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"Good day, I'm sure you recognize me. No need to bow. You may address me as Your Highness. And your name is? Anyway, to business. I'm sure the paperwork has been sent over, but in case it hasn't yet arrived, I've just bought this fort, and as new legal owner, am performing my due diligence inspection of the property and it's staff. I expect a full tour of the grounds, and all questions answered to our satisfaction. These are my court officials, surveyors, and legal team here, and I've also brought along some prisoners with which to test the quality and security of the cells here. Now then, does anybody have initial questions for this gentleman? What was your name again?"
Post edited October 12, 2023 by servobeupstry
Count Karnstein had a big smile and opened arms widely when saw an officer approaching them.
"Ahh, finally the famous fortress! Please don't mind our lil' jester, I can vouch that no fete was a fiasco wit' this sideshow, harr harr! We didn't have a chance to meet yet, comrade. I be the captain of Denuvo. This red devil 'ere is me first mate, and this grumpy lookin' fella is our bean counter. He has some borin' business to resolve wit' yer bookkeepers - in matter o' fact best would be takin' care o' this trifle immediately, before we'll get properly soused, harr harr! This 'ere is our master chef - as ye may know, we take cuisine very seriously on Denuvo. An' this one 'ere is me personal biographer. Know what biography is? Ha, it's a book! About me 'n me deeds, no less! Harr harr harr! I had a hunch that our carousing t'night will be stuff worthy o' legends, so I took him along. Speakin' o' which, is feast ready? Can't wait fer some entertainment. Lead on, friend! Ah, and these filthy wretches need be escorted to cells."

If commander will buy this story, Count will follow him for now, awaiting further developments. In case in the meantime our ruse is detected or fort crew is alarmed by any means, he will try kill commander quickly: by breaking his neck, if surprise attack from side/behind will be possible, or by slashing him with saber otherwise.
Post edited November 09, 2023 by ssling
Running late, Foggy takes a Potion o' Force Resistance 'n a Gillyweed. He be excited t' go in as a captive wit' the Trident disguised as a fork. "The fore line!" he exclaims, crackin' his knuckles. "Crow, ye will follow us at a distance. Do ye needs a special outfit?" He said t' his heartie.

If Captain Baldbeard is ready to teleport then I go with him

Else observe the fort from the crows nest to look for a potential path or plan for what to do after getting in the fort.
Bellandra nodded respectfully to the fortress commander, then spoke carefully avoiding her usual pirate accent. "Lord commander, these affairs of the Captain and Her Highness are above my pay grade. My task is simply to guard the prisoners and deliver them securely to their appointed place. If you permit I'd like to proceed, while you discuss further with my superiors. I imagine it will be more pleasant to tour the facilities without these stinking wretches offending your sensibilities."
Post edited October 12, 2023 by DiffuseReflection
[Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs / Fortress Courtyard]

Cap'n Rummyfangs kept a very discrete profile while Bellandra, Durik and Mighty shielded him and the other 'prisoners' from prying eyes. He listened attentively to his crewmates speak with the human Fortress Commander, but kept his head low, never looking up at any of them. His cursed patchworks provided a convincing cover: overly large loose dirty shirt and breeches which helped conceal his rapier with the tip well wrapped and now looking like a bandaged part of a crooked tail.

"I ain't a gentleman o' fortune Cap'n!" he thought to himself, taking his role as prisoner to heart. "I be a traitorous, feckless bilge rat captive, weak an' tired from many moons chained at sea."

Though Cap'n Rummyfangs kept a quiet and absent presence, he nonetheless kept his wits about him, keeping an eye and an ear on alert, ready to reach for his rapier if needed. For now, his personal mission was to assume the role of an insignificant captive.

Should anyone at any time address him a word or try to poke a reaction from Cap'n Rummyfangs, he would continue to keep his mouth shut (he mustn't expose his rummy fangs!), perhaps even feign to be a mute or too fatigued to respond, never to look anyone in the eye and never to unseal his lips. He was a harmless low-life, afterall.

Should his crewmates' conversation with the Fortress Commander (or any other official or guard) appear to be raising suspicion or if the conversation were to reach an unpromising resolution, Cap'n Rummyfangs was prepared to provide a most unusual and most awkward distraction: he would fart. It was a tactic that had served him well in the past when trading with pestilent swindlers. If things needed to move along more swiftly, Cap'n Rummyfangs kept his fart deadly silent. But when confronted with a conversation that needed a quick bailout, then he made sure to release a fart that sounded like a squeaking clarinet.

Should his crewmates' exchange with the Fortress Commander be running a very favorable course, then, obviously, Cap'n Rummyfangs would not be releasing any wind of any kind!

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / 1 x fire resistance potion / 1 x healing potion / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)
Post edited October 13, 2023 by matterbandit
Durik was just a guard, so he was silently keeping an eye on his "prisoners" while checking around.
But he was ready for action in case of problems.
Post edited October 13, 2023 by phaolo
Argy walks with a distracted air around the courtyard, taking care of the position of the guards around, which doors seem to be open or at least not unlocked and any possible threats the party hadn't yet noticed. Once done, she'll quietly inform Bhrigu and Karnstein about her findings.
If she arises the suspicion of the guards, she'll timidly reply that she was looking for a discreet place to answer the call of nature. If caught by a single guard (specially one with orcish blood) she'll offer a sleep cake.
Aylar stays stationed by Count Karstein's side, watching "his Captain's" antics and the Captain guard's reaction at such with only a cursory attention, flicking unseen dust from the velvet sleeves of his black jacket or adjusting his scarlet ascot slightly, his eyes occasionally scanning the area in search for something perhaps more interesting than a gaggle of court nobility or worse, a gathering of wretched prisoners or simple guards. He's acting bored and perfunctory; he should be back at the ship or in a battle, and yet here he his, accompanying his Cap'n on such trifle matters.

He inclines his head slightly at a mention of the feast, but otherwise displays no interest in the conversation; if it all goes well enough that the Count prepares to follow the guard captain, he will quietly inquire for any "orders"; (namely, implying if he should accompany him or keep an eye on anyone else of their "crew").
aCyborg: Kyp

If Captain Baldbeard is ready to teleport then I go with him

Else observe the fort from the crows nest to look for a potential path or plan for what to do after getting in the fort.
I be ready, but if you have some ideas, go ahead and plan!
Mighty The Mighty Matey

Mighty has been asked to play as role of half-orc guard. As always he broke big problem into two smaller problems: playing role of half-orc and playing role of guard. Being half-orc resolved first problem. Having guard uniform resolved the second one.

That’s it.
Infallible orc logic.

How on earth half-orcs received -1 Intelligence modifier was beyond him, it had to be a racial bias.

He confidently waited for the signal to send Cracker to the Ship or to crack as skull as any hald-orc does if a need arises.
Bhrigu will follow Count Karnstein if he manages to fool the fortress commander.
He will also keep his eyes open for anything that might aid their cause.
Keeping with the Count's narrative that Bhrigu is writing a biography of him, he would act like he is taking small notes about their conversation, while actually taking notes with his invisible ink about anything important that comes to his notice.

He will also use his oratorical skills if needed to convince the commander of the validity of their party, though he would speak only if it is needed in accordance with his position as a scribe.

If Argy manages to find any useful information he will take a mental note of it and inform others when the situation permits.

If their ruse falls apart he will help in the fight initially, and then join those heading for the British Room in search of any important map, document, treasure, or other loot.
Sulibor: That’s it.
Infallible orc logic.

How on earth half-orcs received -1 Intelligence modifier was beyond him, it had to be a racial bias.
Frankly, the GM doesn't get it either. Polly's half-orc crew seem to be remarkably intelligent. Must be some fluke, or those agents Grog'tial keeps worrying about. o.O

Legal yada yada: GM specifically denies all accusations of racial bias as based on the norms of D&D GM handbooks, Monster Manuals, generally accepted Rolemaster and fantasy norms and all such conventional GM materials as applies to this forum voyage game. All legal rights and authorizations maintained per the GM Union and acceptable practices. :P
aCyborg: Kyp

If Captain Baldbeard is ready to teleport then I go with him

Else observe the fort from the crows nest to look for a potential path or plan for what to do after getting in the fort.
babark: I be ready, but if you have some ideas, go ahead and plan!
"Ayeeee, might be worth looking out from the crows nest to see if the spot we are teleporting too has guards near by first"

*GM what does the area near where I am teleporting to look like?*
aCyborg: "Ayeeee, might be worth looking out from the crows nest to see if the spot we are teleporting too has guards near by first"

*GM what does the area near where I am teleporting to look like?*
Kyp is waiting for BOTH Captain Baldbeard and Gilius to ascend to the Crow's Nest.
What he sees will be revealed in a few hours. ;)