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New Bundle at Bundle Stars - Wars of Ages Bundle - 3.03€ :

- King's Bounty: The Legend
- Fantasy Wars
- Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades
- XIII Century: Gold
- Theatre of War
- Men of War
- Death to Spies: Gold
- Earth 2140

All Steam keys.
BF2142 Added today on Amazon for Origin, $4.99

Stopped with the Battlefield series after Vietnam and picked it back up with BC2 so I missed out on this. Kinda curious but I'm not sure if I want to pick it up if there aren't much players.

edit: woops looks like it was already posted.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by Prydeless
Games on sale in FireFlower Games:
Europa Universalis III Complete, Cognition 1: The Hangman 1-4, Face Noir, Electro Bobble
letsmaybeLP92: Did someone mention Spectromancer and all expansions (Steam key) is also $1.99 and will provide $5 dollar credit as well.
Where? that is a very good card game, I would say one of the very best. It is a steal for that price, especially if it is with all expansions.
letsmaybeLP92: Did someone mention Spectromancer and all expansions (Steam key) is also $1.99 and will provide $5 dollar credit as well.
amok: Where? that is a very good card game, I would say one of the very best. It is a steal for that price, especially if it is with all expansions.
Its on Amazon. Cheapassgamers mentioned it in their thread (the games they talk about sometimes....weird lot)
Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
Thanks for this
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
I never owned these platforms, but I've been curious about them for some time. Is this package worth owning?
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
Thank you!
Mentalepsy: I never owned these platforms, but I've been curious about them for some time. Is this package worth owning?
Well, the emulators themselves come with no nasty DRM, except for the serial key you need to type in to unlock the full version. Technically, the emulators are free, but for Amiga you buy the licensed roms necessary for the OS to boot. For C64 you buy convenience.
You don't get many notable games with the packages, but the launchers are designed to easily let you add the floppy and tape images you might "come across" online. I think, they even recognize the more common games and set the emulation up for them. The whole "how to get games" is a fun area, as Cloanto links to some online database, which may link to other databases, which link to files hosted not by them, but by another party.

As for possible DOS vs. Amiga differences, as long as you stay away from lazy PC to Amiga ports, you might get something like this
Phantasie III DOS
Phantasie III Amiga
Better looking stuff with a mouse-driven interface.
Even C64 often one-ups the PCs of that age.
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
you sir are a god!
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
I still hate having to pay money for an emulation package...

But fourteen bucks? I'm tempted.
So does anyone know what the deal is with FireFlower Games? They supposedly sell DRM-free games and they have a nice collection, but they also sell Zigfrak. I thought the game required online activation? The game's page on FF doesn't mention anything about that.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by DarkoD13
grviper: Cloanto seem to offer Amiga Forever and C64 Forever in a single 10 EUR bundle. 2013 Plus versions. The offer stands only for 10 days or so.
a toast to you! :D

and of Desur Pixeljunk Monsters os 75% off for €1.75
Post edited December 15, 2013 by dyscode
Get Games Go has Fallout 3 - GOTY Edition (STEAM) for 4.99€: