chean: Hmm, I haven't seen anything to suggest that TUG is online-only -- testing the Steam-installed version now, it doesn't require the Steam client to be running to launch, and doesn't seem to connect anywhere unless you actively select multiplayer from the title screen. I suppose the standalone version might differ, since there's a separate key involved, but seems unlikely they'd burden themselves with maintaining two substantially different builds at such an early stage of development. Maybe someone who opted for the standalone can 100% confirm it either way.
wanderer_27: I was using the Standalone version.
It had it's own client to launch and update to game, and as far as I could tell, it was the only way to launch the game.
I checked Resource usage under Taskmgr and it appeared that traffic was passing over the Internet on the associated program (Launcher.exe) while I did a quick check of the game.
Like I said, I'd have no problems with keeping the game (looks fine to me), but the Online aspect just doesn't agree with me.
Also, since I've recently cancelled my Cable TV (just kept Internet) and picked up a Roku, I'm a lot more conscious of my Data usage as I may incur Data Cap issues.
cecil: Is the $8 worth it? Why is Blackwell Epiphany not for Mac? It is here...
wanderer_27: If you don't have any of those games and don't mind Steam only for just the one . . . 9 decent/good games for $8 is well worth it.
I may be missing 2 or 3, and for the BTA price I'm thinking they may be worth it.
Now if you do Steam, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Mac version available there for what you're looking at.
I don't use steam and it's win only on steam too what gives? wonder if they might pull a groupees and add it in later?