trentonlf: Tell you what, answer the questions I asked you and I'll answer yours.
I can do that:
trentonlf: Tell me Dessimu, what do you think of bookwyrm? What do you think of Sage?
Bookwyrm leans town. His #38 vote on Drealmer seems pure flavor-based and in a special provoking manner that successfully ignited the whole shabang about cultists, possible NS and whatnot. While I myself wasn't smart enough to realize sooner, in #51 he explains why cult-talk is nonsense by "
My question is this: under what circumstances would I ever claim to be a Cultist on Day 1 during RVS?".
Curious thing is why Sage even ponders the idea (#44) of someone (in this case, Bookwyrm) actually claiming a role (any role) this early in the game (pretty much during RVS) when no threat is presented for that player. Doing so as town is mostly anti-town, thus doing so as scum is too risky. I can see this as Sage taking an opportunity for role-fishing, but I also feel I might be wrong.
Also, at this point Cristi's #58 vote on Bookwyrm seems as an easy jump with weak reason, scummy. It fits well if Bookwyrm actually is town, cristigale is scum and then it would seem cristi overlooked (/chose to overlook) RVS flavor and jumped in Drealmer's defense because Drealmer is her scum buddy. Sure, later cristi unvoted Bookwyrm but she keeps getting back and back at him. Why? Plus, she is misreading me and while my content is not as helpful - why any of the other lurking players are smaller suspects than me? I mean, I only made a small push on Drealmer.
Which is also interesting, because while my poking is hardly reasonable - why do others (namely, Cristigale and Gamma) react to it way more seriously than Drealmer himself. Sure, Drealmer has no time to post, something is going on. But... Gamma goes after Bookwyrm (who in my eyes looks town), then goes after me #138, #139. Gamma calls my poking of Drealmer a push, while I did not even vote yet. Voting is pushing. Asking questions is asking questions and making conclusions.
I wanted to make this whole post only about Bookwyrm and Sage, but the more I write and read through the posts, the more I get carried away. So I shall post this now, just adding some:
cristigale: Apart from you, I'm getting more leery about Dessi. He's made several pokes, but no analysis. It's starting to feel like his D1 play in drealmer's game.
And how was my play there exactly? Are you saying you see some similarities in play style, thus I look scummy?
cristigale: @dess - I haven't read thoroughly yet, but why did you wait until now to make a case on drealmer based on a post he made on Saturday?
Are you scum?
Because only by that time (posting #129) I started looking for clues. #17 was first post of all that caught my eye as "maybe it is something".
No, I am loyalist aligned.
GammaEmerald: Don't like the vote by bookwyrm, feels fake tbh. Vote feels like a reach.
Bookwyrm the Literary Creepy Crawly In next post, trentonlf treats Bookwyrm's vote as "pushing for reaction" yet you take it for serious and it sets you off.
GammaEmerald: JMich - I kinda agree with Bookwyrm that he seems scummy
Dessimu - I thought he was post retricted but it's self imposed so *shrug*. Scumread for reason above
Vote Dessimu I have no restrictions, Russian nonsense is flavor. My poking of Drealmer is as of yet, just poking. Pushing would be me, assuming Drealmer to be scum so much that I would vote him. What in your words, does make JMich look scummy to you?
Overall, it seems to me like many things hover around Drealmer. Like:
- Gamma votes Bookwyrm and me, both initially because we touched Drealmer more than any other players.
- Drealmer himself is right now tunneling on Bookwyrm and I am not sure if it's because "He called me a cultist and this is a lie!" or because "That bastard guessed right and my scummy pants are on fire!"
- trentonlf's #40 vote on Drealmer as "adding pressure" became "a feeler" #115, though I see no questioning of Drealmer, no analysis