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What did you do, eat Gabe's cupcake?

No wait, that results in your being publicly executed.
mastro_akq: Good to hear it without having to defend myself in that way. Thanks again. But I tried to explain it in a nutshell. I dont care if everyone hates me and wants me to go for a long walk off a short pier. I do care if GOG's policies are better for me.

I want to explain I was against digital distribution long ago in part because it would take away physical boxed copies and give away user control. Since it came around as it has obviously I use it, but the principle of DRM was what I was against DD for long before this initiative. I got lax. The same thing with cloud gaming which is gaining traction.
Perhaps I should reword it.. I don't think we are entitled to anything here because we shopped at the store's competition and spent money there. It's a nice notion, but you COULD show your love for GOG buy rebuying your games here. I've done that numerous times (Titan Quest, Risen series, The Witcher, Van Helsing,etc.) Some even after they decided to offer them for free some way or another. I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I just don't suffer fools lightly. You want something for nothing. Actually, you want something for LESS THAN nothing since you actually paid the competition to get the games you wanted. Rather than bug GOG, bug the developers/publishers of your games to issue you GOG keys. That's the correct route to go. A few of them will probably do it with no problem. Maybe you can convince more than a few.
low rated
tinyE: What did you do, eat Gabe's cupcake?

No wait, that results in your being publicly executed.
I literally just have a funny Steam moniker and profile pic and made an irrelevant offtopic joke. No insult, nothing vulgar, nothing like that. Some poster took it totally wrong(I dont think they understood the humor me being from the USA) and flipped out on me. Others started hating on the OP after I made the post which isn't what I was doing. I went and apologized when I didn't need to because it wasn't an insult to anyone, and then I was temp banned for a day. I think some asshat follows me around flagging anything they can. Which is abusing the system to get someone unfairly banned.

I cant even copy and paste it because it was deleted, which is not transparent and now I cant show how incredulous it was.
GOG: Hi, Gabe, we'd like to offer (not sell) to download all your games from Steam library in GOG. Money and legal concerns are no problem, we got it all covered. We are omnipotent.

Gabe: Wow, really? Ok, sure, no problem. So let's start with... eh... Valve franchise, I assume Half-Life and Half-Life 2 would be good as first products?

GOG: You've made a right choice. We'll contact you soon, don't leave town.
tinyE: What did you do, eat Gabe's cupcake?

No wait, that results in your being publicly executed.
mastro_akq: I literally just have a funny Steam moniker and profile pic and made an irrelevant offtopic joke. No insult, nothing vulgar, nothing like that. Some poster took it totally wrong(I dont think they understood the humor me being from the USA) and flipped out on me. Others started hating on the OP after I made the post which isn't what I was doing. I went and apologized when I didn't need to because it wasn't an insult to anyone, and then I was temp banned for a day. I think some asshat follows me around flagging anything they can. Which is abusing the system to get someone unfairly banned.

I cant even copy and paste it because it was deleted, which is not transparent and now I cant show how incredulous it was.
The only time I EVER use that forum is for tech help or hints/walkthrough help.
low rated
That's just dumb. You think that is what I am implying because you can't fathom there could be other ways it could be done and GOG not lose money. And if not I am still not asking GOG to pay the sum of all my games lul. Way slow dude. As I said I will try to think of ways, that doesn't mean anything atm unless its more plausible.

I also dont own any Valve game and never got into any of them. And I loathe the Source Engine. Another funny thing by someone who just wants to look cool I guess.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
Dear Burger King,

I don't like McDonalds anymore, so I would like to pay them for hamburgers, but have you give them to me at your expense.
yogsloth: Dear Burger King,

I don't like McDonalds anymore, so I would like to pay them for hamburgers, but have you give them to me at your expense.
I thought McDonalds only served hamberders. :D
Please GOG let forum users stop coming up with stupid ideas here

Fixed it
low rated
yogsloth: Dear Burger King,

I don't like McDonalds anymore, so I would like to pay them for hamburgers, but have you give them to me at your expense.
Dear Burger King,

I built a strawman to prove GOG does want more users and already offers transfers for some games. Many people would like to have their games there more based on better policies, which GOG puts itself out for against its competitor.

I've always liked Whoppers more, but sometimes there is no Burger King or I dont have enough for a Whopper so I get a double cheesburger. Even though that isn't an analogy to anything I thought I should say that.
Buttspikes: If said condescending remarks are mine, apologies: I did not want to sound like that. Also, sorry for the poor choice of words: request, not demand, editing it right away.

Simply put, this isn't the first thread asking for the very same thing, and previous ones also tried to come up with a practical way to implement this, but so far it's been widely discussed without any significant breakthrough. Be my guest to keep up trying to think a way it could be done, as it would indeed benefit me as well as you and many others, but always being mindful of the aforementioned points that are, as of right now, the biggest and most obvious obstacles to such an idea.
mastro_akq: Got it. And those parts are appreciated. That allows people to try to understand why and if it can be possible to do. Thanks for the more technical explanation of it and aforementioned edit.

I am going to try to come up with ideas for it to be more practical though and not put out GOG.
Here's one: get a job. o.O
This might be the smartest and most well-thought-out idea ever. I can't imagine how this wouldn't be a great success for GOG.
low rated
DadJoke007: This might be the smartest and most well-thought-out idea ever. I can't imagine how this wouldn't be a great success for GOG.
Something they already do on a small scale. Instead of repeating how slow you guys are, maybe you should try to understand the context better. And it is a great idea, that's why the do it already with some games. DUH.
mastro_akq: Got it. And those parts are appreciated. That allows people to try to understand why and if it can be possible to do. Thanks for the more technical explanation of it and aforementioned edit.

I am going to try to come up with ideas for it to be more practical though and not put out GOG.
richlind33: Here's one: get a job. o.O
Lul. Like entering the twilight zone all of the sudden. Surrounded by this type of crap posting.

Obvious ya'll have little winky's or something and are insecure about yourselves and just trying to make each other feel better. No way you guys are actually that dense? You're mocking me for something GOG realizes and does do already lul. Can't be any slower than that when you're using GOG fellas.

Mindblowing right?
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: Something they already do on a small scale. Instead of repeating how slow you guys are, maybe you should try to understand the context better. And it is a great idea, that's why the do it already with some games. DUH.
Lul. Like entering the twilight zone all of the sudden. Surrounded by this type of crap posting.

Obvious ya'll have little winky's or something and are insecure about yourselves and just trying to make each other feel better. No way you guys are actually that dense? You're mocking me for something GOG realizes and does do already lul. Can't be any slower than that when you're using GOG fellas.

Mindblowing right?
Or maybe we understand what a colossally bad idea it is, and giving out freebies on a wide scale isn't feasible, and flies in the face off the concept of opening a shop in which to sell things. If everyone is dunking on you, you're probably bad at basketball.

Here's one. GOG gives out a few of its games already for free, all the time. So, since they already do this on a small scale, they should offer half their catalog for free to anyone, all the time. Small controlled scale vs large, wide scale are two completely different things. 1 may bolster sales and be a loss leader. The other is a loss.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by paladin181
low rated
mastro_akq: Something they already do on a small scale. Instead of repeating how slow you guys are, maybe you should try to understand the context better.
Lul. Like entering the twilight zone all of the sudden. Surrounded by this type of crap posting.
paladin181: Or maybe we understand what a colossally bad idea it is, and giving out freebies on a wide scale isn't feasible, and flies in the face off the concept of opening a shop in which to sell things. If everyone is dunking on you, you're probably bad at basketball.
Nah its even more funny because why you guys try to sound so smart by touting the financial aspect of it and actually ignore the fact that Steam has about 70% of DD sales and they're in direct comp with GOG, and GOG puts itself out based on different policies from its competitor, and GOG has its own financial woes and setbacks climbing the hurdle to gain customers and traction for DRM free gaming. And you're ripping an idea that GOG already realizes and does on a smaller scale.

The only difference is ya'll just read the one line comments, can't be bothered to be nice or do any critical thinking, and want to just fit in.

Anyhoo, I'll believe it can be done without GOG paying for someones entire library through other ways. I certainly wouldn't be as ignorant as some of you to make the insults you make based on the thread criteria. You guys want to hang your hat on GOG cant pay for everyone's entire Steam library. No one is asking that as explained in the thread.