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A vulture boards an airplane carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says: “I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.”
Post edited June 18, 2022 by 01kipper
I knew that my new girlfriend and I were a great match. I get excited when I smell food cooking and when I hear the doorbell; she gets excited when she sees someone that she hasn't seen in five hours.
What carnival attraction that the British people like the most?

Clowns who spit fire. (The ww2 spitfire aircraft)
-- Three!
-- Eh, what do you mean?
-- Three, the sum of all F.E.A.R.s...


I wish they would put heating elements into the fridges as it is a good place to store food out of vermins' reach. I thought this might be fun to someone but I am kind of serious as the last days it has been about the same temperature inside and outside the fridge and I was thinking of what would happen if it became even colder.
Post edited December 17, 2022 by Themken
The mystery, of why the chicken crossed the road, has finally been solved:

The chicken saw a duck on the other side of the road, the chicken crossed the road and asked the duck "are you duck from the back down?" The duck said "Huh, I thought I was down from the belly up!"
"Why the chicken crossed the road, answered by famous people and historical figures part I."

Lt. General George S. Patton, Jr:

"Chicken, Hell! I can cross that road with two brigades of medium tanks by tomorrow at 07:00!"
Hooyaah: "Why the chicken crossed the road, answered by famous people and historical figures part I."

Lt. General George S. Patton, Jr:

"Chicken, Hell! I can cross that road with two brigades of medium tanks by tomorrow at 07:00!"
Oh hell yes. Good one!
"Why the chicken crossed the road, answered by famous people and historical figures, and cartoon characters, part I."

Yogi Bear

"I did not know there was chicken in that pic-a-nic basket, Mr. Ranger, sir. I was only trying to return it to its rightful owner. Eh, Boo Boo?
My wife is putting glue on my rifle collection. When I confronted her about it, she insists she's not. But I'm sticking to my guns.
I had just finished cleaning all of my guns when my wife walked in... yes, she caught me with my dirty magazines.
Ok this "dad joke" genuinely made me laugh:

Why don't boxers have sex before a fight?

- Because they don't really like each other that much.
Post edited April 08, 2023 by timppu
Hooyaah got married.
A guy walks into a thread.

He makes a "baseless allegation" about the user who posted above him.

This is not a joke.
Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!
Why didn't the baker have any money?

He wasn't making any dough.