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I be in fer Cursed Crew!

Nick Cage once was a prominent tradin' post commissioner on a Carpattia Island 'til the ghastly accident involvin' the Saturday night, nah-too-much rum (cause it's ne'er too much, har har har), wooin' local finest lasses, an' the bloody ol' tomb full o' bloody bats (taverns 'n brothels ain't fun enough fer youngsters these days, I wager).

Yer jolly ol' Nick was ne'er the same aft that blasted night, nay. Lost his mind, townsfolk said. An' they was right, aye. He come out aft dark, wearin' black only, pale like a Moon, some even said he slept in a dead man's chest by day. Then the rumors started o' folks disappearin' an' bloodless corpses found in the wilderness. When they'd come knockin' at Nick's door, he ain't there no more.

Travelin' far from home, chased by his owns demons, he realized his ol' life be gone forever (an' so be his common sense). Thus, gazin' deep into his supposed (or perhaps imaginary) bloodline reachin' far back to the ol' country, took the new identity 'n began rapidly gainin' notoriety as Count Klaus Karnstein. Blabbers conclusions on him rangin' from absolute lunatic to literal devil from literal Hell.

Spendin' days below the deck o' his dreaded ship "Mircalla", with crew consistin' o' only most deranged scallywags picked across archipelago's darkest corners, he abided in constant state o' distress, tryin' to cope with what he became 'n wonderin' if his curse could ever be lifted. That there lasted 'til Mircalla went down straight to Davy Jones' locker, pierced right through her bloody 'eart, one could say, with a broken mast o' other vessel durin' fierce battle.

Defeated 'n relinquished, he finally settled in prosperous port city, where be well known among residents as odd but harmless eccentric. No one believes his tall tales - why would they? It's been nearly three decades since Mircalla sunk, an' Count doesn't look fer a day o'er 35. Havin' found peace o' mind 'n gettin' bored a bit with cozy but aimless livelihood, he be lookin' fer opportunities. Any opportunities to get the hell outta 'ere.


Klaus "Count" Karnstein - Human(?) - Saber - daylight, holy symbols (or so he believes)


I'll be interested in:
1. System Shock Remake
2. Disco Elysium
3. Beyond a Steel Sky
4. Sid Meier's Pirates!
Post edited November 11, 2023 by ssling
Things got unexpectedly busy, which is why I haven't put much into my post.... yet.

My cat stabilized as much as he's going to as he has mild kidney disease on top of the diabetes. (He also had to have all his teeth pulled at one point.) I'm still figuring out what he does / doesn't like in terms of the prescription food. I have an extremely early day tomorrow to take my mom to the doctor... and may need to run by the vet office (which is 5 minutes from my house) to pick up more diabetic syringes plus some prescriptions.

Otherwise, I plan to update my prior post. :)
Catventurer: Things got unexpectedly busy, which is why I haven't put much into my post.... yet.
Otherwise, I plan to update my prior post. :)
No problem. Take care of your cat and yourself. Crew has until midnight UTC-7 (your time I think), 8 September, 2023 to edit or update their posts. I have something that is going to delay me as well, so I gave Crew 2 extra days to sign on and complete backstories. Afterwards I will start a separate thread for the game portion and this thread will be for others to post for the Pirate Day celebration not part of the game thread.

ssling: I be in fer Cursed Crew!
Welcome! I sent you a PM. :)
Post edited September 05, 2023 by bjgamer
Not in, just wanted to raise my glass to B and say it was a joy playing mafia with both of you!
Good luck for everyone. My english skills burns like my laptop fans in this GA. Nah i cant speak good enough like a pirate :/

can i be a DUMB PARROT just say AHOY ?
ywzywz: can i be a DUMB PARROT just say AHOY ?
LOL! Can you make up a pirate name for yourself and tell us a dumb parrot or pirate joke starting with "Ahoy Matey!"? That's all it takes to sign up for 'Dock hand' and the Tier 1 drawing. ;)

For those who are intimidated by the pirate-speak, please don't be. Refer to the EXAMPLE in the OP and the first pirate day giveaway thread referenced there and linked again below. We made up tales and told jokes for fun. Just make up a pirate name and tell us a pirate themed story, song, poem or joke. The whole post does not need to be in pirate speak - just put in a few Ahoy Matey (hello friend), Avast (halt), or an Arr or Yarr (exclamations of agreement mostly), and that qualifies for Tier 1. :)
Yo-Ho-Ho Grog Pirate Plunder Giveaway (See for examples)

If you can use these english forums to post, you can participate. This year I added a link where if you can translate your native language to english to use this forum, you can post that translation into the linked translator to turn it to pirate. You can also post any pirate speech into the pirate side and it will translate back into english which you can then use to translate to your native language. Give it a try!

my name is catte: Not in, just wanted to raise my glass to B and say it was a joy playing mafia with both of you!
Thank you, my name is catte. It holds some fun memories!

And fer the rest o' ye scurvy scallywags ... I thank ye for your participation in the fun spirit of this thread. Fair winds to yer sails! P-)
Post edited September 05, 2023 by bjgamer
Catventurer: Things got unexpectedly busy, which is why I haven't put much into my post.... yet.
Otherwise, I plan to update my prior post. :)
bjgamer: No problem. Take care of your cat and yourself. Crew has until midnight UTC-7 (your time I think), 8 September, 2023 to edit or update their posts. I have something that is going to delay me as well, so I gave Crew 2 extra days to sign on and complete backstories. Afterwards I will start a separate thread for the game portion and this thread will be for others to post for the Pirate Day celebration not part of the game thread.
Updated (so far) - Bio is written in both English and Pirate Speak. I may continue to do that just because pirate talk isn't always the easiest to read.
Ahoy, me Hearties. We have another to join the Crew. Welcome Aboard, Count Klaus Karnstein! Ye may want to talk to Larissa about that condition of yers with th' sunlight, as she has knowledge of herbs and ointments and also suffers somewhat similar under bright sun. Ye may also want to tell the Ship Cook about that garlic allergy. Arrr!

A bit of sailing music sent by Braggadar to celebrate new Crew!
2CELLOS - Pirates Of The Caribbean
Post edited September 05, 2023 by bjgamer
Yo-ho-ho !
I be in fer Cursed Crew

I be Gilius an' I be aft from Doc's dungeon. I was once a dwarven druid, an', well, I be still a dwarf, but some black magic mojo seems to 'ave stripped me o' me powers, but I still've got some tricks up me sleeve ! I may no longer 'ave me rock elemental companion with me, but I can still make it to the sky with me arm, me wit an' me trusty magical cudgel ! I been lost at sea after escapin' Doc's dungeon so I enlisted aboard Admiral Polly's crew since she seemed to know where she been goin'. Now I 'ope that there we won't encounter black voodoo magic practitioners because I don't like what they did to me stone elemental an' that there makes me uncomfortable, but let's make it together, an' I be sure it be fixin' to be a sweet cruise under a breeze !

As fer the booty, I be interested in :
- Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
- Weird West
Post edited September 07, 2023 by Pouyou-pouyou
Me tankard toasts fer Cap'n B!! o7

The Lucky John Forty Barrels reports ready t' sail wit' ye. Belay that, has anybody seen me saber or pegleg!! 'n me loot? Argh! I'll be in later, don't fair winds without me!!

A wee joke me mates:
— How much fer an ears jabbin'?
— A buck an ear!! Argh!!

I be in fer Dock Hand.

My list in order of preference:

• Blasphemous 2

• System Shock (Remake)

• Yakuza: Like a Dragon

• Fallout 4

• Beyond A Steel Sky

• Jagged Alliance 3

Thanks fer the opportunity dear Queen J!!
Post edited November 09, 2023 by 4thDown
4thDown: Me tankard toasts fer Cap'n B!! o7

The Lucky John Forty Barrels reports ready t' sail wit' ye. Belay that, has anybody seen me saber or pegleg!! 'n me loot? Argh! I'll be in later, don't fair winds without me!!

A wee joke me mates:
— How much fer an ears jabbin'?
— A buck an ear!! Argh!!

I be in fer Dock Hand.
Aye, and that's how it be done, Mateys! Welcome to the Dock party, Lucky John Forty Barrels. Forty Barrels of rum be lucky indeed! Did ye bring any with ye? ;)

Pouyou-pouyou: Yo-ho-ho !
I be in fer Cursed Crew
Welcome Aboard, Matey Gilius! I be thinkin' Admiral Polly won't be missin' yer rock elemental dropping thru the ship's deck, but it was a good Parlay. I'm glad she was able to match yer cudgel to an assigned Cursed Weapon and have the Ship grant you back a touch of yer Druid ways. :)
Post edited September 07, 2023 by bjgamer
While Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs be waiting fer this ship t' set sail, one o' his mateys from the GrOG Brethen
asks 'im: "How much did ye pay fer yer peg 'n hook?"

Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs coughs up a hairball 'n says: "An arm 'n a leg."
Avast Mateys! -

A reminder to all who wish to be in for the Cursed Crew forum 'dungeon' game -
sign up and editing entries has been extended to 8 September, 2023 at midnight UTC-7 due to a RL delay.

All those wanting to be in for Dock Hand have until 19 September, 2023 at midnight UTC-7 to post or edit their entry.
Ay! Me grog toasts fer Cap'n B!

Me pirate comes from the magma ocean, be the Half-Orc foolish brutal 'Foggy, The Whirlpool Machine'. A hulkin' muscle power always at the cap'n's orders. Thar be no physical effort or survival situation that defeats this brave cockroach wit' cutlass. A shame his lack o' judgement: Dishonests manipulate 'im easily. Crew up this tireless rum-soaked sea bass wit' a wise partner: His crow heartie ain't enough sometimes!

Ye be careful mateys, I take no caulk!
I be in fer Cursed Crew. At yer service bjgamer!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Changes zone

No prey, no pay. I chase this part o' the loot after noticing new games:
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Supporter Edition
System Shock (Remake)
Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fallout 4
Blasphemous 2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Additions zone


Post edited October 18, 2023 by Provide_A_Username
Arrr! We now be 13 Cursed Crew! A lucky cursed number indeed.

Welcome Aboard, Foggy, the Whirlpool Machine! I be sure we be findin' a good use for yer strength and power. Yarr, Matey, have another Grog and we be drawin' up the gangplank in just a bit o'er 48 hours, and weighin' anchor not too long after.