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The legend is reborn.

<span class="bold">Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition</span>, the return of the most celebrated RPG of all time, is now available for pre-order, DRM-free on with a 30% discount for owners of the original!

A layered story laced with philosophical undercurrents. A fantasy setting unlike any other. One of the most memorable casts of eccentric, interconnected characters. This is Planescape: Torment, the gold standard for narrative-driven RPGs of the past 18 years. And now it's back!
Beamdog and lead designer <span class="bold">Chris Avellone</span> joined forces to update the game with fixes, enhancements, and key additions, all in sync with the original vision of this timeless masterpiece. With a remastered soundtrack, a crisp 4K interface, and neat convenience features, the Enhanced Edition is coming to captivate a new audience and remind its dedicated fans why they just seem unable to take it off their all-time favorites list.

The 30% discount for owners of <span class="bold">Planescape: Torment</span> will last until April 4, 9 PM UTC.

Note: <span class="bold">Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition</span> will feature the unaltered original version and the Enhanced Edition in one definitive collection exclusively on The original game will no longer be available for purchase on its own, after the Enhanced Edition is released. Owners of the classic Planescape: Torment will not be affected by upcoming changes to the product.

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Post edited March 29, 2017 by maladr0Id
low rated
Carradice: ...
Can't agree more.

These videogames forum are so full of useless crap, that I'm disgusted most of the time from what I read.

All this hate for a decent EE....people should invest money in a life, instead of this unhealthy waste of time..
Tarhiel: Ask the blue ones. They´re the only one to know.
MarkoH01: I thought you could already buy and see - sorry, my mistake.
I have bought the game, but I already had the Classic version long before that.
There is no code inside EE version, so I assume it will just pop up as another, standalone window on your shelf after the purchase.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by Tarhiel
low rated
arxon: Not the ugly characters outlines again, hope it can be turned off. Beamdog really excels at making their enhance games looks partially worse than the originals.

Also what's going on here with all the downvoting?
almabrds: The developer replied to this in YouTube. He/she said that you could disable this thing.
If you look at PS:T EE page here in gOg, one of the screenshots shows the outline disabled.
As to why so many comments are hit by the minus button, it's probably because people are discussing politic in the pre-order thread.
That's awesome. I'm more incline to preorder now, even tho I have a first hand experince with how buggy the Beamdog releases are on the day one :)
MarkoH01: I thought you could already buy and see - sorry, my mistake.
Tarhiel: I have bought the game, but I already had the Classic version long before that.
There is no code inside EE version, so I assume it will just pop up as another, standalone window on your shelf after the purchase.
Thank you for the information - your probably right.
MarkoH01: I thought you could already buy and see - sorry, my mistake.
Tarhiel: I have bought the game, but I already had the Classic version long before that.
There is no code inside EE version, so I assume it will just pop up as another, standalone window on your shelf after the purchase.
That is interesting, because with BG 1/2 EE and IWD EE there was an extra serial key under downloads/more/serial key for original version even if owner already had one, and it was giftable.

BTW, am I wrong, but it seams to me that Planescape: Torment wasn't available on Steam? If so, that means PTEE would be first chance for many of them (non GoG folks) to experience one of rare gaming masterpieces. All controversies (or "controversies") aside, I think that's OK.
low rated
thomq: That might be because of cost, but I think it's even more because of the split between separate editions which actually differed only by the extra content, but not in-game content so it's the same game no matter what edition. Part way through the pre-order for that one the extra content was offered as separate downloads, too.
The primary reason is that Numa is simply not good. Steam's recent reviews page is thumbs down through and through (all from people who played dozens of hours past the refund threshold, so they're not trolling or anything).
tfishell: So are the unusual amounts of low- and high-rated posts (on the first few pages, at least) likely the result of a script?
Carradice: I wonder, how many of the accounts involved have any paid games at all.
I noticed that my first post has been high rated (why, I don 't know but I won't complain!) and I certainly have plenty of paid games on my account. :-)
Post edited March 30, 2017 by LynetteC
thomq: That might be because of cost, but I think it's even more because of the split between separate editions which actually differed only by the extra content, but not in-game content so it's the same game no matter what edition. Part way through the pre-order for that one the extra content was offered as separate downloads, too.
Starmaker: The primary reason is that Numa is simply not good. Steam's recent reviews page is thumbs down through and through (all from people who played dozens of hours past the refund threshold, so they're not trolling or anything).
Numenera itself as a rpg is not bad in my opinion and no exceptional hit either, it is a good game. InXile just should have never announced it as a successor of the "now" Torment series.

The reason for that is easy to find: there is no rpg setting like D&D's Planescape which would provide a basis for such a game/story, it was unique at it's time and still is unique today and fell flat on it's face with it's the planes between worlds setting, when it was released(that was the time when WoC swamped you with loads of supplements in a short time frame). It's like Terry Pratchet and Lovecraft and Clive Barker and R.A. Salvatore and Neal Stephenson came together and did write a roleplay setting (if that makes any sense).

Today the supplement's for that D&D setting are very popular, hard to find and cost lots of money, you easily pay 50 -70€ for a 24 page supplement.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by MaGo72
low rated
almabrds: As to why so many comments are hit by the minus button, it's probably because people are discussing politic in the pre-order thread.
Carradice: Actually things happened in this order:

First, systematic downvoting of every single opinion favorable towards PSTEE, all while some posts attacked the game and the publisher with words like sacrilege and whatnot ¬¬ The hate towards games is increasingly common nowadays; the systematic downvoting was new and an abuse of the system.

Second, people started realizing the downvoting and making remarks, while asking why so much hate. This was followed by more downvoting and some new remarks on part on the haters attacking the company, specifically some allegedly gay/trans-accepting content apparently present in prior games.

Third, some users engaged with the people making bad remarks about the gay/trans-friendly content. The answers lead to an exposition of what is commonly understood as far right or alt-right usual commonplaces, all included with a defence of the ideas and policy of the current president of the USA.

Fourth, some of the propagandists even claimed later that it was all the fault of the people who engaged with them in conversation.

# Conclusions: #

1. The pattern, systematic and temporal, of the downvoting suggest multiaccounts. It stopped completely for about eight hours, then came back. Also, the pattern avoided in the return two new users that had marked ther reps, while it kept attacking new users that had not written their reps in the thread. So, very focusedly, these two users were avoided, as if trying not to be too much conspicuous--yet failing.

2. All suggests that the objective was systematically boycotting the company that made this EE, just because of that gay/trans-friendly content present in other games. The downvoting, the hateful comments and then the exposition of dislike against gay/trans was a part of it; the rest was the exposition of right wing propaganda, further drifting away from the topic in this thread. Some users, in good faith but probably misguidedly, engaged with these propagandists in a futile effort to bring them to reason, only to mud the thread even more.

3. The success of the hijacking of the thread was only partial. This EE is interesting for many, both veteran and newcomers to Sigil, while those who do now want to buy it are free to do so. Those who want the original only without the EE still can get it. A win for all?

# Lessons to bring home: #

i. Upvoting is meant for pointing out useful, informative posts, while downvoting is for uncivil ones. Better keep it that way.

ii. GOG community is a hobbyist one where political propaganda and agenda can only detract from its purpose. Keep the crap off our games.

iii. Do not feed the troll. When you engage with a propagandist, that is exactly what the other wants. Do not make it easy for them.
Downvoted because tl;dr.
Numenera had a impossible act to follow;PT is widely regarded as one of the best Computer RPG's ever made;anything that built it self up as the successor to PT...which the marketing for Numenera most defently did....was almost certainly going to disappoint. The sense I am getting is that Nemenera is a pretty good RPG,but pretty good is not enough when you have sold yourself as another Planescape Torment.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by dudalb
Tarhiel: I have bought the game, but I already had the Classic version long before that.
There is no code inside EE version, so I assume it will just pop up as another, standalone window on your shelf after the purchase.
Or maybe the code will become available after the original version is removed from the store. At least, that's what occurred with Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by Grargar
Tarhiel: I have bought the game, but I already had the Classic version long before that.
There is no code inside EE version, so I assume it will just pop up as another, standalone window on your shelf after the purchase.
Grargar: Or maybe the code will become available after the original version is removed from the store. At least, that's what occurred with Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale.
nvm, was thinking the accounts got upgraded for free, but it was like a 80% discount on the existing EE versions.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by MaGo72
The best thing about this entire thing is that I'll be able to play PS:T on my smartphone! I've tried gemRB on my phone but the android version is buggy as hell.
low rated
MaGo72: [...] there is no rpg setting like D&D's Planescape which would provide a basis for such a game/story, it was unique at it's time and still is unique today and fell flat on it's face with it's the planes between worlds setting, when it was released(that was the time when WoC swamped you with loads of supplements in a short time frame). It's like Terry Pratchet and Lovecraft and Clive Barker and R.A. Salvatore and Neal Stephenson came together and did write a roleplay setting (if that makes any sense).

Today the supplement's for that D&D setting are very popular, hard to find and cost lots of money, you easily pay 50 -70€ for a 24 page supplement.
Indeed. Used to play the pen-and-paper RPG. The dungeon master had the Planescape Box. However, believe it or not, Planescape: Torment managed to improve on the setting: it showed Sigil in a way that never before had been seen. The PC game underlined some aspects of the setting, clarified some details that were underdeveloped in the Box (even considering the many supplements, official or not) and, to sum it up, fleshed out Sigil under the reflexive/philosophical view that the veterans of the game experienced first hand. PS:T added to the lore and improved the pen-and-paper experience for those who now payed more attention to some details and aspects of this universe (both dungeon masters and players).

Thus, it is the merit of the setting, to some extent. It is even more the merit of the writer and the merit of the game makers that dared offering such a thing to a surprised public.

LIke the RPS review mentioned, after almost 20 years the writing might feel a tad more pulpy sometimes, maybe depending on the player. Nevermind, Planescape: Torment showed how PC RPG could do something different. It was and remains widely influential, up to this day, and it is still a joy to play.
dudalb: Numenera had a impossible act to follow;PT is widely regarded as one of the best Computer RPG's ever made;anything that built it self up as the successor to PT...which the marketing for Numenera most defently did....was almost certainly going to disappoint. The sense I am getting is that Nemenera is a pretty good RPG,but pretty good is not enough when you have sold yourself as another Planescape Torment.
I was waiting to replay PT in the EE edition before starting a Numenera run, so I cannot say anything about it, but what you say rings true. Probably a good game, somehow marred by two aspects: a portion of the audience would not be interested in reflective RPG, while a part of those who would, will be impeded by nostalgia glasses ("all that was before was better").

Up to each one to find their fun where they can...

Edit: Rings. Not the lord of.
Post edited March 30, 2017 by Carradice
low rated
Planescape was always a much more (for lack of a better word) Intellectual setting for D and D then the Forgotten Realms. IMHO it took a really good Dungeon Master to make the Planescape universe work.Forgotten Realms was a lot easier to use for a DM.