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SCPM: Shogo 2 was teased at the end of the first game
I'd be all over this. Shogo was probably the most fun I had in an FPS outside of Duke 3D.
Here's an abstract one:

The hypothetical game Final Fantasy 13 could have been if they actually had unified leadership set on making a good product. (Instead of the "Random hodgepodge of different systems and art styles riveted together to try to make something resembling a release title.")

It would probably still have sucked (It is, afterall, following the really not very good 12). But it wouldn't be offensively bad. (That still would have had to wait until 15 instead of starting at 13.)

Toriyama stated that the release of the demo, which was not in the original development schedule, helped the team recognize a shared vision for what the game should look and feel like, a problem which had been plaguing the development team up until then. It helped the team prioritize the work that still needed to be done, which increased the development speed for the remainder of the project.
That demo released mid-April 2009, and the main game released mid-December 2009, so the last ~7 months of development were only when the game "finally came together"... for a title that began development early 2004.
One under the "never announced": Dragon Quest Builders 3. I love 1 and 2 (both are worth playing, each has different strengths). I'm sure they were already paper-planning a #3 when the leads left Squenix. They're "Minecraft, but actually turned into a game instead of just an overly complicated directionless sandbox".
Post edited April 21, 2023 by mqstout
The Elric of Melniboné "Stormbringer" Infinity Engine-like cRPG that was in development around 2000:

Development on a third attempt (Psygnosis tried it first with Elric which had been canned as well) was announced back in 2021 and is, from what I could gather still underway, but I'd rather have the old-school top-down/isometric cRPG than what looks like is going to be a Witcher-like action-adventure/RPG-lite (which also would be in a way "coming full circle").
warhammer 40000 dawn of war gog edition ^^.
jonwil: I wish we got a properly good game set in the Stargate universe (SG-1, Atlantis etc). Quite a few canceled games in that franchise unfortunately :(
Hopefully Stargate: Timekeepers will be worth the wait.
Swedrami: The Elric of Melniboné "Stormbringer" Infinity Engine-like cRPG that was in development around 2000:

Development on a third attempt (Psygnosis tried it first with Elric which had been canned as well) was announced back in 2021 and is, from what I could gather still underway, but I'd rather have the old-school top-down/isometric cRPG than what looks like is going to be a Witcher-like action-adventure/RPG-lite (which also would be in a way "coming full circle").

... didn't know about this!

Thanks for the info.
I would like them to continue with SIN: Episodes, which was cancelled after the first one appeared.

I would also like to see more Redneck Rampage games. They were an absolute hoot.

I guess lots of good games could do with good sequels.

I'd also like for Goldeneye to get a PC version. And there are a bunch of other N64 games that would be nice to have on PC, rather than just their emulator versions ... if done properly.
The sequel to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis:

"After the release of the game, a story for a supposed successor in the adventure genre was conceived by Joe Pinney, Hal Barwood, Bill Stoneham, and Aric Wilmunder.[76] Titled Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix, it was set after World War II and featured Nazis seeking refuge in Bolivia, trying to resurrect Adolf Hitler with the philosopher's stone.[35] The game was in development for 15 months before it was showcased at the European Computer Trade Show.[35]

When the German coordinators discovered how extensively the game dealt with Neo-Nazism, they informed LucasArts about the difficulty of marketing the game in their country.[77] As Germany was an important overseas market for adventure games, LucasArts feared that the lower revenues would not recoup development costs, and subsequently canceled the game.[77] The plot was later adapted into a four-part Dark Horse Comics series by Lee Marrs,[76] published monthly from December 1994 to March 1995.[78][79] In an interview, Barwood commented that the development team should have thought about the story more thoroughly beforehand, calling it insensitive and not regretting the cancellation of the title.[77]

Another follow-up game called Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny was planned, which revolved around the Spear of Longinus.[77] Development was outsourced to a small studio, but eventually stopped as LucasArts did not have experience with the supervision of external teams.[77] Elaine Lee loosely reworked the story into another four-part comic book series, released from April to July 1995."
The sequel to cyberpunk 2077. Apart from the dlc. The next cyberpunk games which were to run for several years have been cancelled. Cdpr returned to the witcher.
Lukin86: The sequel to cyberpunk 2077. Apart from the dlc. The next cyberpunk games which were to run for several years have been cancelled.

"Orion is a codename for our next Cyberpunk game, which will take the Cyberpunk franchise further and continue harnessing the potential of this dark future universe."

Lukin86: The sequel to cyberpunk 2077. Apart from the dlc. The next cyberpunk games which were to run for several years have been cancelled.

"Orion is a codename for our next Cyberpunk game, which will take the Cyberpunk franchise further and continue harnessing the potential of this dark future universe."

Exemple cyberpunk multiplayer

"Orion is a codename for our next Cyberpunk game, which will take the Cyberpunk franchise further and continue harnessing the potential of this dark future universe."

Lukin86: Exemple cyberpunk multiplayer
Couldn't dig up anything that would suggest Orion being conceived as a multiplayer-focused or even entirely multiplayer-centric affair?
Granted there's seemingly nothing that confirms it as a true sequel and single-player-only experience (yet) either, but I can't imagine CDPRED suddenly being that blind and unaware to the general steady decline of the multiplayer experience over the last couple years and that it's probably not a good idea to jump on the (band)wagon of a train that's on fire and heading towards a rickety bridge.

Swedrami: The Elric of Melniboné "Stormbringer" Infinity Engine-like cRPG that was in development around 2000:

Development on a third attempt (Psygnosis tried it first with Elric which had been canned as well) was announced back in 2021 and is, from what I could gather still underway, but I'd rather have the old-school top-down/isometric cRPG than what looks like is going to be a Witcher-like action-adventure/RPG-lite (which also would be in a way "coming full circle").
kai2: WOW...

... didn't know about this!

Thanks for the info.
Another Pulp/Weird Tales/Science Fantasy associated franchise, John Carter (of Mars) is (still?) lined up to make its video game adaptation debut at some point in the future as well, by the way.
"Still" with a question mark since they didn't hit their crowdfunding target almost exactly a year ago, but had already started "deep talks with publishing partners".

Timboli: I would like them to continue with SIN: Episodes, which was cancelled after the first one appeared.
Maybe after SiN Reloaded.
Top 3 for me.

1. Sadness, which was supposed to be a Wii game, had piqued my interest when I learned of it and I have been wondering "what if" for a long time. I didn't even own a Wii. But it would have likely been a "system seller" for me, if it had ever been made, finished, and released.


2. Eden, which never came to exist, but was going to be a videogame based on the Lars Von Trier film Antichrist (a controversial art/horror film which I must say is for mature audiences only, and even then, not for anyone remotely squeamish).

The late Roger Ebert comments about the then-discussed game/film as part of this link, which I felt better to share than the wiki page, since the wiki page goes into a lot of gory detail about the film:

3. As previously mentioned in this topic, Van Buren. Yeah, I have Fallout 3, and enjoy it very dearly despite all the Bethesda-isms I have to look past. Now, release the REAL Fallout 3 :)

For those who don't know, this is in the works and looks to be done with extreme reverence for the ideal of the original!:

Edit: clarity/wording.
Post edited April 23, 2023 by rjbuffchix
Megaman Legends 3
A Vampyre Story 2

Gabriel Knight 4, part 3 ended with a bad cliff hanger, Gabriel finally accepting his duty, but Grace gone. I would have loved to see how he goes on as fully fledged shadow hunter.

Turrican 4 (working title). Work was started, but the development was abandoned when Rainbow Arts sued Factor 5 for working for LucasArts. No Turrican game has ever seen the light of day since then (except of course the recent excelent AGA port of Turrican 2 PC).

Hurrican (finished, not just the demo)

Gunlord for PC, same for Ultracore. Both were unfinished Sega games back in the days and released during the last years for consoles.

Just for the sake of it, the original game of what would later become Star Wars Obi Wan. Apparently it had quite elaborated sword fighting.

Also that abandoned Star Wars game (1313, was it?) with Bounty Hunters and being tied to a parallel shown TV show would have been interesting. TV show and regulary released game content were supposed to overlap and influencing each other (like the tried with Quantum Breach).

Other stories that should have been continued, would be Touché, Full Throttle (a plan was there, but the time of adventures was over).

And I'd like to see a proper remaster of the Blackell 1-5 series, all put in one game with homegenic looks and controls.

About games that were there and then they weren't:
Tiny Death Star. This Tiny Tower clone was actually quite fun and available in the Windows store before it got cancelled by Disney. A Android APK version is still available, I prefered the Windows version however.
Same for the remake of "Gods". Despite using awful 3D modes for the "modern" mode (classic graphic mode was also available) and replacing the title music, they still had to take it offline for legal reasons. The controls were great however, an improvement to the original, would have been a great addition to GOG.
An I wished someone would buy Ocean and their affilates to relase their movie franchise games on GOG, they had plenty, most of them mediocre, but some were excellent.
Post edited April 23, 2023 by neumi5694
AB2012: Whilst Prey (2017) is a good System Shock-ish game in its own right, I'd have loved to have had a proper Prey 2 sequel to Prey (2006)

The ending scene/etc properly set up a second game, but we never got one.
(side note: Oddly enough, I recently found a Prey 2 advert card in a console game box)
Post edited April 24, 2023 by GamezRanker