dyscode: But I surely admit, Condemned is not everybody's cup of tea. You have to work for it, esp. the melee. IF you are not willing to master that, you will have a hard time indeed.
Leroux: I was talking about Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth; it seems Condemned is not sold to Germans, so I didn't even bother to read about its potential flaws. ;)
I see, now makes much more sense to me :) well Dark Corner is also a great game with very forgivable flaws. The survial aspect, the horror all fits, well unitil way later in the game where it becomes a shooter.
When I played it first time I was surpised how puzzle heavy it is. So frrm time to time you really need to think.
The savegame system well you can argue about that you only can save at specific locations but as often as you want. I still found the save locations were numerous enough to not bother me much.
And the unbeatable enemys and opening doors it's only during the chase sequences or when the game gets story focussed, IIRC. The hunting sequence can get annoying, since the game expects you know what to do and where to go and does not hold you hand. You are surely going to repeat them more than once.
But I say it's worth it totally. :)