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Microfish_1: Dedo is nominated as Superintendent and must nominate a Foreman.
Let's first hear what Joppo found.
Microfish_1: Dedo is nominated as Superintendent and must nominate a Foreman.
dedoporno: Let's first hear what Joppo found.
I agree.

@Joppo: please report your investigation result. Before we discuss whether to put dedo in office or not.
Well I didn't expect this.

According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
low rated
dedoporno: At least the game picked up momentum and we are no longer slogging.
I know, right?

I mean, I go away for a short while(IRL stuff) and come back to find 3 pages to read o.0

dedoporno: Maybe in the end the real Secret Hitler were the fiends we made on the way.
Fixed your typo ;D
joppo: Well I didn't expect this.

According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.

Again, first time I play this game, but no point in claiming someone is a lib if they're a lib,

So that makes 2 1/2 libs: joppo, Dedo and me.
low rated
maxleod: That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.

Again, first time I play this game, but no point in claiming someone is a lib if they're a lib,
Joppo could also be an F protecting another F with a fake investigation result....just pointing out that that is another possibility.

That said, I think it more likely(general hunch/feeling based on what i've read/skimmed and whatnot) that Joppo and Dedo are L.
maxleod: That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.

Again, first time I play this game, but no point in claiming someone is a lib if they're a lib,
GamezRanker: Joppo could also be an F protecting another F with a fake investigation result....just pointing out that that is another possibility.

That said, I think it more likely(general hunch/feeling based on what i've read/skimmed and whatnot) that Joppo and Dedo are L.
Yes, I thought about that possibility, but it's not like joppo randomly chose one player, Dedo was already suspected, so while it's still a possibility, it seems unlikely to me that they're both Fs.
low rated
maxleod: Yes, I thought about that possibility, but it's not like joppo randomly chose one player, Dedo was already suspected, so while it's still a possibility, it seems unlikely to me that they're both Fs.
Agreed :)

(was more just trying to illustrate another possibility of why a player might claim another player is a lib after an investigation)
joppo: Well I didn't expect this.

According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
maxleod: That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.
No. Fascist!joppo could simply not want to get into conflicts.
Bump. I'm interested in this game. Keep up the good work!

A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months.

The woman asked the doctor about her baby.

Doctor: You had twins, a boy and a girl. They're both fine. And, your brother named them for you.

Woman: No No No! Not my brother. He's an idiot! What did he name the girl?

Doctor: Denise.

Woman: Ohh, that's actually a nice name. What about the boy?

Doctor: [deeply sighs] Denephew.
Post edited February 10, 2022 by Microfish_1
joppo: Well I didn't expect this.

According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
maxleod: That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.

Again, first time I play this game, but no point in claiming someone is a lib if they're a lib,

So that makes 2 1/2 libs: joppo, Dedo and me.
Just No. Joppo could be a fascist claiming his fellow fascist is fascist. Or he could be a fascist buying good graces and trust with a Liberal. The latter is a typical Hitler strategy but regular fascists also use it.

Joppo and Dedo could both be Liberal but you should never assume that to be the case as Liberal
So it comes to the stage where Dedoporno is set to nominate. He could choose to test the next president - either 03. Pooka
04. ZFR as seat 5 is term locked. Or if he wants someone who's definitely Liberal and won't conflict him (if he's Liberal) he can pick me

I will be voting Ja for Dedo either way as he has been investigated Liberal. So he's either Liberal or we may get very interesting information. For instance another 3 fascist policy draw could simply be terrible luck for Liberals. Or it could indicate that at least Joppo silently dropped a Liberal policy.

Dedo also has to decide what to do on the event of 2 Liberal and 1 Fascist policy. If Joppo is telling the truth this becomes more likely. So does he:

A) Force his Chancellor to play Liberal policy by not giving him a choice

B) Give him the choice and risk a fascist Chancellor conflicting him?
maxleod: That would mean that joppo is a leberal too.
ZFR: No. Fascist!joppo could simply not want to get into conflicts.
That is true. Fortunately he isn't the one playing this game.

He would probably be still in a state of analysis paralysis anyway.

Microfish_1: A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months.

The woman asked the doctor about her baby.

Doctor: You had twins, a boy and a girl. They're both fine. And, your brother named them for you.

Woman: No No No! Not my brother. He's an idiot! What did he name the girl?

Doctor: Denise.

Woman: Ohh, that's actually a nice name. What about the boy?

Doctor: [deeply sighs] Denephew.
GamezRanker: Fixed your typo ;D
Funny :)

joppo: According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
You don't say!

GamezRanker: Joppo could also be an F protecting another F with a fake investigation result....just pointing out that that is another possibility.
True. Another possibility is I'm L and he's reporting me correctly even though he's F to gain my trust and also ties us together so I get dragged down later on when it turns out he ditched an L during his term. That was the thing I was considering previously and still am, I suppose. We could also be both L but right now Joppo is neutral to me and so fart there isn't too much strong evidence bumping him up to towards the Liberal side.

supplementscene: He could choose to test the next president - either 03. Pooka
We don't want power play positions for people we know nothing about, right? With that in mind I'm against nominating Pooka considering he didn't get the investigation. ZFR is still OK in my book for a pick. Alternatively, what about Maxleod again? He's after ZFR and he originally didn't have the choice to do whatever or at least that's what the current narrative is. Is there a benefit in testing him again right away? If he proves himself with a choice it would mean he and Joppo aren't scum together. Actually it may not as F!Maxleod would be a step ahead currently and maybe could afford to pass on L for the sake of appearances. Maybe not a good idea after all.

Anyway, I think right now my personal choice would be ZFR but let's hear what everyone has to say.

supplementscene: I will be voting Ja for Dedo either way as he has been investigated Liberal.
Didn't you say you'd only vote for a non-you government in the face of top-decking?
GamezRanker: Fixed your typo ;D
dedoporno: Funny :)

joppo: According to our dear mod, Dedo is a Liberal
dedoporno: You don't say!

GamezRanker: Joppo could also be an F protecting another F with a fake investigation result....just pointing out that that is another possibility.
dedoporno: True. Another possibility is I'm L and he's reporting me correctly even though he's F to gain my trust and also ties us together so I get dragged down later on when it turns out he ditched an L during his term. That was the thing I was considering previously and still am, I suppose. We could also be both L but right now Joppo is neutral to me and so fart there isn't too much strong evidence bumping him up to towards the Liberal side.

supplementscene: He could choose to test the next president - either 03. Pooka
dedoporno: We don't want power play positions for people we know nothing about, right? With that in mind I'm against nominating Pooka considering he didn't get the investigation. ZFR is still OK in my book for a pick. Alternatively, what about Maxleod again? He's after ZFR and he originally didn't have the choice to do whatever or at least that's what the current narrative is. Is there a benefit in testing him again right away? If he proves himself with a choice it would mean he and Joppo aren't scum together. Actually it may not as F!Maxleod would be a step ahead currently and maybe could afford to pass on L for the sake of appearances. Maybe not a good idea after all.

Anyway, I think right now my personal choice would be ZFR but let's hear what everyone has to say.

supplementscene: I will be voting Ja for Dedo either way as he has been investigated Liberal.
dedoporno: Didn't you say you'd only vote for a non-you government in the face of top-decking?
I have more information now we have an investigated Liberal. I wouldn't be voting for you if Joppo had investigated someone else as Liberal.

Firstly I want to address you saying Maxleod can't be fascist if he plays the very first Liberal policy with you. If you believe this you don't understand the basic premise of the game. Fascists will play many liberal policies to get Liberals trust and to play as President again where they can perhaps silently drop liberal policies. A fascist may even choose to play the 4th Liberal policy, which is a big risk. The first 3 are far less risky.

From your point of view there should be no difference between Pooka and ZFR. You want to test a future president by seeing if they pass a Liberal policy as Chancellor. The fact you favour could be suspect or you could be reading into this 'power position' as if it is a real thing. It isn't. If Pooka's government passes after he plays a Liberal policy with you it has no advantage, than if it passes if you pick ZFR. Personally I think you should test a future president before letting them be a president.

Maxleod can't play again this turn because he's term locked and you shouldn't want to play him again either. Because from your point of view it's possible Joppo and Maxleod have dropped 2 Liberal policies between them. It's rare but it does happen. Or Joppo could have tried to get his Hitler into play, given him a Liberal policy and he's covering for .

Ofcourse Joppo and Maxleod can be Liberals too but it's wise to look at all possibilities