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Ahoy Mateys!

I am Dumb " the left handed " Parrot

At least i can give you a few jokes :)

What do you call a pirate who steals from the rich and gives to the poor? Robin Hook!

Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr!

What’s a pirates favourite type of music? Rum & Bass!

i am in for Dock Hand

- Abandon Ship
* Beyond A Steel Sky
- Cleo - a pirate's tale – Deluxe Ed.
- Chook & Sosig: Walk the Plank
- Don't Starve + Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
* Islanders
- The Secret of Monkey Island™: Special Ed.
- Space Pirates and Zombies
- Yoku's Island Express

Have fun mates
Post edited September 07, 2023 by ywzywz
I be in fer Cursed Crew,

I be a dwarf named Pugwash.

My home sea be a great underground lake of crystal clear freshwater. Sadly there be no booty, as it be only plied by poor fisherfolk. Me weakness be a loathing of salt. This be a bad problem for a crusty pirate as salt preserves provisions and be in the blood of ye other pirates.

Me weapon be a crossbow, perfect for piercing the armour of those fool enough to be wearing steel at sea.

I raise a glass of pure water to ye memory of Cap'n B.

King's English summary:

Name: Pugwash
Race: Dwarf
Weakness: Salt, including salt water and salted/preserved food.
Weapon: Crossbow

Thank you very much for running the giveaway.

May I enter for
System Shock (Remake)
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Fallout 4
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition
Blasphemous 2
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Supporter Edition
Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Beyond A Steel Sky
Post edited October 08, 2023 by Mortius1
Ahoy, me hearties and ye scallywag landlubbers!

In less stranger tides I'd be one o' them black-spotted Cursed Crew, but not on this voyage, I tell ye. I am nah in.

Fer, even tho' I've be a-keepin' a weather eye on these here tales and sea-shanties with the same keen interest as a treasure map to creative gold (gold, I tell ye), I presently be takin' to this here digital sea just to hoist a tankard high in honor 'n memory of Cap'n B, and the unwavering mettle and might of Cap'ness J.

Cheers to 'em, I say, 'n may them winds keep a-flowin' steadily in yer sails, Cap'ness!
It's taking me longer to post my game preference as I'm on a laptop and need to double-check the system requirements.
Ahoy Mateys! A hearty welcome to new Crew. Pugwash, ye and yer deadly crossbow be most welcome. Be sure to tell the Ship's Cook about the no salt in yer food, and maybe ask Larissa if she be knowin' herbal potions or remedies fer that.

Yarr! A toast to the Dock Hands and to the landlubbers who join our party in the spirit of the thread. Have a Grog, seek out Lucky John's forty barrels. ;) Ye be most welcome here!

As fer the rest of ye lazy scallywags and scurvy dogs ... Give us a joke! Give us a tale! Give us a toast to International Talk Like A Pirate Day, Cap'n B, fair winds, calm seas, and treasure! Arrrr!


Mister.Wolf: ... In less stranger tides I'd be one o' them black-spotted Cursed Crew, but not on this voyage ...
I presently be takin' to this here digital sea just to hoist a tankard high in honor 'n memory of Cap'n B ...
Cheers to 'em, I say, 'n may them winds keep a-flowin' steadily in yer sails, Cap'ness!
Ahoy me Heartie. We'll be missin' not havin' ye aboard, but I be thankin' ye fer yer toast and yer wishes. May ye enjoy the coming tales o' yon adventures and find yer own treasures aplenty. Yarrr!
I be in fer Cursed Crew with Queen Origi, halfling battlemage-turned-pirate of the Cheery Seas. Arr! Returned to life after her gruesome demise in the dungeon giveaway, by who-knows-what accursed black magic. Now she has acquired, and somehow become hopelessly enamoured of, her albatross companion, who she feels is a magically transformed prince. Foolishness! She wields a rapier capably as it flies alongside. But whenever that albatross be disappearing, she be wailing and kicking up tantrums like nobody's business, a sorry sight indeed, me hearties! Listen to her tale, landlubbers, and listen well...

Amidst yer adventures oh child,
Ye never met a lady so styled.
With a haughty demeanour,
And a noble plump figure,
Like Queen Origi, highborn yet wild.

Ah me hearties let's sing about Origi,
Whose love for her albatross was quite eerie.
She believed he was a prince,
In avian form since,
And as one they sailed the Seas Of Cheery.

The fellows, smitten at first glance,
Sought to woo her with charm and romance.
They polished their boots,
And wore fancy suits,
"So ye be saying there might be a chance?"

But the queen, unimpressed by their fame,
Saw through the pirate's rough game.
She yearned for her lord,
With a title adored,
Not a seadog with a notorious name.

Undeterred, the rapscallions tried,
To win Origi as their bride.
They showered her with treasure,
In hopes she'd find pleasure,
But alas, their efforts were denied.

Though their lives were truly worlds apart,
Only her albatross held Origi's heart.
She admired his spirit,
His courage, his merit,
And together they made a fine art.

On the high seas, Queen Origi did roam,
With her albatross, her true love, her home.
A prince he may be,
In her eyes, you see,
Their love, a tale sung in sea foam!

I'm in for:
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fallout 4
Pillars of Eternity 2
System Shock Remake
Sid Meier's Pirates
The Secret of Monkey Island
Post edited November 09, 2023 by servobeupstry
Catventurer: It's taking me longer to post my game preference as I'm on a laptop and need to double-check the system requirements.
No worries. All Crew will have plenty of time to edit their games preferences after the Best Pirateer vote is tallied and announced and before the ending of the dungeon voyage game. :)

EDIT: As Crew Sign-up is now closed and I have rolled dice off your original background info and sent each of you your personal Start/Boarding PMs - you may now edit your background posts to reflect those Start PMs or tighten up things if desired, as long as it does not conflict with your personal Start PM. I will contact you by PM if I need more details. You may also continue to post new stories or jokes in thread to compete for the Best Pirateer Award until the deadline if you wish. All posts competing for the Best Pirateer Prize Award MUST not be edited after midnight UTC-7, 19 September, 2023, until after the winner is announced. You will have plenty of time to edit your game prize list between the vote tally and the end of the dungeon game.

Welcome Aboard, Queen Origi ... and Prince Albatross. We be happy to have yer experience and capable rapier along fer this adventure. I might be suggestin' that his highness stay clear of the galley and our Felinoid Ship's Cook, him being a bit touchy 'bout his knives and all.

CREW SIGN-UP IS NOW CLOSED.. As I have now rolled dice off your original background info and sent each of you your personal Start/Boarding PMs - you may now edit your background posts to reflect those Start PMs or tighten up things if desired, as long as it does not conflict with your personal Start PM. I will contact you by PM if I need more details. You may also continue to post new stories or jokes in thread to compete for the Best Pirateer Award until the deadline if you wish. All posts competing for the Best Pirateer Prize Award MUST not be edited after midnight UTC-7, 19 September, 2023, until after the winner is announced. You will have plenty of time to edit your game prize list between the vote tally and the end of the dungeon game.
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bjgamer
Ho buckos! Me handsomely list:

-Sid Meier’s Pirates!
-Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
-Beyond A Steel Sky
-Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Supporter Edition
-Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition

Aye, me ready to weigh anchor!
Catventurer: It's taking me longer to post my game preference as I'm on a laptop and need to double-check the system requirements.
No worries. All Crew will have plenty of time to edit their games preferences after the Best Privateer vote is tallied and announced and before the ending of the dungeon voyage game. :) Just do not edit your original Crew Sign-up post between midnight UTC-7, 8 September, 2023 and when the vote for Best Privateer is announced if you wish to qualify for that vote. Crew may also submit other jokes or stories (just indicate "In fer Best Privateer") until the deadline, midnight UTC-7 on 19 September, 2023.
Is there a vote for cutest buccaneer because I'd win that:
Catventurer: Is there a vote for cutest buccaneer because I'd win that:
Meow-wow! Sadly no vote for cutest. ROFL!
Ye definitely win appropriatin' the fanciest boots ye can find tho! ;) Me-Yarrr!
EDIT: Me be in fer best pirateer, aaarrrr!

When Bhrigu reached the port town, it was already past the early hours of night. The streets were empty barring the nightwatch and the occassional rogue. The only sign of life came from the taverns that dotted the main street. Our culturally conscious connoisseur of contemporary and historic tales softly opened the wooden door to The Red Lion and entered. Inside a scene full of merrimaking unfolded itself before his eyes, eyes long unaccustomed to such mirth. People were drinking from wooden mugs, consuming freshly caught seafood, and a romantic comedy was being performed on the stage. Bhrigu took seat on an empty stool and asked the inkeeper for some ale and smoked squid, which was served with some exotic fruits from a distance land. "These fellers just made port last night from the East, and they managed to sneak some of these yellow fruits out of the ship for me" exclaimed the inkeep, aged, gruffy, but somewhat amicable. The fruit was soft, juicy and tasted like the smell of honey during a summer evening rain. The play was approaching its climax, the characters were to untangle the confusion of mistaken identities and make amends to live happily ever after. Bhrigu had decided to venture out into the unknown. He pressed a silver coin on the countertop, and asked the innkeep if he would be kind enough to direct him to the ship comandeered by Captain J and Admiral Polly. The old man sighed as if for a moment the memory of someone weighed upon his chest, then nodded his head. "Aye, I can point you to the ship in the mornin', but you don't seem to be no seafarin' type", he said. "I am not" Bhrigu explained his journey as a collector of stories, "I am looking forward to a journey full of journaling and a voyage made of verses". How did he chanced upon this opportunity of being a part of "the Cursed Crew" , asked the innkeep, his voice hushed as he uttered those words. Our literary traveller stayed silent for a few moments, and then started reciting his new composition.

Once a summer years ago
in a land where river Brine did flow
a village lived
in sorrow
as the youth had gone
all to the sea
a place steeped in misery
where people dressed in poverty
as the youth had all gone to the sea

on an evening cold
an evening dark
a stranger came
and asked for work
the elders said that they can't pay
they only trade in rotten luck

the stranger's eyes
burned like fire
as he was travellin'
through the shire
to meet who are in misery
to write a tale melancholy

"you see, sire, I'm quite well fed
a shed to stay, a spare bed,
permission to keep my head
as I collect your tragic dice
in this game of comb and lice
tell me of the vices old that
close to old hearts you hold
from where stems your tragedy
show me sire how do you fold"

the elders looked aghast at first
but then pointed fingers to the past
how those who left had gone to the sea
so they can back to the village bring
grog and gold to cure their plight
chests full of golden sunlight
so the villagers can live like free
and drink and live so merrily

the stranger smelled the whif of tales
that clung to shells of sea turtles
to the hilts of the swords
and the keel of the ships
a life full of risks
but a life full of glee
O would he sail in the sea
for a life full of gold
and a life full of glee

"So I decided to be a part of such adventure and try my luck in looking for treasure", said Bhrigu. The inkeep, keeping his silence, passed him an extra plate of that exotic fruit. "It is called 'mengo' they say" the old man said, "apprently 'men go crazy' for these fruits in the summer, they say". Bhrigu rented a room and retired to it. It was sparsely decorated, but on the table lay a small volume titled "How to Speak like a Pirate by Cap'n B". "You'll need it", a note stuck on the cover read.
Post edited September 10, 2023 by bhrigu
I be in fer Cursed Crew!

Me name be Durik. I be half-orc, more orc actually, from me father.
Me dad wanted me to be warrior, but Durik always wanted to be a pirate!
Me no likes to shout Waagh, me likes Yarr!
Mom humie taught me swimmin' since little, I be a water orc now.
Pirates also speak like me, they brothas.

Weakness? Me no weak!
Ok.. I be so used to sea that ground gives landsick.
But no worry, Durik knows trick to sway on feet. But ship always better.

Oh ye give weapon?
Aye, I be takin' that cudgel.
Cutlass be more piratey, but I be too big for that.


The Booty I be after, in order of me preference:

- Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Supporter Edition
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition
- Blasphemous 2
- Jagged Alliance 3
- Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
- Chained Echoes
- Weird West: Definitive Edition
Post edited September 19, 2023 by phaolo
Nay In. +1 ye scallywags
Ahoy Mateys! There be new Crew! Welcome Aboard, Durik! We can always use strong Crew who know the proper application of a cudgel! Now if ye could maybe teach Barfdeck how not to .... ;)

Grog fer every landlubber, old sailor, Dock Hand and Crew! Thank ye, me Hearties, for the participation. We be getting some wonderful tales and I be delighted with the creativity shown herein. The wind be in me eyes, but me heart is full and 'tis (it is) a fitting tribute to Cap'n B. Yarr!
bjgamer: Aye, and that's how it be done, Mateys! Welcome to the Dock party, Lucky John Forty Barrels. Forty Barrels of rum be lucky indeed! Did ye bring any with ye? ;)
Aye!! As much as needed!!

Time for a Questions and Answers session.

Q What quantum unit of measure do pirates use?
A Walking the Plank's constant.

Q What do you call a pirate with two arms and two legs?
A A rookie!!

Q Why was the pirate drafted first into the NBA?
A He had an awesome hook shot!!
Kareem says ahoy mateys!!
