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low rated
mastro_akq: I usually do. Foresight. Get some.
richlind33: You're not circumscribed? o.O
No I didn't subscribe to the circumference of your circular reasoning.
richlind33: You're not circumscribed? o.O
Reminds me of my childhood. I was suspended so I mosied on down to the state park I lived next to and lo and behold, some school had bussed in their seniors for a graduation party! Kegs of beer, hash, seniors lying face down in pools of vomit. And then my dad showed up with his shotgun. lol
Dalthnock: Reminds me of my childhood. I was suspended so I mosied on down to the state park I lived next to and lo and behold, some school had bussed in their seniors for a graduation party! Kegs of beer, hash, seniors lying face down in pools of vomit. And then my dad showed up with his shotgun. lol
Woah, your dad was WILD! Awesome! PARTEEEHHH!!!
DadJoke007: How are you suggesting GOG should propose this to the devs/publishers? There's a reason GOG Connect only appears a few times a year.

If GOG could, they probably would.
mastro_akq: Yep they definitely would. That's where this is stuck in limbo. How to where GOG isn't paying for everyone's entire library obviously that's not reasonable and I would never ask that if they had to buy keys for all everyone's games. Even if they didn't like me they know why they have some of the policies they do and why its important. I most likely cant have some groundbreaking idea to make it more feasible. I will still try though just because I want my games on something else and gaming handled differently.
So what kind of ideas do you have? I'd be interested in seeing some solutions to this (non) problem. I think there are ways, honestly but most involve strong arm tactics which won't do well with such a small store as GOG. But I'm certainly interested in something other than "GOG should give back to me for supporting Steam".

By the by, I feel the same way about Steam. I have a fairly sizable library there as well. I buy games on there from time to time and I'd hate to see someone begging for another store's library to be transferred there too.

But enough about likes or dislikes, what kind of ideas do you have?
mastro_akq: Yep they definitely would. That's where this is stuck in limbo. How to where GOG isn't paying for everyone's entire library obviously that's not reasonable and I would never ask that if they had to buy keys for all everyone's games. Even if they didn't like me they know why they have some of the policies they do and why its important. I most likely cant have some groundbreaking idea to make it more feasible. I will still try though just because I want my games on something else and gaming handled differently.
paladin181: So what kind of ideas do you have? I'd be interested in seeing some solutions to this (non) problem. I think there are ways, honestly but most involve strong arm tactics which won't do well with such a small store as GOG. But I'm certainly interested in something other than "GOG should give back to me for supporting Steam".

By the by, I feel the same way about Steam. I have a fairly sizable library there as well. I buy games on there from time to time and I'd hate to see someone begging for another store's library to be transferred there too.

But enough about likes or dislikes, what kind of ideas do you have?
I'll work on it man. But my mind goes all over the place and peace of mind is often in short supply these days. I usually go to bed pondering something without distractions.
paladin181: So what kind of ideas do you have? I'd be interested in seeing some solutions to this (non) problem. I think there are ways, honestly but most involve strong arm tactics which won't do well with such a small store as GOG. But I'm certainly interested in something other than "GOG should give back to me for supporting Steam".

By the by, I feel the same way about Steam. I have a fairly sizable library there as well. I buy games on there from time to time and I'd hate to see someone begging for another store's library to be transferred there too.

But enough about likes or dislikes, what kind of ideas do you have?
mastro_akq: I'll work on it man. But my mind goes all over the place and peace of mind is often in short supply these days. I usually go to bed pondering something without distractions.
Good luck.
Welcome to the GOG forum!

Let's take a look at the question at hand, and assume for a minute that GOG negotiated with all their clients to offer free Steam - > GOG transfers.

Unlikely, but OK, let's stretch the imagination that they made this bold move.

- Would this gain GOG visibility in the market? Yes, yes it would. But I believe more standard forms of advertising would serve GOG better than gestures like this. There are still an astonishingly large amount of gamers out there who haven't heard of GOG, or might have heard of them but think they are some kind of pirate site. This needs to be addressed pronto.
- Would this gain GOG sales? Some. But not many. Even if you discount the number of customers which only hold accounts for freebies, GOG's catalogue is tiny and does have a fair bit of overlap with Steam. Those exclusive to GOG then would be the only titles left for those customers to buy. Take into account too, that a scheme which allows this transfer over time rather than once-only would only kill GOG's sales of overlapped titles as the customers would buy games when they are cheaper on Steam/Humble/Fanatical/et al and then get them automatically on GOG.
- Would this result in large numbers of loyal GOG-only customers? Very few. Even if the scheme relied on the Steam account being closed to transfer the games, what's stopping someone opening new Steam and GOG accounts and doing this all over again? Nothing.
- Would this move improve GOG's reputation among it's clients? No. In fact asking clients to give their product for free to a massive number of potential customers may lead losing future deals. Gaming companies love repeat purchases of games and would prefer that you have to buy their game a second time to play it on different platforms.

My suggestion? Go ahead and move to GOG. But do it like many others have done: wait for the sales and rebuy your titles as the cheapest price you can. Once you have all the titles you want of your Steam collection, close that account you hate so much. In the meantime do yourself a favour and abandon posting on Steam's forums. Join a Discord channel, or reddit, or a niche forum site and talk there if you're concerned your comments are going to make you lose your account on Steam.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by Braggadar
While I don t like DRMed games, and have 999 gsmes on GOG vs 160 on Steam, I feel the opposite.

GOG is going downhill much more, as there is, and only, constant stream if useless games.

Website is terrible to use. Prices went up.
They invested in a new client to "rule them all". Really?
The forum is a pity.
No proper linux support.

What is left.... DRM free, for what is worth.

Instead of crying, take a maturity step, embrace reality and use the platform that best suites your needs each time.
low rated
Braggadar: Welcome to the GOG forum!

Let's take a look at the question at hand, and assume for a minute that GOG negotiated with all their clients to offer free Steam - > GOG transfers.

Unlikely, but OK, let's stretch the imagination that they made this bold move.

- Would this gain GOG visibility in the market? Yes, yes it would. But I believe more standard forms of advertising would serve GOG better than gestures like this. There are still an astonishingly large amount of gamers out there who haven't heard of GOG, or might have heard of them but think they are some kind of pirate site. This needs to be addressed pronto.
- Would this gain GOG sales? Some. But not many. Even if you discount the number of customers which only hold accounts for freebies, GOG's catalogue is tiny and does have a fair bit of overlap with Steam. Those exclusive to GOG then would be the only titles left for those customers to buy. Take into account too, that a scheme which allows this transfer over time rather than once-only would only kill GOG's sales of overlapped titles as the customers would buy games when they are cheaper on Steam/Humble/Fanatical/et al and then get them automatically on GOG.
- Would this result in large numbers of loyal GOG-only customers? Very few. Even if the scheme relied on the Steam account being closed to transfer the games, what's stopping someone opening new Steam and GOG accounts and doing this all over again? Nothing.
- Would this move improve GOG's reputation among it's clients? No. In fact asking clients to give their product for free to a massive number of potential customers may lead losing future deals. Gaming companies love repeat purchases of games and would prefer that you have to buy their game a second time to play it on different platforms.

My suggestion? Go ahead and move to GOG. But do it like many others have done: wait for the sales and rebuy your titles as the cheapest price you can. Once you have all the titles you want of your Steam collection, close that account you hate so much. In the meantime do yourself a favour and abandon posting on Steam's forums. Join a Discord channel, or reddit, or a niche forum site and talk there if you're concerned your comments are going to make you lose your account on Steam.
Well said mostly. I will reply to it more later.
OldOldGamer: While I don t like DRMed games, and have 999 gsmes on GOG vs 160 on Steam, I feel the opposite.

GOG is going downhill much more, as there is, and only, constant stream if useless games.

Website is terrible to use. Prices went up.
They invested in a new client to "rule them all". Really?
The forum is a pity.
No proper linux support.

What is left.... DRM free, for what is worth.

Instead of crying, take a maturity step, embrace reality and use the platform that best suites your needs each time.
I did that. It no longer does that in how many marks it has against it. Business can change after people have committed. All you're saying is its your fault buy all the games over again. Heard it before and that's not realistic either. I do however believe not posting on Steam forums is in part a temporary answer since they have taken a very poor stance on moderation. Dont say crying if you're expecting someone to repeat buy all their games to benefit developers and the customer foot the bill for all of it. Or say maturity if you think that is mature compared to something more reasonable that could be established. That's greedy, not mature. You're missing part of the context of DRM free if you ask that.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: The only reason I wasn't on GOG before was because of purchase issues with credit cards being in the USA. Which is still the primary issue buying games on GOG for US based customers.
We're based in Poland, so better check with your bank if your credit card supports overseas transactions.

RedRabbitRun: But GOG Connect is - broadly speaking - a bad idea, in my opinion.

The main issue, as I see it, is that it incentivizes purchases on the competing platform.
but it also helps to bring new customers to our store :)
Post edited May 30, 2019 by Ashleee
RedRabbitRun: But GOG Connect is - broadly speaking - a bad idea, in my opinion.

The main issue, as I see it, is that it incentivizes purchases on the competing platform.
Ashleee: but it also helps to bring new customers to our store :)
There's a sloppy seconds joke here somewhere, but I REFUSE to kink shame.

Love is a beautiful thing, and we must cherish it.

Thankfully I've bought few games on Steam though I hope to see "The Last Remnant" remaster hit here. That, along with FFXIII and Bioshock Infinite and a new Sega game collection are the ONLY games I could reasonably expect to see here as the other is Half-Life.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by Sarang
RedRabbitRun: But GOG Connect is - broadly speaking - a bad idea, in my opinion.

The main issue, as I see it, is that it incentivizes purchases on the competing platform.
Ashleee: but it also helps to bring new customers to our store :)
I just hope that the short-term spike in interest doesn't create a hidden longer-term loss. But if you can see it working from your end then that's great! ^_^
Sarang: Thankfully I've bought few games on Steam though I hope to see "The Last Remnant" remaster hit here. That, along with FFXIII and Bioshock Infinite and a new Sega game collection are the ONLY games I could reasonably expect to see here as the other is Half-Life.
Considering that not only SE removed the original game from steam, without letting no one know about the remake hitting the store in the near future, along the fact that they are in love with denuvo, this is unlikely going to happen.

If that wasn't enough, FFXIII trilogy runs like utter shit with no optimization, and the only third entry is somewhat a more bearable port, BUT it needs constant internet connection to run.

And then we have GOG curation system, which apparently seems to have taken a hate on japanese games as of late, for unknown reasons.
Sarang: Thankfully I've bought few games on Steam though I hope to see "The Last Remnant" remaster hit here. That, along with FFXIII and Bioshock Infinite and a new Sega game collection are the ONLY games I could reasonably expect to see here as the other is Half-Life.
Kyousuke.: Considering that not only SE removed the original game from steam, without letting no one know about the remake hitting the store in the near future, along the fact that they are in love with denuvo, this is unlikely going to happen.

If that wasn't enough, FFXIII trilogy runs like utter shit with no optimization, and the only third entry is somewhat a more bearable port, BUT it needs constant internet connection to run.

And then we have GOG curation system, which apparently seems to have taken a hate on japanese games as of late, for unknown reasons.
Well I picked up FFXIII on PC for the Japanese audio with subs. I already own it on the Japanese PS3 as I was terrified when it released in the US Square would water the audio down to equalize it with the 360 version.