The Emission ends. Somewhere close by some mutant howls which awakens two of the Stalkers. But two others don't rise from their sleep. Both Bookwyrm and GammaEmerald lie dead in their blood. Red blood. Out of human skulls.
Bookwyrm is dead - he was a loyal Clear Sky operative without power
GammaEmerald is dead - he was a loyal Clear Sky operative without power **************************************************************
Suspiciously and surprised cristigale and Sage look at each other.
"Your handywork?" asks cristigale and points to Bookwyrm
"Yeah. And he's yours?" asks Sage and points to Gamma. Cristigale nods.
"No point in pretending to be Clear Sky anymore, is there?" Sage asks. "They are all dead, after all. So, what's your agenda?"
"To survive." says Cristigale "I just want to f*cking survive. So just go to your Monolith and I'll go my way."
Sage picks up the Heart and looks longingly at the Sarcophagus. "The Monolith..." she starts in a dreamy voice.
But Cristi, who snuck behind her just as she was picking up the artifact, interrupts her. By snapping her neck. "... can have your soul, while I'll take that Artifact. Thank you." she picks up the Heart and says. "Wanting to destroy billions of dollars worth! Nutters, one and all. Good life, here I come!"
And with this she turns around to head back out of the Zone. It takes her some days, but no one is left that could hinder her. So she manages and a few month later, there is a new player amongst the billionaire oligarchs of old mother Russia. The Zone continues to exist and to poison Ukraine ... but honestly, who cares?!
Sage is dead - she was Monolith Leader with some powers
cristigale WINS! She was a loner survivor with several powers.
Congratulations, cristi
And here's the dead thread:
https://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/8ZVAppLrPTC And the kind of lonesome scum thread:
https://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/jFQREfNeD45gk ************************************************************
Oh and by the way: awesome play, Sage! You managed to swing a near perfect scum game even after losing your companion. You didn't win after all, but you definitely were close (if it weren't for that vig shot in the loner's hands...) and you were a town-read for most up to the end!