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This is awesome. I really, really hope this project will succeed.
I wonder if they'll get Burger on board.
Brian Fargo is a genius, I was recently playing Stonekeep and others and realized how Interplay stuff was way ahead of it's time. As far as I'm concerned Fallout 2 was the last "Fallout" game, with Tactics as a spinoff. Fallout 3 was an atrocity.
Crosmando: Brian Fargo is a genius, I was recently playing Stonekeep and others and realized how Interplay stuff was way ahead of it's time. As far as I'm concerned Fallout 2 was the last "Fallout" game, with Tactics as a spinoff. Fallout 3 was an atrocity.
I guess if you compare it Fallout 1 and 2 it is an atrocity but on its own merits its not too bad. It's definitely more interesting then vanilla oblivion and It has a nice atmosphere, and nice exploration.

They should have just called it something else though. Or at least not continue the numbering which suggests it is in the ilk as the first two.
Website is online!

Can't wait to pay for its Kickstarter campaign.
Post edited March 06, 2012 by grynn
Jozape: BUMP
(Needlessly) Bumping a thread that was posted in only five hours ago? Seriously? *sigh*

That aside, I'm quite curious to see what's going to happen with this project. I'll probably be backing this. :)
RPGCodex just posted an interview with Michael Stackpole. Sounds to me like he's got a good grasp for what most fans are expecting.

Jozape: BUMP
mistermumbles: (Needlessly) Bumping a thread that was posted in only five hours ago? Seriously? *sigh*

That aside, I'm quite curious to see what's going to happen with this project. I'll probably be backing this. :)
Needlessly? Nonsense. Seriously though, sorry. I'm a little excited for the prospect of a new Wasteland and just want it the topic to be in people's faces now that the forums are up for discussion and suggestions.
Post edited March 06, 2012 by Jozape
They have a Facebook page:

and a blog:

Fargo wants this real bad.
Let's get this thing kickstarted!
Crosmando: Brian Fargo is a genius, I was recently playing Stonekeep and others and realized how Interplay stuff was way ahead of it's time. As far as I'm concerned Fallout 2 was the last "Fallout" game, with Tactics as a spinoff. Fallout 3 was an atrocity.
While I like Fargo's games, Stonekeep was pretty mediocre even for its time. There was much more evolved dungeon crawlers before it.
Jozape: RPGCodex just posted an interview with Michael Stackpole. Sounds to me like he's got a good grasp for what most fans are expecting.
What the hell? I thought RPG codex had shut down for good? I went there a few months ago and they said they weren't going to continue.

I have to add it to my daily sites to check once more.

Bugger looks like they are using Steam :/. Cant tell if its going to be Steamworks or Steam only (havent seen anything about a drm free version)
Post edited March 07, 2012 by nijuu
Fargo's suggested some kickstarter Tiers

Only mentions a Steam digital copy. I guess that means half the people on this forum won't be backing it?

I for one, prefer no DRM but its not gonna stop me backing. Especially since I intend to go for a boxed copy.

Edit: Sorry I didn't read nijuu's post carefully, seems he already gave a heads up re: this news.
Post edited March 07, 2012 by PMIK
PMIK: Fargo's suggested some kickstarter Tiers

Only mentions a Steam digital copy. I guess that means half the people on this forum won't be backing it?

I for one, prefer no DRM but its not gonna stop me backing. Especially since I intend to go for a boxed copy.

Edit: Sorry I didn't read nijuu's post carefully, seems he already gave a heads up re: this news.
They are offering boxed copies too, dunno if they will require Steam, but for their price they shouldn't.