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Great as the Sphinx, powerful as the pharaohs, more time-consuming than building the pyramids.

Pharaoh + Cleopatra, a city management gem from the creators of Caesar III and Zeus + Poseidon, is available now on for only $9.99.

You cannot get any better in terms of PC city building: all of the experience in making fantastic construction and management games of Impressions Games (Caesar and Zeus series), and all of the publishing expertise of legendary Sierra Entertainment, combine with a dash of the fascinating world of the Sphinx, Pyramids, and the Egyptian Gods and some historical knowledge, and you've got yourself Pharaoh + Cleopatra. It’s a SimCity type of game but with more content than sand in the Sahara Desert. Building, trade, farming, health care, immigration, military, and, of course, building monuments and temples to please the gods.

Pharaoh + Cleopatra offers not only gorgeous 2D isometric graphics (and hieroglyphic buttons!) with flawless game design, but is an “Egyptology for Dummies” text-book as well: the richly detailed world, dependent on the great Nile and its flows, the wild animals, the great heights and the tragic lows. This game stays true to chronological order of national disasters, births and deaths of notable leaders, and the founding and fall of ancient cities in the history of Egypt.

Pharaoh + Cleaopatra should come with a notice: it’s extremely addictive, time- and eyedrop- consuming, if applied without caution may result in sleep deprivation and extreme interest in ancient cultures of Nile Valley. You have been warned, but it might be too late, since Pharaoh + Cleopatra is available now on for only $9.99.
YOu're awesome GOG;, such a beautiful game and finally see it here. Thank you!!!!
So many games I want. And now this happens. But thanks GOG for releasing this great game!
Fred_DM: so i look elsewhere if i want something, no matter if it may eventually come to GOG or not.
I do agree with this. If you really want to play the game, don't feel like you have to wait for it to come to a specific store.
Very good release.
I forgot about this game! I saw it somewhere like a decade ago and thought it looked cool, but I never got around to buying it. Then I forgot about it until right now.

I can't wait to play it! I love you GOG!
Fred_DM: ... what's stopping GOG from saying - one way or another - what releases they have planned for the rest of the year, or at least the next few months?

every other digital distributor has a 'coming soon' section....
It's actually a good point. Now it's understandable because GOG is trying new waters regarding new games and I don't think they know "this is the deal" months before the actual release. In the future, I'd definitely like to see this section here, so I'll know I am going to save my money on new release for GOG.

By the way, there is a request of similar matter:
Post edited May 24, 2012 by Mivas
It's said, and it's a fine point, that GOG doesn't know which games are 100% that will be playable on modern PCs, so they don't make coming soon section.
Finally!! I love this game, the best in the series in my opinion :)
Hey, this is my childhood game: I´ve played this game back in ´99 (and with breaks several subsequent years), tried to beat it, when I realized, I´m not into strategies :P

Definitely a good strategy game, just not my type of game - sorry, I´ll pass.
One of my favorites but I like Zeus more cause I hate starting every mission from scratch (which is what I hate about Emperor too) but like Fred_DM I already have the physical copies of all of them
Wishlisted to buy in promo (never harm to have a digital copy too)
keeveek: I can't see any reason to buy C2 if you have C3 other than nostalgia / collecting games.
SLP2000: Which is a perfect reason.

If someone would ask me wheter i want Civ 1 or Civ 2, 3, 4 or 5 on GOG, I'd go for Civ 1 without a doubt. But I suppose some would say that there's no reason to buy/play Civ 1 other than nostalgia.
If it's free, get it on here as a freebie. :-)
Well, this was expected after Zeus + Poseidon. Thanks GOG!
Fred_DM: what's stopping GOG from saying - one way or another - what releases they have planned for the rest of the year, or at least the next few months?
Part of the reason could be that because the games are old and some need fiddling with to remove the DRM, they aren't sure if and when they can release something. Some games copy-protection is so integrated, its nigh impossible to remove, and if GOG announced a game as 'coming soon' and then didn't deliver, the amount of grumbling and whining here would be... Hilarious.
Gonadius: Some games copy-protection is so integrated, its nigh impossible to remove, and if GOG announced a game as 'coming soon' and then didn't deliver, the amount of grumbling and whining here would be... Hilarious.
I don't think, that in 2012 copy protection from 90's could be any trouble...
keeveek: It's said, and it's a fine point, that GOG doesn't know which games are 100% that will be playable on modern PCs, so they don't make coming soon section.
True. Last year (or the year before?) I remember that one of them said in the interview that games made for Win95 were a nightmare to beat into submission when they were trying to make them work on modern systems. They seemed to always take longer than you think they should to sort out.
Post edited May 24, 2012 by photoleia