Posted October 09, 2022
high rated

Read this back as if someone else wrote it : "Why stop there? Maybe we could have some people get two or more titles. Like we could have a list of top best Gog forum posters each month. The number one favored ranker can get 10 of their most desired games with first pick and number ten in the list only getting two. Everyone else can be given one game by random and be grateful for the lovely surprise of having no idea what game they will get of the left overs."
And listen to how that sounds. It's the same chronic jealously and "everyone else is being treated better than me" that you claim you "didn't write and that others are putting words into your mouth". When people quote that back, it's not an "Toxic Ad Hominem", YOU wrote it yourself and the 'tone' of your posts matches that consistently. No-one is misquoting or "attacking" you at all for commenting on how bad it sounds when you start mocking the same people who have been donating free games and also sound like you see other participants here as just 'things' that get in your way...