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myconv: Is someone able to explain to me how it is fun to talk like a pirate?
bjgamer: Talk Like A Pirate Day
From the mouth (keyboard) of one of the founders of the day. YMMV.
Only explanation I could find on that web site is "gives a chance to swagger", aside from swaggering not all that fun and you don't need to play a pirate to swagger, that also doesn't really apply to forums.

My question was whats the fun in talking like a pirate but I see there is some conflation with playing a pirate.

Pirates are basically just muggers on boats. But you don't see people "talking like a mugger" or "playing a mugger".

I still don't get it, but if no one can explain to my satisfaction, that's OK.
myconv: I still don't get it, but if no one can explain to my satisfaction, that's OK.
You've basically joined this group made for fun, asking how it's possible that we're having fun.
Are you a party pooper or something? XD
Post edited September 11, 2023 by phaolo
bjgamer: Talk Like A Pirate Day
From the mouth (keyboard) of one of the founders of the day. YMMV.
myconv: Only explanation I could find on that web site is "gives a chance to swagger", aside from swaggering not all that fun and you don't need to play a pirate to swagger, that also doesn't really apply to forums.

My question was whats the fun in talking like a pirate but I see there is some conflation with playing a pirate.

Pirates are basically just muggers on boats. But you don't see people "talking like a mugger" or "playing a mugger".

I still don't get it, but if no one can explain to my satisfaction, that's OK.
Muggers? What's wrong with muggers?
bjgamer: Talk Like A Pirate Day
From the mouth (keyboard) of one of the founders of the day. YMMV.
myconv: Only explanation I could find on that web site is "gives a chance to swagger", aside from swaggering not all that fun and you don't need to play a pirate to swagger, that also doesn't really apply to forums.

My question was whats the fun in talking like a pirate but I see there is some conflation with playing a pirate.

Pirates are basically just muggers on boats. But you don't see people "talking like a mugger" or "playing a mugger".

I still don't get it, but if no one can explain to my satisfaction, that's OK.
myconv: Pokes Milan Beardless
Ahoy Milan Beardless!

Would ye mind to explain yer user myconv
how 'tis fun t' natter like a pirate?

'tis an entire responsibility o' yers t' explain 'im
up t' his entire satisfaction
'n why both o' ye be here

myconv: I still don't get it, but if no one can explain to my satisfaction, that's OK.
The basic point is they started it for laughs. It is like the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, romanticized about the pirating life yes, but about the perceived freedom of the open ocean, your buddies (hearties), and in the founders' minds probably a lot of drinking and partying. It is not about the real pirates of today, or even the reality of the 'Golden Age of Piracy', it is some people liking to be imaginative, creative, free-spirited, and playfully thumbing their noses at restrictive things like, for instance, DRM'd games. As for the talking part - it is also a challenge, as well as teasing each other with outrageous 'insults' that are not really meant but they get a laugh from trying to out-do each other.

So your basic answer is: for a laugh, for fun.
Thank you Bjgamer or J or whatever you prefer to go by, for that explanation to satisfy my curiosity.

To others, I want a chance to win a fun game. I obeyed the rules, please don't harshly judge me for asking a question or for participating only for chance at pirate loot and not for fun.

Seemed like it would be silly to start a new thread just to ask this.
Post edited September 11, 2023 by myconv
I be in for deck hand.

Silverdog the greedy here wishing to thank bjgamer in honor of Cap'n B for the giveaway and fun. To all me hearties I hope you all be crackin a bottle on talk like a normal person day. I hope you don't find yourselves harp up in a cinch on the big day. Shiver me timbers you are a bunch of scurvy dogs ain't ya.

To cheer up you bucko's here are some pirate jokes for yer enjoyment.

Q. Why don't pirates shower before walking the plank?
A. Because they'll just wash up on shore later.

Q. How do pirates know that they are pirates?
A. They think, therefore they ARRR!!!

If I am able I would ask to be in for: Cleo-A Pirates Tale
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition LeChuck's Revenge
Tales of Monkey Island

Hope ye all have a healthy (no scurvy) and happy talk like a pirate day. Keep a weather eye open.
myconv: Thank you Bjgamer or J or whatever you prefer to go by, for that explanation to satisfy my curiosity.

To others, I want a chance to win a fun game. I obeyed the rules, please don't harshly judge me for asking a question or for participating only for chance at pirate loot and not for fun.

Seemed like it would be silly to start a new thread just to ask this.
If I may, as in the words of the ever dry quartermaster, take you aside for a moment and educate you?

The pirates celebrated in this tradition, are not the modern day bastards who seek terror, but those whose image is that of an icon influenced by books such as Treasure Island, rather than the reality of flying under the noose of the Empire; any true pirate who refused the call of any country would often be quickly extinguished if not by all who saw her ship, by the conditions which did not favor the lack of a backing.

As it stands, piracy in the iconic tradition, rather than the reality is something that many aspire to be; leading to many games which are piratically related, such as Monkey Island; a romance of comedy towards the idealized pirate.
myconv: Thank you Bjgamer or J or whatever you prefer to go by, for that explanation to satisfy my curiosity.

To others, I want a chance to win a fun game. I obeyed the rules, please don't harshly judge me for asking a question or for participating only for chance at pirate loot and not for fun.

Seemed like it would be silly to start a new thread just to ask this.
Darvond: If I may, as in the words of the ever dry quartermaster, take you aside for a moment and educate you?

The pirates celebrated in this tradition, are not the modern day bastards who seek terror, but those whose image is that of an icon influenced by books such as Treasure Island, rather than the reality of flying under the noose of the Empire; any true pirate who refused the call of any country would often be quickly extinguished if not by all who saw her ship, by the conditions which did not favor the lack of a backing.

As it stands, piracy in the iconic tradition, rather than the reality is something that many aspire to be; leading to many games which are piratically related, such as Monkey Island; a romance of comedy towards the idealized pirate.
I get its "idealized" as it were. But even in that "ideal form" pirates are rather assholes, like as depicted in Treasure Island. So that still doesn't explain to me what is fun about talking like or pretending to be a purely fictional not at all based in reality pirate. Like a fairy for example is a more interesting fictional existence, yet there is no "talk like a fairy" day where people pretend to be different kinds of fairies.

Bjgamer explained it somewhat to my understanding though I still don't completely get it. But that is probably the best explanation I can expect to get.
Post edited September 12, 2023 by myconv
myconv: Like a fairy for example is a more interesting fictional existence, yet there is no "talk like a fairy" day where people pretend to be different kinds of fairies.
It's because pirates have an iconic way of talking, whilst faires don't.
Also "more interesting" is subjective.
51nikopol: I be in for deck hand.
Keep a weather eye open.
Ahoy Silverdog the Greedy! Long time since I be seein' ye, ye grog-shy, scrappy scalawag! A hearty Thank ye fer yer jokes and natterin' wishes fer the fun and Cap'n B. I be thinkin' you be meaning Dock Hand, tho if ye truly be meanin' ye be volunteerin' to swab the deck after Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs and the rest 'o the Cursed Crew - I be sure an' s'methin' can be arranged fer ye. :p

Keep a weather eye open indeed! Dock Hands featured in game ;)

myconv: Thank you Bjgamer or J or whatever you prefer to go by, for that explanation to satisfy my curiosity.

... I obeyed the rules, please don't harshly judge me for asking a question or for participating only for chance at pirate loot and not for fun.
Ye be welcome ye black-spotted rogue. Garr! :p But just as ye not be completely understandin' the fun, ye not be understandin' Rule 2 (the last part in plain english). I be takin' it under consideration and closely watchin' yer disposition, but ye 'ave some many months ta go yet since yer last bannin' from that GOG ship Community GA, an' thus not be signed on as Dock Hand.

A toast of the Grog and a fine thank ye to the dry quartermaster above, the Crew and the lolly-gaggin' landlubber participants too! Ye all be parrot-loving, barnacle-crusted blowfish, but ye be fine ones! :D
myconv: I get its "idealized" as it were. But even in that "ideal form" pirates are rather assholes, like as depicted in Treasure Island. So that still doesn't explain to me what is fun about talking like or pretending to be a purely fictional not at all based in reality pirate. Like a fairy for example is a more interesting fictional existence, yet there is no "talk like a fairy" day where people pretend to be different kinds of fairies.

Bjgamer explained it somewhat to my understanding though I still don't completely get it. But that is probably the best explanation I can expect to get.
Polite clearing of the throat, adjusted glasses.

Well, as much as most Anglosphere folk don't understand the Journey to the West or the Three Kingdoms Period, except though the lens of Dragon Ball or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so may piratical myth and legend be seen as alien to you.
myconv: ... So that still doesn't explain to me what is fun about talking like or pretending to be a purely fictional not at all based in reality pirate. Like a fairy for example is a more interesting fictional existence, yet there is no "talk like a fairy" day where people pretend to be different kinds of fairies.
Darvond is probably very close in the explanation above that much of it is probably cultural history based as much as anything. You may also want to consider that none of us here are the founders of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so cannot actually speak for them as to why they really did it. However, you might also consider that the idea evidently had such a following that the day actually became acknowledged internationally and even featured in several games and gaming conventions.

Let me try to have you consider it from another angle tho - Do you personally like to play games, especially any fantasy cultural or fictional-history RPG games, even if they are "purely fictional not at all based in reality"? Then you have your answer. Many people like to play and to be creative, imagining alternate realities and to challenge themselves and have fun with friends role playing characters in those imaginary fantastical worlds. BTW, there actually are people who dress up as fairies and speak a fairy language at certain gatherings and conventions, just as some speak the language of Klingon from Star Trek and others speak Sindarin from Tolkien's Middle Earth. It is all in personal preference and one's creative muse at the time.
For me, it's simply fun, and of course we're not playing real-life nefarious pirates but more the swashbuckling roguish unconventional hero types. That said, if someone figures out a way to get people to participate in a "talk like an elf" day or "talk like a klingon" day, I'm happy to be in for those too.

Besides, if so inclined, why not even combine them, and play an elven klingon pirate?

"Arrr Elbereth Gilthoniel, Qapla'rrr!"
DiffuseReflection: For me, it's simply fun, and of course we're not playing real-life nefarious pirates but more the swashbuckling roguish unconventional hero types. That said, if someone figures out a way to get people to participate in a "talk like an elf" day or "talk like a klingon" day, I'm happy to be in for those too.

Besides, if so inclined, why not even combine them, and play an elven klingon pirate?

"Arrr Elbereth Gilthoniel, Qapla'rrr!"
Aye me Heartie! I be thinkin' Cap'n BenKii should be signin' ye up fer his holodeck! Yarr! :D