldnt process it with a card linked.
Get a different bank. I have never had an issue paying on GOG and I have nearly 650 games, and many gifts I've given to others. There are excuses "GOG can't take my card because US" and there are solutions. Find a solution, don't make excuses. God I love USAA, Navy Federal and VACU. Seems like BoA and Wells Fargo would be a hassle to even use.
I see little purpose in pointing out the convenience, timing or purpose behind someone attempting to come up with an idea that could benefit others in these matters.

Whether he/she/it became suddenly a conscientious customer or just someone with a wish for payback at being banned, does it actualy make a difference for this?
mastro_akq: I have paypal and it still wouldnt process it with a card linked.
paladin181: Get a different bank. I have never had an issue paying on GOG and I have nearly 650 games, and many gifts I've given to others. There are excuses "GOG can't take my card because US" and there are solutions. Find a solution, don't make excuses. God I love USAA, Navy Federal and VACU. Seems like BoA and Wells Fargo would be a hassle to even use.
I first switched to a credit union 20 years ago and I haven't ever looked back. Being a member at a credit union is SO MUCH better than being a "customer" at a bank. Credit unions are great.
low rated
Buttspikes: I see little purpose in pointing out the convenience, timing or purpose behind someone attempting to come up with an idea that could benefit others in these matters.

Whether he/she/it became suddenly a conscientious customer or just someone with a wish for payback at being banned, does it actualy make a difference for this?
Good to hear it without having to defend myself in that way. Thanks again. But I tried to explain it in a nutshell. I dont care if everyone hates me and wants me to go for a long walk off a short pier. I do care if GOG's policies are better for me.

I want to explain I was against digital distribution long ago in part because it would take away physical boxed copies and give away user control. Since it came around as it has obviously I use it, but the principle of DRM was what I was against DD for long before this initiative. I got lax. The same thing with cloud gaming which is gaining traction.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
TARFU: I first switched to a credit union 20 years ago and I haven't ever looked back. Being a member at a credit union is SO MUCH better than being a "customer" at a bank. Credit unions are great.
Hell yes. Most people don't know the difference, and those are people who still do financials at banks. :P
mastro_akq: I am defensive because my account was banned for one day for something so petty, which puts my games library at risk
If you mean banned from the forum then no, not really. Forum bans have no effect on your access to your Steam library at all.