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Tallima: As for 50c per child account, when you try to make one, Win10 tells you that MS needs to verify that an adult is making the account of a child. To prove you're an adult, they need to make a 50c charge on a credit card. I have no idea how that confirms that I'm making an account for a child. Should me selecting "make an account for a child" be enough evidence that I want to make an account for a child? So now I can't give my son the niffty gaming timers or other functions that I switched to Win10 for. I know it's just 50c, but it's the principle of it all.

Anyhoots, I'm fairly certain I'm moving to Linux in a few years' time. Win10 is, as another user earlier said, is more of a consumer-box thing instead of a real OS. I need an OS, not a way to spend money on crap.
I just made a new Outlook child account for free, and then I was able to manage family settings for that account and set up a time limit without a charge. In 15 minutes time, I should be unable to access the child account I just created, and if that step is successful, I dunno where your 50c charge came from. What edition of Windows 10 are you using? I'm using Windows 10 Home Edition 64-bit btw; single language US.

EDIT: The child account had the curfew successfully activated! Upon logging in to the child account, I was presented a small blue window with nothingness behind it with the word curfew and parents, and I had either the option to sign out as the only thing available. And I didn't pay a single extra cent to achieve that. Again, can you tell us your edition of Windows 10, and perhaps if your country has any laws regarding parent controls?
Post edited November 01, 2015 by PookaMustard
thesmashingone: EDIT: Tried installing the four part ISO files Tribes Vengeance comes with. You need a Serial Key, but the website Tribes Universe does not list any such key at the moment I am typing up this message.
Have a look here:
On Step 2 there's a link with 20000 keys to choose from.
Tallima: To prove you're an adult, they need to make a 50c charge on a credit card. I have no idea how that confirms that I'm making an account for a child.
Considering i knew what a credit card was as a young teen and had access to my dad's credit cards easily, i don't see how a 50cent charge proves anything, anything any more than clicking 'i'm over 18' on a site before proceeding...
Yeah, I didn't see Tribes 1 included at all. However, that game was made freeware over 11 years ago about. Same with Tribes 2, though it required a key for multiplayer access.

There was even a promotion that I actually participated in on FilePlanet that distributed both of those games. Some of y'all might remember it. It was to get people interested in Tribes Vengeance before it got released.
Why isn't Earthsiege pre-setup in dosbox?
haydenaurion: ...
tfishell: Oh I agree but I'm not sure GOG thinks it'd be worth the hassle. They could potentially fix them up and sell them but then they might get some backlash for "selling freeware" or something like that.

Of course I'd be cool with seeing them simply hosting the games as freeware here (ready to run but free), but with that many free titles (no money but having to pay for support), GOG probably views that as too much of a "loss leader" (right phrase?).
The right model for this would probably be what was implemented for Arena/ Daggerfall : free games, but made available to those buying the paying games. That way there is the incentive to buy, and the satisfaction for those interested in the classic, legacy , games.

And, yes, damn, I too would like to see them here...
Phc7006: The right model for this would probably be what was implemented for Arena/ Daggerfall : free games, but made available to those buying the paying games. That way there is the incentive to buy, and the satisfaction for those interested in the classic, legacy , games.

And, yes, damn, I too would like to see them here...
This is my own experience. Actually no.
If those free games, which are available for free on GOG would be accessible only after buying certain stuff, I would think twice before buying anything here.

I bought few Bethesda titles and was given free copy of Elder Scrolls Daggerfall.
I never played it and don't plan to. Really.

GOG should actually expand freely available games with few titles that are worth it, because this allows full purchase experience without paying for the first time.
Lin545: GOG should actually expand freely available games with few titles that are worth it, because this allows full purchase experience without paying for the first time.
The importance of these free games has dwindled since GOG was "Good Old games" . At that time, thse free games were above all there to demonstrate that "old classics" could still be played on modern computers. GOG's business model is now vastly different, and classics only a marginal cluster of it.

Of course, it's always nice to have them, especially if predecessors to more recent games one likes. So, yes, if GOG was to sell the latest "tribes" games here, having the earthsiege and early Tribes available here too would be more than welcome.

The problem is that hosting free games has a cost ( infrastructure, support) . That cost might not be enormous, but costs piling up end up reducting the commercial margins.

I am for my part perfectly comfortable with the facility of being able to download here games that were available elsewhere as freeware being limited by these games only being available as a bonus. I purchased Wastelands 2 for W2, not for W1 offered as a bonus, but I liked W1. I purchased Morrowing for Morrowing, not for Arena/Daggerfall, and won't probably any of these 2 again; I 'am happy to have found Falcon 4.0 as a bonus to the Falcon Collection, even if I was buying it for the please to have a working version of Falcon 3.0... On the other hand , out of 13 free games "for all", I played 3: Beneath a Steel Sky, Martian Dreams and Amazon Queen. The fisrt and the last, I had played already years ago, and having them or not has no impact on me buying or not on GOG...
Post edited November 01, 2015 by Phc7006
Phc7006: The importance of these free games has dwindled since GOF was "Good Old games" .
This is not sourced, hence not an argument. Furthermore it can be easily countered with current bestseller list consisting mostly of good old games.

Phc7006: The problem is that hosting free games has a cost ( infrastructure, support) . That cost might not be enormous, but costs piling up end up reducting the commercial margins.
P2P can be used to decrease the cost.
Further, most server farms use sort of P2P and load-balancing.
Further, the cost for server farm is fixed and defined by provided bandwidth, meaning that so long downloaders of free titles do not obstruct download of paid title, there are no problems.
Further, providing them for free is a very nice marketing - and nice marketing is not cheap.
Finally, you are recommending to cut the "good things" for the reasons of minimally higher profits, thus you remove the "fun". Overcommercialisation always removes the fun. Fun and low prices are reasons why people prefer GOG. (drm is also result of this business practice and also ruins the fun).

Phc7006: I am for my part perfectly comfortable with the facility of being able to download here games that were available elsewhere as freeware being limited by these games only being available as a bonus. I purchased Wastelands 2 for W2, not for W1 offered as a bonus, but I liked W1. I purchased Morrowing for Morrowing, not for Arena/Daggerfall, and won't probably any of these 2 again; I 'am happy to have found Falcon 4.0 as a bonus to the Falcon Collection, even if I was buying it for the please to have a working version of Falcon 3.0... On the other hand , out of 13 free games "for all", I played 3: Beneath a Steel Sky, Martian Dreams and Amazon Queen. The fisrt and the last, I had played already years ago, and having them or not has no impact on me buying or not on GOG...
I played ES 1 and 2 years ago and I will replay them soon following this release.
I will also be p2ping them, because the bandwidth of original distributor is limited (1 download per IP)
For those wanting to try getting EarthSiege running on Windows XP, here are the links I used to figure out how to get it running a couple of years back:

What's funny is after spending a long time figuring it out, after that successful game startup I have not booted up my Windows XP box in almost 2 years now...

Via Reddit, of course

Earthsiege 2
Starseige: Tribes
Tribes 2
Tribes: Aerial Assault
Tribes Vengeance

(Mostly ISO files, it seems.)
haydenaurion: I'd be cool if gog could release these here already fixed up and ready to play. Hunting down any potential fixes for modern OS systems is a pain.
No Cyberstorm? Both games were set in the Earthsiege universe!
Joeqbr: Kudos to HiRez, but I'd still rather have them here (and also the missing Cyberstorm 1 an 2), even if I had to pay for them. Having GOG sort out the compatibilty issues and throw in some nice extras (Starsiege manual was especially nice with lots of lore and background information. Nice music too) would easily be worth it.
Cyberstorm is still one of my favorite games. I keep hoping it will show up on GOG.
Not sure if something is wrong with the Starsiege OpenGL terrain texture LOD system on modern systems, or if it just always looked like this:


I've seen high resolution textures get loaded in the distance, meanwhile the ones at my HERC's feet are at a fraction of full resolution and missing the concrete / asphalt area visible in software mode.
Post edited November 03, 2015 by DreadMoth
DreadMoth: Not sure if something is wrong with the Starsiege OpenGL terrain texture LOD system on modern systems, or if it just always looked like this:


I've seen high resolution textures get loaded in the distance, meanwhile the ones at my HERC's feet are at a fraction of full resolution and missing the concrete / asphalt area visible in software mode.
Now, thats anti-aliasing extravaganza!
Lin545: Now, thats anti-aliasing extravaganza!
Yeah, the OpenGL shot was running at 1440x1080 with these settings in Nvidia Control Panel. Nice image quality, can run at >120fps easily (though I had to lock it at 60fps to avoid a weird rubber-banding / stuttering effect).

It would be nice if it was possible to force texture filtering, AA and 24/32-bit colour in software mode - modern CPUs might be able to handle it.


Tried out different display resolutions in OpenGL mode to see if they affected the texture LOD - higher resolutions cause some more high resolution textures to load in the distance, but don't fix the low-res textures being displayed up close.
Lower display resolutions result in lower resolution textures both in the distance and up close... :-/
Post edited November 04, 2015 by DreadMoth