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Alright, here's mine. And for the benefit of Rodzaju, pro-town! :)

You are: Sranadha -- Omniscient (Corruptor)

Sranadha, the Ghost of Eighty-One Hands, is an Omniscient who presides over Corruption. Vaulted out of the Autumnal Abyss aeons ago, Sranadha has ambitions higher than the majority of her brethren, most of whom chose to die, their corpses becoming the stars which still burn with uncontained empyrean despair. Sranadha, along with five others, known as the Wyrds of the Pond when they still dwelled in the Qliphotic blackness, has chosen to try to re-establish herself as Controller and Advocate of this world, as her race was in the last. To this end she battles with the other four Omniscients, all former Wyrds. It is her hope to gain a foothold as the deity of a small community, then use that fount of belief to push her higher.

Win Conditions: You win when all anti-town factions are dead and you are the last Omniscient in the game. You cannot be Controller and Advocate without followers: if the town is dead, you cannot win. You cannot fight the powers of your Brethren without an earthly form: if you are killed, you cannot win.

Post Restrictions: The Omniscients work in secret. You cannot name your role, alignment or name. You cannot claim any role other than Town Vanilla. You are not required to claim. You cannot divulge any information about the other Omniscients: the mortals would not believe you.

Powers: You know the names and roles of all other Omniscients.
Damnation: Tlistyr -- Omniscient (Puppeteer)
Bazilisek: Geverid -- Omniscient (Emboldener)
Vitek: Rasaem -- Omniscient (Illusionist)
???: Qoliphel -- Omniscient (Veiler)
Your mortal vessel is Tiffany Harris, Town Vanilla.
Night action: You may pick a player to bless with the power of deceptive persuasion. The day after you offer this blessing, the player may add one extra vote to their vote count or pick another player to remove a vote from. This power can only be used once.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.

Damnation's was pretty much the same.
Night 1 Nmillar
Luke sees a chance to check and see if someone is home. They're an outside but one who seems to catch a lot of suspicion. Maybe he can prove those suspicions right.

He drives up to the hotel he heard the fellow stayed at last. He notices that the outsider's car is parked and he appears to be sitting in it. Odd, huh? He sits and watches for a few hours but the person never moves. Walking up to the car slowly, his suspicion that there's a dead body in there is (thankfully) proven wrong: the outsider appears to have passed out in the front seat.

With no more to go on, Luke leaves for his house. What an anti-climax.

Night 2 Twilightbard
Luke Testa grasps desperately for the pill bottle for another Xanax to banish the horrors as he drives slowly to the house of a local man. Local in the "lived here long enough" sense, the fellow was born in Montana according to what Luke found online. What he found online afterwards, when he tried to figure out just what he saw today... perhaps it's best not to talk about the bad omen of a woman taking a .38 slug intracranially and turning into "star rot". Stopping at the house, he notices the lights are off and the car is gone. A rush of panic threatens to overwhelm him, but he swallows that pill he's been nervously twisting in his fingers for awhile now. He waits for a few minutes to catch his breath, then steels himself for the drive home, horrible thoughts flitting through his head.

Night 3 Damnmiller
Luke Testa is much calmer tonight. He's gotten over his ridiculous fear. And that's good: one of the outsiders, a rather quiet one, has piqued his interest -- and he plans on paying them a visit. Stopping the car in front of their house, he lights a cigarette up. Nasty, nasty habit, he started back up yesterday after having quit for a few years. Hmm. Lights are on.

After a moment of indecisiveness, Luke decides to just go talk to the outsider. He swings himself out of his car, locks the vehicle, and stares at the house a little longer, suddenly sort of nervous about knocking. But no, there: a silhouette in one of the windows. There's someone home for sure. He sighs embarrassed relief, throwing in a chuckle at his own expense. So, he's going to just go up and knock and see what's up.

A moment later, a scalpel is gliding up Luke's spine while someone who is very amused whispers in his ear: "Did anyone ever tell you you'd make a nice coat? Haha, I know a tailor in New York who would love to meet you. Best damn coat in the world, but first we've got to get it off of you. Oh no," he says as Luke starts to realize what's happening and squirms away. "Don't struggle now. You don't want to tear the fabric!" Followed by the insertion of the scalpel's blade between two vertebrae, a clean severing of the spine. Luke suddenly thinks crazily of biting the hand covering his mouth, but he soon realizes that won't work, because his attacker is wearing gloves.

"Oh stop that. You'll just hurt yourself, and that'll be very bad for business. A coat like this is so hard to find intact because they always struggle. Even just biting my hand can cause little rips."

Suddenly Luke tries to whip his head back to strike his attacker, who is standing too far back. After that, Luke gives up entirely, having failed to even mark the killer and unable to run away regardless.

He's still conscious as he's driven to the deserted town square and thrown in the fountain to drown, while his skin is neatly folded above him and the water turns a deep red.


So, member of my own faction wanted to kill me? Cool ==

You are: Mary Wayford -- Town Coroner Mason

Mary Wayford is a cynical young lady who was sucked into Jamie Heath's club almost by accident. Jamie and Mary had long been good friends, and with the recent murder she needed help. Mary is just the person to help. Skilled with getting her way despite all odds, she often finds her way onto and back off of crime scenes with plenty of new ideas to go around from what she's seen. It's too bad she needs to work with Chris Spack too. That slacker needs to do some work for once too. But she doesn't begrudge Jamie her choice of friends, so she tries her best to be peaceful.

Win Conditions: You win when all threats to the town are removed in some fashion, even if you yourself die.

Post Restrictions: Your club is doing things that are dangerous and illegal in the pursuit of an end to the madness: you may not roleclaim (Mason)*
* amended in other PM

Powers: You know the names and roles of your mason partners.
Robbeasy: Chris Spack -- Town Mason
QuadrAlien: Jamie Heath -- Town Mason
You may chat with your mason partners at any time using the following URL:
Night action: Once per night you may check the crime scene of any prior nightkill or lynch and try to find clues. There is no limit to how many times you may use this power.
I have to admit, this really isn't making things any clearer....
OK, here we go.

You are: Rasaem -- Omniscient (Illusionist)

Rasaem, the Vengeful Glass Upon Salted Ground, is an Omniscient specializing in avoidance and misdirection. He was one of the last to exit the Autumnal Abyss before the universe had been properly born. Most of his brethren turned the space of the mortal universe into a graveyard, stars marking their final resting place for eternity. But when Rasaem was finally ousted from his former position as Controller and Advocate in the Abyss, he decided to meet up with his old circle to set things right in this strange new world. The Wyrds of the Pond, as they were known before the stars of this world entered from another, decided to look for a foothold of power. In their travels they grew cruel and cold, and no longer wished to share. Finally, they all set their sights on the same small spot on the same small world. But the small community of Oaken Den will only accept one deity.

Make it Rasaem.

Win Conditions: You win when all anti-town factions are dead and you are the last Omniscient in the game. You cannot be Controller and Advocate without followers: if the town is dead, you cannot win. You cannot fight the powers of your Brethren without an earthly form: if you are killed, you cannot win.

Post Restrictions: The Omniscients work in secret. You cannot name your role, alignment or name. You cannot claim any role other than Town Vanilla. You are not required to claim. You cannot divulge any information about the other Omniscients: the mortals would not believe you.
Powers: You know the names and roles of all other Omniscients. [/i]
Nmillar: Sranadha -- Omniscient (Corruptor)
Bazilisek: Geverid -- Omniscient (Emboldener)
Damnation: Tlistyr -- Omniscient (Puppeteer)
???: Qoliphel -- Omniscient (Veiler)
Your mortal vessel is Jim Kennedy, Town Vanilla.
You may escape any attempt to lynch you. This power may only be used once.
You have no night actions.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.

Another not-anti-town role.

And much more pro-town than Corruptor I think. :-)

Who the hell is the serial killer and who is the Veiler?
Post edited September 27, 2011 by Vitek
nmillar: Damnation's was pretty much the same.
What ability Damantion had?
Vitek: who is the Veiler?
You are: Qoliphel -- Omniscient (Veiler)

Qoliphel, the Resplendent Bone Palm, is an Omniscient whose presence is always hidden. She is an enigma, part of the Wyrds of the Pond as she was. Foremost of her race, she was the only one of the Omniscients to leave the Autumnal Abyss willingly, eager to find new lands. But her brethren mutilated the sterile blackness when they allowed themselves to die, littering the universe with the flaming carcasses known by humans as stars. She met up afterward with her circle, hoping to use the Wyrds as a footstool to power in this strange graveyard world. And they led her right to the starting place she always needed: the small American town called Oaken Den. She would become its leader.

And she would become the new Controller and Advocate of this world.

Win Conditions: You win when all anti-town factions are dead and you are the last Omniscient in the game. You cannot be Controller and Advocate without followers: if the town is dead, you cannot win. You cannot fight the powers of your Brethren without an earthly form: if you are killed, you cannot win.

Post Restrictions: The Omniscients work in secret. You cannot name your role, alignment or name. You cannot claim any role other than Town Vanilla. You are not required to claim. You cannot divulge any information about the other Omniscients: the mortals would not believe you.

Powers: You know the names and roles of all other Omniscients.
Nmillar: Sranadha -- Omniscient (Corruptor)
Bazilisek: Geverid -- Omniscient (Emboldener)
Damnation: Tlistyr -- Omniscient (Puppeteer)
Vitek: Rasaem -- Omniscient (Illusionist)
Your mortal vessel is Marie Charlotte, Town Vanilla.
The other Omniscients do not know your name and role.
You have no night actions.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.
Post edited September 27, 2011 by Orryyrro
This leaves andy, Sirprimalform and Rodzaju. One of them is definitely murderer. As andy stopped posting I doubt we will learn his role. So this leaves eyeball and Rodzaju. Though Rod was my suspect even after his stop of lynch, Sirprimalform was very reluctant to reveal so I think he had something big to hide. Is it right?
You are: Windom Kappler -- One Shot Vigilante Lyncher

Windom Kappler used to be a top dog in the FBI, but his time as a well-respected agent was short-lived; he quickly started taking the murders he investigated a little too personally. Eventually he was fired for erratic behavior in the middle of a case regarding a string of murders in Fort Kent. He had found the man responsible, but the suits simply wouldn't listen. This could have been something to do with his rambling assertions that some of the murder victims weren't human. After his sacking and disgrace he became a recluse and abandoned society. His obsession over the injustice grew until it consumed him. When Caitie Reid's murder appeared on the news, all of his instincts screamed at him that this was the same killer, it had to be.
The murderer seemed to Windom to be plotting terrific things for the small innocent town of Oaken Den, and he knew what he must do to put a stop to them.

Win Conditions: You win when all threats to the town are removed in some fashion, even if you yourself die. You must either be on the wagon when your target is lynched or responsible for their nightkill. You cannot win if you are killed before your target. If you nightkill the wrong person then you cannot win.

Post Restrictions: You have no post restrictions.

Night actions: Once per night, you may choose a player to investigate. You will discover whether they are killer you are looking for. There is no limit to the number of times you may use this power.
In addition, on any night you may choose one person to kill. This power can only be used once.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.

Please reply soon so I know when to start.

EDIT: Gah, had to redo the italics. Fix your forum software GOG!
Post edited September 27, 2011 by SirPrimalform
Screw you guys! :-P
Funny thing almost all players are power-roles and have more abillities than we, deities.
Fort Kent? Google Maps showed me it's right next to Canadian borders. Do we have some Canadians among us? Right, we do! I hope andy will come around to fill his role.
Vitek: Screw you guys! :-P
Funny thing almost all players are power-roles and have more abillities than we, deities.
Yeah, my ability is that the other people didn't know my identity. Though, you should have figured it out when I hinted that I was an outsider.
My guess at 3 roads to hell?

Damnation: Tlistyr -- Omniscient (Puppeteer)
Bazilisek: Geverid -- Omniscient (Emboldener)
Vitek: Rasaem -- Omniscient (Illusionist)
Orryyro: Qoliphel -- Omniscient (Veiler)
Nmiller Sranadha - Omniscient (corruptor)

Are all in a battle with eachother

Robbeasy - Chris Speck
Quadalien -Jamie Heath
Thiev - Mary Woolford

With the animosity in the group second road to hell?

Confrimed Non groupies
Violator X - Luke Testa (reporter)
Twilightbard - Jack Macgorrian(tracker)
Sirprimalform - Winston Kappler - One Shot Vig

Andy -Leon Faucheux (unconfirmed alien hunter)
Rodzaju - Benjamin Tellier– Mayor(faction unknown)
pazzer - Justin Lang(vanilla)

I think they maybe catie may not have been "dead" afterall otherwise it makes no sense unless Pazzer had rebirth I have no clue

Then again I looked up in the signup thread and it says she needed 14 people yet signed up 16 maybe they wernt backups....
Post edited September 27, 2011 by ViolatorX
ViolatorX: pazzer - Justin Lang(vanilla)
I doubt the vanilla, he knew game-breaking info which required him to edit his post. He may of been of an anti-omniscient faction and Ghost's award of the solution to me may not have been because it's the last post before it went bad. If they were an anti-omniscient faction, his explanation may have given advantage to the omniscients, all the omniscients were known by the other omniscients, except for me, giving me the advantage in who was the target of a lynch.
You are: Benjamin Tellier -- Town Governor

Benjamin Tellier is the good old mayor of the town of Oaken Den. It seems he can't keep the peace too much nowadays, what with the recent killing, but when he feels things are out of hand he can step in and stop it with a single shout of his loud voice. Despite his doddering demeanor he can easily remind people that when he was fighting in World War II, the enemy feared his voice more than his always-dead-center aim. Mostly impotent to stop the slow decline of his town into insanity, however, he usually sits and plays boardgames at home with his grandchildren.

Win Conditions: You win when all threats to the town are removed in some fashion, even if you yourself die.

Post Restrictions: You won't be having any of this newfangled nonsense: you must refer to all possible anti-town forces as Mafia.

Powers: Day actions: You may prevent a lynch from going through. You may only use this power once every other day. You may only use this power three times.
You have no night actions.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.

In order to use day actions, post your action in the topic. I will react accordingly.
Here's mine, but you know most of that already. I have guessed Orry was the Veiler, but I was almost certain SirPF was the voice in the woods. If he wasn't, who the hell was, then?

You are: Geverid -- Omniscient (Emboldener)

Geverid, the Everlasting Shriek of the Oceanic Bell, is an Omniscient who has discarded many of the trappings of secrecy that surround his brethren. Even before his race were forced out of the universe they created and presided over and left to die in the black void of this present world, Geverid acted with boldness and a headstrong nature that other Omniscients, especially within the circle known as the Wyrds of the Pond, found unsettling. Nevertheless, when the rest of his race allowed their deific cadavers to fuel the stars with hatred and sadness, he and the other 4 Wyrds decided that they would continue to live no matter the cost. They split up to search for footholds, and in their long parting grew cold and shallow towards each other. Finally, their eyes collectively rested on the small rural community of Oaken Den. No longer willing to work together, only one Omniscient can survive to become Controller and Advocate of this world.

Geverid wants that to be him.

Win Conditions: You win when all anti-town factions are dead and you are the last Omniscient in the game. You cannot be Controller and Advocate without followers: if the town is dead, you cannot win. You cannot fight the powers of your Brethren without an earthly form: if you are killed, you cannot win.

Post Restrictions: The Omniscients work in secret, but you are no longer bound by their petty laws. You may say anything about your role, up to and including a full roleclaim. However, you cannot divulge any information about the other Omniscients: there are more powers here than you, and they do not take betrayal of trust lightly.

Powers: You know the names and roles of all other Omniscients.
Nmillar: Sranadha -- Omniscient (Corruptor)
Damnation: Tlistyr -- Omniscient (Puppeteer)
Vitek: Rasaem -- Omniscient (Illusionist)
???: Qoliphel -- Omniscient (Veiler)
Your mortal vessel is Zachary Miller, Town Vanilla.
You have no night actions.

In order to use night actions, PM me with the action you wish to take, your target, and any other relevant information. I will PM you with the result.