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Having washed and eaten, Aylar paid Polly a visit early in the evening after the mission. Polly listened to Aylar's report and nodded, agreeing with his assessment in full. She watched as he took out the coordinates she'd requested and came forward to place them on her cabin desk.

"Here be the nautical readings you wanted. Mind letting me know what it be for, or that still be a secret for later?"

Her eyes grew still and sad at his question. "It be the key to our new heading. I wish I could tell ye more, Aylar, in truth. As yet I still be ... restrained. Once I can, ye be knowing the full of it. Until then, I canna do more than ask yer trust."

Geas, the word came to Aylar. A strong one. Polly held his eyes with her own and slowly nodded. Aylar had known what it was to be ensnared, to have his life, his soul, attempted to be bound to a foul evil. Within him an understanding arose. Her intensity against the undead and those who would steal life, ensnare and enslave. Her desire to protect the Crew. She was breaking free, one link of the chain at a time, and there would come a time when she would be free, a time for a reckoning ...and a time when she would tell him, knowing he would understand.

"I be almost done with me current project, and I think ye might find it interesting," Aylar said then, no doubt in him at all that she most certainly would.

In the morning, while most of the others were still at breakfast, Aylar stopped by the healer's shortly after he saw the sign go up.

"Captain Aylar," Aeshma greeted him, smiling, "What may I help with?" As she listened with her ears, she also listened with other senses, but did not interrupt his inquiry. "A geas, or full curse?" she asked. "If you know the source it's easier to trace down the magickal signature or essence. If you have something of that source, it helps even more to unlock their work or weaving. If you happen to know the true name, then I think I can help to lower demon level, possibly above if I can secure a little help here." Aeshma looked at Aylar. "How long also has a bearing, as does the Will of the subjected one." She paused and a slow grin began to tickle the edge of her mouth. "Which I have a strange feeling won't be a problem, Will it?" She winked at him.

"Finding the right gem that resonates with your own inner fey would be of more concern to me in your case than how to work it," Aeshma told him. "It doesn't need to be inlaid or a ring, or even mounted on your weapon. There is insetting it on a belt, or Polly can even stitch it into or onto your clothing. Much depends on what you want it to do, but usually the more personal the better. There is the typical ear piercing, but you also have a wonderful mane and I hear you understand weaving work. Or are you thinking more of a pin or charm we might enhance?" Aeshma gave a light laugh at Aylar's look. "Yes, Captain, I said we. I feel you and since you have your own inner essence it would be best if we incorporate that to make it truly 'yours'." She smiled again. "Now, if you can give me an idea of what we might be looking for, I can see what we might be able to attract to us." With that she took his order for the Potion of Mental Resistance and put it on her to do list.

Aylar enjoyed the celebration and feast. At the bazaar he picked up some spiced jerky and sugar, and a selection of dried fruit. Curious, he looked over the charms. There were the typical charms for love and prosperity, some for fertility, others were for fishing and hunting and a couple guaranteed to grow hair, make you the best island cricket player and one even for singing. There were also 'blank' charms, for taking to your local witch to enchant. Most were of monkeys, carved in wood. A few were either whole shells or carved of mother of pearl or abalone. Yet others were made of carved bone or dried seeds, and a few were entertwined palm leaf, reeds or even cinnamon sticks. There were representations of island wildlife, sealife and symbols. Absolutely none looked like frogs.

(GM Note - Polly needs to wait on Bhrigu to call Aylar back on the sword and other things.)
Post edited November 06, 2023 by bjgamer
[Spectral Rummyfangs / Eternally aboard Polly's Ship]

When the festive celebrations had come to an end and the longboat had finally returned to the Ship, Spectral Rummyfangs hid in the shadows as he watched his crewmates board. They arrived with bellies full, some carrying exotic items purchased on the island, such as spiced jerky and spiced sugar, while others appeared to have Monkey Drop coffee on their breath.

The three phantom patch pirates summoned by Polly earlier had bestowed Spectral Rummyfangs with the power to be visible to the living. He was also happy to have been given back his original pirate's outfit! As eager as he was to test this new phantom feature, he did not want to spook the boarding crew, some of whom were slightly tipsy, which is why he observed them while remaining out of sight. He decided he'd visit them individually, once they had settled down.

"Ahoy matey! 'Tis me! Cap'n Rummyfangs!" Spectral Rummyfangs appeared to Aylar first, for no particular reason. It was a random visit. He spoke with much eagerness, even though he was aware he could not be heard. He waved his arms in exaggerated excitement, uncertain if Aylar could actually see him. But he soon got his confirmation.

Aylar let out a laugh, not really surprised by Spectral Rummyfangs' presence. "So that's who be lobbing something at me when I be at deck!" He was referring to the spectral rumballs, no doubt.

Happy to hear Aylar's reaction, combined with a frustration of not being heard, Spectral Rummyfangs began to gesture all the more frantically. He had so much to say, specifically about learning the Ship's name, that he was eager to share this knowledge and began to use his arms to shape the letters that he had seen. This only gave Spectral Rummyfangs the appearance of engaging in an exotic dance, the likes of which Aylar and the others had witnessed at their celebration with the islanders. It only made Aylar laugh even more and dance along with poor Spectral Rummyfangs.

He decided to try the same with Bellandra. Upon seeing his phantom presence, she managed to pour some kind words after having shaken off her misbelief.

"Kitty! I be glad to see ye among us again! I be sorry we did not save ye in time, but I should have know ye would have some of yer nine lives remaining. Ha, if that drider were still here I bet he'd be scared of ye now!"

Her words made Spectral Rummyfangs break into a hearty chuckle, albeit a ghostly silent one. In response, he repeated his frantic gestures, shaping his arms like the letters he had seen. Again, he looked like he was dancing wildly to some phantom melody, which brought laughter and joy to Bellandra, but not the intended message. Unbeknownst to them all, in a parallel universe from a distant future, there existed a musical troupe calling themselves The Village People who danced a similar dance to Spectral Rummyfangs, while shaping their arms to the letters of Y-M-C-A. But unlike them, this felinoid phantom would not experience their success.

From there, he visited Gilius and then Count Karnstein. He proceeded to make the rounds of everyone on the Ship, including Bhrigu who had recently returned from his travels. He avoided exposing his ghostly figure to the newcomers on board: they did not know him and would probably drop dead at the sight of seeing a felinoid phantom. Though some were startled to see his ghostly sight at first, most were amused by his gestures, laughing and sometimes mimicking his undecipherable rune dance.

Spectral Rummyfangs was content to see them happy to see him. He decided let go of his feelings of frustration and in the end, he too laughed at the silliness of his own antics.
Bhrigu had returned. After he had settled back in and had a meal, he had gone to Polly's cabin. A little over an hour later both went to Navigation and the Ship changed course, pulling in to a small island off the charts that the Brethren occasionally used for repairs. The waters here were warm with calm shallows and the island itself, although small, was idyllic with sandy beaches where sea turtles laid their eggs. An hour later Polly called for Kyp and Argy to her cabin.

Polly bobbed her head at both Kyp and Argy as they came in. "I have a favor to ask of ye both," she told them. "I know it be harder for ye, Argy, but I be concerned. We be sailing into dangerous waters. Here the waters be safe. While we be stopping here for two days, I would ask ye to let Kyp teach ye the basics of how to swim. There is no better swimmer aboard, and I know Kyp will keep ye safe, as will his friends the sea turtles." Polly gave Argy a wink, "His friends who will keep ye safe while ye learn, Argy, not soup."

She then turned to Kyp, "Will ye do this for me, Kyp? Will ye teach Argy the basics of swimming and keep her safe in the water while she be learning? There be at least three sea turtles nearby to help ye."

Polly dismissed them and left them to it. She knew Argy would not become a seasoned swimmer in that time, but if Kyp could teach Argy the basics it would greatly relieve her mind.

Next Polly went to see Refyx, having gotten an excited message from him. Bhrigu had brought back a few new things for the gnome also. She found him with Aeshma and listening intently, immediately sent for Pugwash. The two had come up with a new bolt for Pugwash to test for them from the Crow's Nest on some coconuts they lined up far down the beach. Having heard about the problem with having to behead the zombies, Refyx had come up with the idea of a magic explosive bolt, like a magic missile, but on a much smaller scale so that it would only take off the head, or a limb or the heart without causing a larger area of destruction that might possibly harm Crew fighting nearby. It still should not be used on an enemy a crew mate was fighting with at the time, but it would definitely help with stunned enemies or enemies still approaching. Polly sent Pugwash and Refyx off to do their tests with high hopes.

Count Karnstein used the brief break to take the longboat and test Aeshma's request of him. The Count positioned himself with his back to the ship, making sure of the wind, and released the fog forward. The pipe frosted at the edges, but amazingly it worked! The fog rolled forward, edged with frost and a biting chill, and even the tops of the waves frosted with tiny ice crystals. Aeshma was delighted when the Count told her of his success and gave him the replacement Frost Breath potion and then promptly sent him back out to test her alteration of the sun ointment, telling him to go sun himself on the beach and get a tan for her. ;)

Aeshma also checked on Durik and pronounced him fit enough for duty, releasing him from the infirmary and back to his crew mates. Before he and Dakka went on their way she gave Durik the Cure Poison potion to keep with him and firmly told him not to let Dakka eat anymore poison things without firing them at the enemy or out to sea shortly afterwards.

Occasionally the Crew would hear Aeshma's musical laugh and spot her tinkling one of her bells and dancing along on deck at night while waving a long ribbon in the air. Or she would give little waves while proceeding across the deck. If others wondered at it, she was a half-Aasimir witch, it could be assumed she saw spirits. Tickling Spectral Rummyfangs' nose with one of her feathers, Aeshma laughed again and went back to complete more orders.

Polly had been in with Bhrigu most of that first afternoon. That evening she asked for Aylar to come to her cabin, and to bring 'the item'. When Aylar arrived he saw a long wooden box, intricately carved with ancient writing in a language foreign to him with symbols and warding runes wrought in silver. Inside the box were more runes that graced three locks set to latch a sword securely into place. Beside the box was a pair of red gloves with more embroidered runes and a piece of paper with a set of symbols in certain order.

"Use the gloves," Polly told him. "Do not touch the sword without them. The locks are puzzle locks, no key to be stolen or misplaced. Place the sword inside and lock each lock from top to bottom, by spinning the tumblers and mixing the symbols. Commit the code to memory and destroy the paper, then I be showing ye where we hide it here."

After that was done, Polly asked if Aylar had completed his project. Her eyes glowed with interest.
Post edited November 06, 2023 by bjgamer
bjgamer: then promptly sent him back out to test her alteration of the sun ointment, telling him to go sun himself on the beach and get a tan for her. ;)
Count took ointment, chuckling politely at the mention of tanning. Even if ointment actually works, he considers messing with his "noble complexion", as he calls it, much too extravagant, and indulging in plebeian pastimes, like sunbathing, unworthy of him. However, curious of the results nevertheless, he decided to spend his usual afternoon reading session on the open deck instead of the cabin. So, he applied ointment to his face, neck and hands, set up a deckchair, filled a glass and immersed into the book. And then fell asleep.
Post edited November 07, 2023 by ssling
bjgamer: Bhrigu had returned. After he had settled back in and had a meal, he had gone to Polly's cabin. A little over an hour later both went to Navigation and the Ship changed course, pulling in to a small island off the charts that the Brethren occasionally used for repairs. The waters here were warm with calm shallows and the island itself, although small, was idyllic with sandy beaches where sea turtles laid their eggs. An hour later Polly called for Kyp and Argy to her cabin.

Polly bobbed her head at both Kyp and Argy as they came in. "I have a favor to ask of ye both," she told them. "I know it be harder for ye, Argy, but I be concerned. We be sailing into dangerous waters. Here the waters be safe. While we be stopping here for two days, I would ask ye to let Kyp teach ye the basics of how to swim. There is no better swimmer aboard, and I know Kyp will keep ye safe, as will his friends the sea turtles." Polly gave Argy a wink, "His friends who will keep ye safe while ye learn, Argy, not soup."

She then turned to Kyp, "Will ye do this for me, Kyp? Will ye teach Argy the basics of swimming and keep her safe in the water while she be learning? There be at least three sea turtles nearby to help ye."

Polly dismissed them and left them to it. She knew Argy would not become a seasoned swimmer in that time, but if Kyp could teach Argy the basics it would greatly relieve her mind.
Argy shudders at the idea of being in the bottomless water. She reluctantly agrees, but not without fear in her heart.

Before attending her first swimming lesson, she runs into Grog'tial and hugs him again. This time it's a lasting, strong and sincere hug. The half-dwarf can even notice how she is trembling. She whispers: "Hun, should I..." suddenly blushes "Doesn't matter" She pushes away from him and shouts: "Ho, don't ye dare lookin' at me when me clothes be wet, ye filthy scoundrel!"
She turns back, takes a deep breath and prepares to enter the waters.
Aylar placed the bundled up sword by the box and put on the gloves. Though the writings were unfamiliar to him, he whistled approvingly at the craftsmanship as he inspected the box and felt out the wards. Now sure that the blade would be secure, he quickly unwrapped the cursed sword, placed it inside the box and locked it up as instructed, scrutinizing the code paper for a few moments and tearing it into many a piece after, letting them fly and scatter out of the hatched side window to the sea below.

"Aye, that I did," he said after a pause, then took out an item out of his longcoat pocket. Polly saw a complicated charm - the lock of Necrodrider hair caught by several wooden beads covered with intricate fey runes, and interwoven with a selection of decorative threads entrapping it even further. The trinket pulsed with intent, a hexing, a weaving, a claiming, a mighty insult; something terribly old and vengeful and ancestral, like a baneful wailing on the wind.

"Weave their claims into seal, turn their failures upon them, that they be bound themselves and humbled fore you", Aylar recited in a sing-song manner, before flashing a wolfish grin. "I can nae provide to you the exact explanation of its workings, and I nae sure anyone who doesn't carry the blood be even able to draw on it, that how far and deep it runs, but fer some reason I be sure there be boon from it. Some things demand to be manifest, and I was all too glad to be one conduit it into being. Just one thing remains-" With that, he pressed the charm to his own death-touched white lock, and shimmering green tendrils sprang forth from the charm, fusing it firmly into the lock, as if it always grew there. "Hah, I do have it in me!" the redhead captain exclaimed, pleased.
Post edited November 06, 2023 by LordKaylar
ssling: So, he applied ointment to his face, neck and hands, set up a deckchair, filled a glass and immersed into the book. And then fell asleep.
Count Karnstein awoke abruptly as a weight settled into his lap and a cool hand stroked his cheek and forehead. "He's okay, thank goodness!" he heard Aeshma's voice. Then she thwacked his chest, although not too hard.

"That's for scaring us," she said sternly. "I said go get a tan, not try to burn yourself. Honestly, one would expect a little common sense in a gentleman not used to the sun." Her fingers tapped over his beating heart.

"Aeshma," Polly said from her vantage point on the back of the Count's deck chair. "I be appreciating it if ye be not twitterpating me Crew."

"Twitter-what? What are you talking about ..." Aeshma looked down at where she was sitting, then snatched her hand back and stood up. "Oh. Well, the new magickal addition worked."

Polly rolled her eyes then regarded the Count. "While I be glad to know the new formula be working, it be lucky Cap'n Rummyfangs noticed ye just starting to turn a bit red and came to get us. Ye've been under the sun for five hours, Count Karnstein. I be thinking that be a successful test and maybe we be concluding it now." She turned her head and nodded a thanks to Spectral Rummyfangs for coming to get her and Aeshma. Still watching over the Crew with alert Felinoid eyes and ears.

That night, after seeing Aylar in her cabin and ward locking the life and soul-stealing sword, Polly flew to the bow again. As she looked into the distance, her eyes locked onto a star on the edge of the horizon, Aeshma approached.

"You know it's time," Aeshma said quietly. "We all take risks. This one will be mine, and you won't be able to come with me." The half-Aasimar turned and reached out to the spectral feathered crest. "But I trust you. I know you'll hold the line with the Ship at our backs. You need to know that too. You can't do it without the rest of us, and we can't do it without you. It's time. I'm ready. They're ready. You have to brief them." She paused, lowering her hand. "You know I'm right. Trust yourself." Aeshma waited a moment, then with a slight sigh and a tinkling of bells she left back to her cabin.

Polly looked over to where Argy had bravely treaded water in the shallows earlier that day. It had hurt to see how afraid the plucky halfling had been, but it would hurt far worse to possibly lose her in rough seas because she couldn't stay afloat long enough for one of them to get to her. Brave Argy. She also considered Count Karnstein almost 'staked' through the heart, then in his deck chair in the sun testing a way to let him stand fully with the Crew, Kyp bravely ascending to the Crow's Nest to assist the Crew, Captain Baldbeard teleporting into water cold enough to take his breath away to support the Crew's assault, Bellandra walking into the Fortress ready to face a hellhound's fire if need be, Gilius walking into the Grung village ready to face a dark voodoo sorceress with her poisons, hallucinogens and unknown magics. There was Pugwash facing the salt spray everyday taking the watch, or even being aboard at all. Durik facing down his landsickness and carrying not only Dakka, but Argy at times too. Mighty overcoming his indecisiveness to lead a small army into an assault on the Grung. Bhrigu taking on a special mission, alone, and overcoming indecisiveness to seek out and find what they had needed. Then there was Grog'tial, who still thought of himself as alone, planning with the others, putting his own life in danger for them, helping them and whether he realized it or not, trusting them to teleport him in and have his own back. Lastly she thought of earlier that night. Aylar, twice now harnessing his vengeful side to turn it back on their enemies and helping not just himself, but the Crew. One by one they were facing their fears, overcoming their weaknesses. Could she do less? No, she could not.

Aeshma was right, it was time. But not without a backup. The choice was made. The Ship agreed. She turned her head to see Cap'n Rummyfangs taking the night watch. Brave Rummyfangs had literally spit a rumball into the Necrodrider's face. Larissa had run to face the Vampirate Captain to buy time for her crewmates. It was time. Polly gestured to the Cook, who nodded.

Aylar heard the knock at his door and opened it to see the spectral Cook again. This time the Felinoid pointed back to Polly's cabin. As Aylar entered he felt the seriousness of her mood, the magick swirling, straining at the limits. She had grown again, a little, but noticeable, and a bright golden yellow was now just beginning to show at her center pushing the blue outward until now only the tips of her feathers were green.

Polly turned serious eyes upon him. The time had come. "I know ye can feel it, Aylar. The magick be rising. Ye also be knowing it not be against ye, nor the Crew. But be it ever perverted ... be I for any reason compromised ... then run. That be me last request of ye should it ever come to pass ... take the Ship and shield them as ye can. Use everything ye've wrought and if she be with ye, then everything that Aeshma can give ye ... and take them as yer own and run. Nay try to avenge me, for I be me own vengeance. For should it happen, the sea will boil and the sun be outshone, for I be never allowing meself or the magick to be used to force nor enslave another crew again. Ever. Be it come to that, I be doing me best to be takin whatever tries it with me, that be me promise to ye."

Polly then reached down with her beak and pulled a spectral feather from over her heart and dropped it on the desk between them. As she concentrated on it, the feather materialized slowly and turned blood red tipped in crimson. "Take it. I have seen yer working. I ken what ye can do. Use it. Keep it with ye and fly free. Should I lose or should I fall, use it. Use it to shield, to ward, to protect as ye can, or use it to turn any perversion from all ye. I cannot tell ye, but I entrust ye with it."

Aylar returned to his cabin to find the Ship's logbook and a chart on his desk. Flipping open the logbook he saw the coordinates he had given Polly. His experienced eye went to the chart, figuring in his head as his fingers traced the course. Polly couldn't tell him, but she or the Ship was showing him. It was the Triangle. They were headed straight into the very teeth of the Devil's Triangle, and a known graveyard of ships over the strong magickal node there. The node that had once been perverted by a triad of Sea Hag sisters, since supposedly mysteriously vanished, but now also rumored to be home to a corrupt power which turned sea beasts and attracted the foulest of sea creatures to itself.

A triad of Sea Hag sisters ... a strong geas ... a rising magick. Aylar looked at the feather. Use it, she had said. Keep it with ye and fly free. He would have to talk to the witch in the morning.
Post edited November 07, 2023 by bjgamer

Mighyt was keeping it to himself lately, he hesitated to return to ship and once he did, he spent most of the time in the storage area of the ship not wanting to speak with anyone nor taking part in any of the crew activities. Even his parrot Cracker, neglected by him proffered to spend time with Polly.

Three-headed Monkey, when it appeared on ship, was all over the place so Mighty was sure it will stay on the Island. Long time ago he made a promise to a Voodoo Lady that he will take care of this strange creature, but he also knew he was bound by Pirate Oath to continue the voyage.

Finally when delegation of cannibals and monkeys came to hear his decision, Mighty said:
“Mighty was thinking long and hard, maybe too hard for some wooden things on the ship. Mighty decided he needs …”

Suddenly all three heads started making squeaking sounds, to his relief he knew what they were saying, but chieftain of the cannibals translated for the rest of the crew:“The Son Of Monkey God herby frees Mighty The Mighty Matey form his servitude, he should continue his voyage. This is the will of The Son Of Monkey God.”

Half-orc was feeling a tears moving to his eyes, not wanting anyone to see him crying, he said: “There are few cracked barrels and crates under the deck, Mighty will need to go back and take some time to repair them, so Mighty will go now!” and quickly moved downstairs.

When the ship was setting off crowd of monkeys and cannibals led by cannibal chieftain and Three-Heded Monkey gathered to bid farewell to the crew for the last time. One of the Monkey heads noticed sad face of Mighty looking at them from a the gun port under the deck. All three heads grinned cheerfully, knowing better than him, that one day he will return to Monkey Island.
Post edited November 07, 2023 by Sulibor
bjgamer: Polly bobbed her head at both Kyp and Argy as they came in. "I have a favor to ask of ye both," she told them. "I know it be harder for ye, Argy, but I be concerned. We be sailing into dangerous waters. Here the waters be safe. While we be stopping here for two days, I would ask ye to let Kyp teach ye the basics of how to swim. There is no better swimmer aboard, and I know Kyp will keep ye safe, as will his friends the sea turtles." Polly gave Argy a wink, "His friends who will keep ye safe while ye learn, Argy, not soup."

She then turned to Kyp, "Will ye do this for me, Kyp? Will ye teach Argy the basics of swimming and keep her safe in the water while she be learning? There be at least three sea turtles nearby to help ye."

Polly dismissed them and left them to it. She knew Argy would not become a seasoned swimmer in that time, but if Kyp could teach Argy the basics it would greatly relieve her mind.
"I am not much of a teacher I think but I can try!!"

*Kyp gets near by sea turtles to come to aid in the swimming activies.*

"Allll right... Argy come here and we will begin the lessons. First thing you need to do is not drown, now this might sound like mission impossible but it will be easy. First test we should start with is just jumping into the water and trying to tread water. The best way to get over any fear Argy is by facing it head on"
"Twitter-what?" - deeply confused Count Karnstein said simultaneously with Aeshma, then silently listened to the rest of discourse above him, trying to understand what the blazes just happened.

"Well, ladies, I struggle to understand what all the fuss is about. Shouldn't we celebrate? Eh, women, women... Fortunately it was good Cap'n Rummyfangs overseein' the test an' didn't allow fer half-assed job. Five hours y'say..." - Count paused, looking at the bottle next to deckchair, standing in the sun the whole time, and concluded with disappointment: "The only valid reason to be mad is right there."
Post edited November 07, 2023 by ssling
GM Message to all Crew: Last Mission, but not the End.

This will be the last Mission - for now. I will be concluding the Giveaway part of this Pirate Day GA at the end of Mission 4. I will also be concluding this part (Part 1) of the Voyage dungeon game after this mission. I have enjoyed this tremendously, and appreciate every one of you who signed on. It has been a lot of fun and I hope you've all had fun as well. However, this has demanded a lot of time, and I know many of you have felt that also. We are heading into the holiday season for most of us, which has its own demands, and I have some RL things I really need to take care of. So I am proposing a break. As I said above, this is not the end. Part 2 of the story takes place across the Veil, in the Weirding Sea. I am looking to run Part 2 - the Conclusion - after the holidays, during a usually slower time of the year for many of us. At that time I also propose to increase the time between turns to 3 or 4 days, to allow all of us to breathe a little easier time demand wise. I would appreciate your feedback on this.

Current living Crew members (and resident Spectral Felinoid) would have their Crew spots reserved. I would especially like to see: Argy, Aylar, Bellandra, Captain Baldbeard, Cap'n Rummyfangs, Count Karnstein, Gilius and Grog'tial return as their own personal stories have tie-ins with Part 2, across the boundary of the current world upon (and under) the Weirding Sea. This is not to say I would not gladly welcome Bhrigu, Durik, Kyp, Mighty and Pugwash. It simply means that I do not yet have a fully fleshed out personal story connection for them within the Weirding Sea, and Mighty's story was mainly tied to Monkey Island, as Kyp's is to Mission 4.

As such, Mission 4 is shaping up to be a heroic and complex mission. Rather than rush the Briefing, I had less time this past weekend than I thought, I am pushing it to tomorrow (my time) to give time to completing some interim interactions ... although feel free to continue those during briefing turn ... and to get a better handle on the Briefing since this means I am combining two missions into one and am trying to balance them without overwhelming the Crew completely. (The GM is not really trying to kill you, it just seems like it sometimes. Honest. :P ) Due to this, in story (in-game) time will be increased to allow for more orders as Aeshma and Refyx will be gaining new items. Also, those who already ordered bolts or potions and want to switch those may do so once the Briefing is posted, as the Briefing and Loot Items may alter your choices.
Post edited November 07, 2023 by bjgamer
Glad to have gotten in before everything moved forward!
Captain Baldbeard gives his thanks, and gently tinkles the bell, his ears ringing with feelings of fellowship as he inhales the scent, trying to place it more thoroughly. Inspired, he does a few trills on his harmonica as well, before asking the witch what manner of useful spell he could cast on his currently benign cudgel.
For the next day, Grog'tial wanders the deck in a daze, as his mind is spinning out ever more elaborate what-if scenarios which would allow him to rush home and somehow... do what? No, Polly remains his best bet to get to this shadowy figure, and now he has twice the reason for doing so.

As he wanders the deck like this, he's suddenly once again accosted by the crazy halfling. What is her deal? He checks his belongings, but everything is still there and unaltered. Is she actually...? He sighs. This is exactly one of those things for which he'd wander by grandma Orig'lat. She'd set his mind straight, and then he could move forward with some purpose. How did that shadowy figure even know that...? ...and why did he start by taking his half-brother in the first place?


Massive thanks to the GM for this incredible first part of the adventure. There's no telling how busy I'll be come the new year, but Grog'tial very, very much expects and hopes to be there for part 2!
Post edited November 07, 2023 by gogtrial34987
babark: Captain Baldbeard gives his thanks, and gently tinkles the bell, his ears ringing with feelings of fellowship as he inhales the scent, trying to place it more thoroughly. Inspired, he does a few trills on his harmonica as well, before asking the witch what manner of useful spell he could cast on his currently benign cudgel.
Aeshma's tinkling musical laugh blended with Captain's Baldbeard's harmonica as she clapped her hands in rhythm. She had always loved music. Considering his question carefully, Aeshma studied him with her 'witching sense'. "Having a weapon that can take the weapon oils can give you more adaptability," she said, "but have you ever considered adding perhaps a more personal gem? I know of one, Black Onyx, which could be enhanced to impart Stamina as well as Strength, thus giving you not only greater force to your cudgel, and all your endeavors, but also stamina to endure and resist those things that would try to sap you ... such as Cold, Disease, Weakness or even Poison to an extent. It would enhance your natural abilities to endure the rigors of the hunt, like your sharks, almost tirelessly, and increase your physical attributes and damage while your pack takes care of the spectral side of things." She winked at Captain Baldbeard. "Polly has acquired such a gem, if you would like I think I could persuade her to give it to me to work it for you ... while reminding her of what a good idea you have."

Their second day at the island had seen most of the Crew more relaxed. Most, but not all. Mighty was still on repair duty. Oh, Polly had understood his emotion and the terrible choice between vows this mightily loyal member of her Crew had felt so deeply until Monkey had released him. That release too had come with a sacrifice, but she was sure Mighty would see Monkey again and she made sure to tell Mighty so and to bolster his spirits ... then ordered him to repair her ship! She smiled inside as she remembered the "Aye Aye ma'am, Mighty fixing!", but the duty was just what Mighty needed to improve his mood and settle his heart.

Argy had also not had a relaxing time of it, but Argy had come a long way in the swimming lessons and had even gotten to ride on a sea turtle's back when she'd gotten tired. Polly smiled inside. Kyp, for all his thinking he wasn't much of a teacher, had still done a wonderful job and had maybe even shown Argy a little bit of fun ... mostly in the shallower parts admittedly. Still, that was one worry off Polly's mind. Which still left ...

She sighed. Polly had watched and tried to leave it alone, but he was one of the Crew, and he was suffering where he need not, lesson or no. She caught Grog'tial at the stern. Looking backwards instead of forwards, like looking into the past, she wondered. She glided silently in, in a way her own kind could, knowing she would startle him out of his thoughts, and landed on his shoulder this time, so he could feel the sudden influx of warmth, and a type of calm comfort her kind could also impart when they wanted to ... even in her current spectral form.

Her voice this time was gentler. "Grog'tial, would ye like me to send an inquiry? To see if perhaps one of me contacts can trace her essence, try to be getting confirmation or eyes on her ... maybe, and I cannot guarantee this mind ye, to be adding some small protection around her?" She regarded him carefully, trying not to push but to rather think in his way. To his way, an offer such as this should come with a condition. Her way was not his, but if it could also help the Crew, could she talk his language this once?

"I would do this for ye if ye ask it. But I tell ye true again, we need to get past this next Mission to open the doorway we must use to get into that other place. It may not be the same place she be, or even where this figure be now, but it be the place I last knew him to be, and Captain Baldbeard and his sharks be very good at tracking. But we be needing yer head in the game, Grog'tial, in the planning, not battering yerself with 'what ifs'. We be needing to get through the here and now, to be able to find the trail to the there and then." Polly cocked her head, considered one more tidbit of truth. "It also be where Circeana can be freed from her enemy, and as part of the Crew ye can do so with the Crew and I with ye in that. A favor she cannot ignore from ye. Think on it and let me know. Ye have only to ask me, Grog'tial. Ye may not understand that completely yet, and I may not always be granting yer requests or questions, but I never truly ignore them."

She left him with that and his thoughts, hoping he could hear this once a caring for that part of him lost so deep inside that had once also cared.

The sun was just descending on the horizon as Polly watched from the bow, trying to banish any doubt from her mind. Polly did not fear death. Perhaps because her kind did not truly know it the way that others did. Oh, she was mortal, but her kind knew that a part of them continued, had always known. Most all things continued, actually, it was just her kind had the knowledge of it consciously, and so fear never became a part of them. But taking the mantle of Guardian and Guide had perhaps taught her to care a bit more than others of her kind usually did. No, she did not fear her own death, but she had to be able to trust her own magick again, her own instinct to protect ... but that was precisely what 'they' or 'it' had used against her before. To possibly have her magick be turned against those in her care, to possibly be turned into the instrument of not their physical deaths, but their entrapment and enslavement of their spirits .... Never again! She turned from her contemplation at the bow to see Aylar on the Quarterdeck, his hand upon the wheel. Earlier he had toured the Ship, making sure of the restocked provisions and Mighty's repairs. Had she done right, or had she condemned him? She had not thought to make the choice so soon.

A whisper came from behind her. A touch upon her own soul. No doubt, only acceptance. Aeshma had always had a touch of the Sight, except for herself, and somehow Aeshma had known. Odd, it came to her then, that for all the things her kind could do, and all the magicks they summoned, that was one they didn't have. Swift in battle, purposeful in protection, strategic in nature and Fury incarnate once moved to anger or vengeance, but not that. Thinking back to the very first boarding, the Ship had also known. It had called those it needed, and those who needed it. It was time to finish this part of it, and she could not do so alone. Polly's eyes went to the fey charm attached to the white lock of Aylar's hair and couldn't help a smile inside. Turn your enemy's own magicks against them indeed. Did he also know the purely rakish look it gave him beyond the protections? Probably, she thought, the knowing would please him even more. Ah, Aylar, ye have learned to harness yer vengeance into a sharp blade indeed. And I will learn from ye.

As if feeling her gaze, Aylar looked up. Polly nodded to him and watched him set their course, felt the Ship responding. The spectral energies had shed the greenish hues now for the royal blue into deep indigo tinged with a purple and the barest touch of flickering red. Red was one of her colors too, if he but knew it. It would be the final color.
Post edited November 07, 2023 by bjgamer
After the mission at the Grung village, Gilius is glad to have overcome the assault and still be alive. He felt flattered when the Count praised him as well as Grog'tial for their assistance when he was badly hurt. He smiled at the Count for his compliments that pleased him to the utmost.
He greeted Aeshma aboard the ship and was quite curious and worried about what she was doing here. Could it be that she was doing some voodoo stuff ?

At the cannibals' celebration party, Gilius spends all his time stuffing himself with every possible meal and drink (except the coffee) until his belly is about to explode. After what, he finds some long chair near the beach to rest while listening to the music, burping all the day long to his entire satisfaction enjoying the present moment.

After returning to the ship, Gilius was overjoyed to spot Rummyfangs once again and immediately ran towards him to stroke him and his fur... only to be disappointed to see his hand go right through him ! Understanding his new form, he was still sad, although the fact of seeing him again cheered him up a bit. At least he was still there... even though it was no longer the same him.

Gilius also returns the magical lantern to the crew inventory to be available again. He then checks Refyx and Aeshma fo potential orders but it seems that they are already busy for now so he will wait for another time.