HeDanny: You are against Origin, but you have Steam? I find that curious. I have both and have no issues with either (Unlike the rest of the internet, apparently). I find Origin to be less intrusive of the two, but it is certainly less
convenient simply due to the size of the catalog. As such, I only own EA games on Origin. I prefer to have my EA games on the EA client. I'm almost 40 titles strong on there now. At one point that was more than I had on Steam. I've gone quite a bit Steam crazy of late. Upgrading my Console games to PC, Steam is pretty much where its at.
So Cold War is gone? Phew! I resisted! Go Me...
c'moon Gamer's Gate... DRM-Free Cold Ware Sale GoG
Steam is rather ubiquitous! I'm limiting the number of game clients I put on my PC. As it is, it's Steam and Desura and hopefully, in the near future, Galaxy. That's it! Three's the magic maximum number!
Also, there are so many games available on GOG and Steam (primarily, my main outlets for games) that I can afford to overlook Origin and uPlay etc. games.
And so far, there hasn't been that game that has forced me to change my mind so that I can have the privilege of playing it. ;) You know, the game you bought the console for. FFVII for the Playstation; Pikmin with the GameCube. (Not that I had anything against the consoles, I just had to save my pennies for a while to get them.) :D