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Serious question WAY OT, just for my own curiosity.

I'm noticing an odd inflection in some of your post.
What part of the country are you from?
low rated
tinyE: Serious question WAY OT, just for my own curiosity.

I'm noticing an odd inflection in some of your post.
What part of the country are you from?
I am from wherever you're looking for. This happens to be a gaming forum. And before you go into grammar, and hang your hat on big words to feel better, its a lot harder to make a clear and better point using words more people understand and can't misinterpret.

/wink wink
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
tinyE: Serious question WAY OT, just for my own curiosity.

I'm noticing an odd inflection in some of your post.
What part of the country are you from?
mastro_akq: I am from wherever you're looking for. This happens to be a gaming forum.
I'm not trying to start anything. :P
It's a big country, I've always been fascinated by dialects and how they vary from state to state.
I didn't mean to upset you.

BTW I was born in Missouri but now I'm a Yooper. Missourians put 'r's where they don't belong and Yoopers think "eh" is a word, so I'm the last person who should be criticizing anyone. :P
Post edited May 29, 2019 by tinyE
low rated
mastro_akq: I am from wherever you're looking for. This happens to be a gaming forum.
tinyE: I'm not trying to start anything. :P
It's a big country, I've always been fascinated by dialects and how they vary from state to state.
I didn't mean to upset you.

BTW I was born in Missouri but now I'm a Yooper.
All good being fascinated but that's not why you were asking. People can spell or abbreviate however they want. That doesn't make them stupid. I am from Ohio, lived in Florida half my life, and now live on the West Coast. I speak no other languages well except 8 different versions of English. I wasn't born with a silver spoon if you want to put it that way. I do what I need to and it doesn't suit everyone else.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: Nah its even more funny because why you guys try to sound so smart by touting the financial aspect of it and actually ignore the fact that Steam has about 70% of DD sales and they're in direct comp with GOG, and GOG puts itself out based on different policies from its competitor, and GOG has its own financial woes and setbacks climbing the hurdle to gain customers and traction for DRM free gaming. And you're ripping an idea that GOG already realizes and does on a smaller scale.

The only difference is ya'll just read the one line comments, can't be bothered to be nice or do any critical thinking, and want to just fit in.

Anyhoo, I'll believe it can be done without GOG paying for someones entire library through other ways. I certainly wouldn't be as ignorant as some of you to make the insults you make based on the thread criteria. You guys want to hang your hat on GOG cant pay for everyone's entire Steam library. No one is asking that as explained in the thread.
Seems like you're the one with reading comprehension here. I'm not even talking about it from a financial aspect any more and haven't been for a few posts. At least, that hasn't been my focus. But make yourself feel better by calling people who think your terrible idea is terrible slow, and that we want to feel smart...

I don't need to put you down to feel smart. I'm hoping to educate you, but instead you feel the need to look at all the simple arguments rushing over your head at a pace too fast for you to fathom and call those issuing them slow, and insinuating that we are too stupid to understand the genius of giving away large quantities of items for free. It's genius of course because they already offer a small sample at limited times so doing this is the same, just moar!!!11

I already told you the best solution, contact the pub/dev of the games you want codes for here and try to convince them to give you one, because ultimately, that's what GOG would be doing behind the scenes. Cut out the middle man and get it yourself. Alternately, buy them again to vote with your wallet so GOG and the pub/dev know they have another customer here. That would benefit GOG FAR more than them missing out on a ton of possible sales by giving wide swathes of games away for free.

*Modded, please be polite when posting.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by Ashleee
mastro_akq: All good being fascinated but that's not why you were asking.
Seriously? :P

So many replies I'd like to post right now but last night I made a promise to the rest of the forum, and I intend to keep it.

So Goodbye. :D
low rated
mastro_akq: Nah its even more funny because why you guys try to sound so smart by touting the financial aspect of it and actually ignore the fact that Steam has about 70% of DD sales and they're in direct comp with GOG, and GOG puts itself out based on different policies from its competitor, and GOG has its own financial woes and setbacks climbing the hurdle to gain customers and traction for DRM free gaming. And you're ripping an idea that GOG already realizes and does on a smaller scale.

The only difference is ya'll just read the one line comments, can't be bothered to be nice or do any critical thinking, and want to just fit in.

Anyhoo, I'll believe it can be done without GOG paying for someones entire library through other ways. I certainly wouldn't be as ignorant as some of you to make the insults you make based on the thread criteria. You guys want to hang your hat on GOG cant pay for everyone's entire Steam library. No one is asking that as explained in the thread.
paladin181: Seems like you're the one with reading comprehension here. I'm not even talking about it from a financial aspect any more and haven't been for a few posts. At least, that hasn't been my focus. But make yourself feel better by calling people who think your terrible idea is terrible slow, and that we want to feel smart...

I don't need to put you down to feel smart. I'm hoping to educate you, but instead you feel the need to look at all the simple arguments rushing over your head at a pace too fast for you to fathom and call those issuing them slow, and insinuating that we are too stupid to understand the genius of giving away large quantities of items for free. It's genius of course because they already offer a small sample at limited times so doing this is the same, just moar!!!11

I already told you the best solution, contact the pub/dev of the games you want codes for here and try to convince them to give you one, because ultimately, that's what GOG would be doing behind the scenes. Cut out the middle man and get it yourself. Alternately, buy them again to vote with your wallet so GOG and the pub/dev know they have another customer here. That would benefit GOG FAR more than them missing out on a ton of possible sales by giving wide swathes of games away for free.

Stop insinuating that you're smarter than others because they can't smell your genius. We smell it. It just smells like bullshit.
You wrote all that to say something I am not even saying. Wow. You're still talking about the financial aspect and ignoring the other side of it too lul. You forget your point when you write to long M8. I dont think you put much thought into that being the best solution either. I'll sit on it a bit longer. That's okay. Some of your guys angle is obvious and not even in line with the platform you're supporting and using.
Post edited May 29, 2019 by mastro_akq
DadJoke007: This might be the smartest and most well-thought-out idea ever. I can't imagine how this wouldn't be a great success for GOG.
mastro_akq: Something they already do on a small scale. Instead of repeating how slow you guys are, maybe you should try to understand the context better. And it is a great idea, that's why the do it already with some games. DUH.
No no no, I understand. It's pure genius. It's just everyone else who's slow, but we, we get it.

What makes you think I'm not sincere? How can it possibly be a bad idea to purchase free keys for anyone who owns those games on Steam? I mean, it's only like 100 people with 20 game each on Steam, am I right?

If some free samples are good, then why not just go for it and give away free samples of everything?
GOG already have a GOG Connect program. It's not very successful because GOG have to negotiate each game with publishers, offer a game for sale and make a free of charge transfer available for Steam linked accounts.
And something tells me that GOG would get many games available on Steam only for GOG library, if they can reach an agreement (sign a deal). Legal aspect of view.

How is your "offer" differs? All you say (all I saw) is that Steam is bad, DRM free is good, GOG please be more successful in doing what you're doing. I'm not a smart person (obviously) but maybe you can enlighten me what exactly special (new) are you trying to say to GOG, to community.
low rated
mastro_akq: Something they already do on a small scale. Instead of repeating how slow you guys are, maybe you should try to understand the context better. And it is a great idea, that's why the do it already with some games. DUH.
DadJoke007: No no no, I understand. It's pure genius. It's just everyone else who's slow, but we, we get it.

What makes you think I'm not sincere? How can it possibly be a bad idea to purchase free keys for anyone who owns those games on Steam? I mean, it's only like 100 people with 20 game each on Steam, am I right?

If some free samples are good, then why not just go for it and give away free samples of everything?
What makes you think GOG doesn't get free game keys as a seller site and digital distributor? Pffff. Okay. There is value in it obviously. You lack foresight and just cant fathom anything outside the stance GOG has to pay for every game in everyone's library. I am also not saying all of you are slow, just some who keep putting out stumbling blocks without any thought.
Cadaver747: GOG already have a GOG Connect program. It's not very successful because GOG have to negotiate each game with publishers, offer a game for sale and make a free of charge transfer available for Steam linked accounts.
And something tells me that GOG would get many games available on Steam only for GOG library, if they can reach an agreement (sign a deal). Legal aspect of view.

How is your "offer" differs? All you say (all I saw) is that Steam is bad, DRM free is good, GOG please be more successful in doing what you're doing. I'm not a smart person (obviously) but maybe you can enlighten me what exactly special (new) are you trying to say to GOG, to community.
My sentiment doesn't need to be different. Lots of people would if they could transfer more games from Steam. Its the same thing as before. That's why GOG does it on a small scale. That's why its been posted before which you acknowledge. I am also trying to think of ways, instead I just end up defending myself or the idea itself, which is like being in the twilight zone for real.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: I am also trying to think of ways...
So the whole point of this thread is to think how we can suggest some good business decisions to GOG authorities to make their work better? Let's forget about money, defending your or someone else's opinion. Please tell what exactly are to trying to achieve. I get that the goal is to have Steam library to be transfered to GOG accounts. I don't get the step before that.
low rated
mastro_akq: I am also trying to think of ways...
Cadaver747: So the whole point of this thread is to think how we can suggest some good business decisions to GOG authorities to make their work better? Let's forget about money, defending your or someone else's opinion. Please tell what exactly are to trying to achieve. I get that the goal is to have Steam library to be transfered to GOG accounts. I don't get the step before that.
You said you get what the goal is. Obviously I dont have every answer and said I would try to think of a way even though I probably cannot. But it shouldn't take that long to make a reasonable post that acknowledges the content.

It's all eye opening though how cruddy the community is here right now. Same thing as Steam in that way and the gaming crowd overall. I dont think I would want to be posting much on here either. Rating posts low from someone trying to bring their games here without making GOG pay for it all is just really counterproductive for people who like the platform for the same reasons and are here because of it. Some how you guys are different though because you think GOG has to pay for everyone's game library for it to be possible.

I also gave away game keys on here for free for the community. I didn't even have any games on here at the time and was only able to transfer and redeem one game that I dont even play. Oddly those games are still not even listed in the giveaway thread so I just inquired about that. I gave the keys away quite awhile ago.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by mastro_akq
mastro_akq: . Some how you guys are different though because you think GOG has to pay for everyone's game library for it to be possible.
How are you suggesting GOG should propose this to the devs/publishers? There's a reason GOG Connect only appears a few times a year.

If GOG could, they probably would.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by user deleted
Cadaver747: So the whole point of this thread is to think how we can suggest some good business decisions to GOG authorities to make their work better? Let's forget about money, defending your or someone else's opinion. Please tell what exactly are to trying to achieve. I get that the goal is to have Steam library to be transfered to GOG accounts. I don't get the step before that.
mastro_akq: You said you get what the goal is. Obviously I dont have every answer and said I would try to think of a way even though I probably cannot. But it shouldn't take that long to make a reasonable post that acknowledges the content.
Yes, I get what the goal is from the thread name and your first post. I'm asking just one question: what is the point of this thread exactly. If my assumption about suggesting some good ways to make that [the final goal] happen, it would be sufficient to acknowledge it or correct me.
And I don't get that last part about "the content", the content of what to be exact?
low rated
mastro_akq: . Some how you guys are different though because you think GOG has to pay for everyone's game library for it to be possible.
DadJoke007: How are you suggesting GOG should propose this to the devs/publishers? There's a reason GOG Connect only appears a few times a year.

If GOG could, they probably would.
Yep they definitely would. That's where this is stuck in limbo. How to where GOG isn't paying for everyone's entire library obviously that's not reasonable and I would never ask that if they had to buy keys for all everyone's games. Even if they didn't like me they know why they have some of the policies they do and why its important. I most likely cant have some groundbreaking idea to make it more feasible. I will still try though just because I want my games on something else and gaming handled differently.